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(FEOJt OTJB SPECIAL OQBBESPOUDENT.) Tjs Papa, February 15. I have just arrived from Iribanga and Whakamarama, the villages of the Pirirakau, which were attaoked this morning by the Ist Waikatos and Ara- ' was and carried, but, I am sorry to say, with loss of life on our part. Both natives and Europeans be? hayed with great bravery, and the Hauhaus displayed immense courage and skill. Killed.— Thomas Edward Jordan, Engineer Vow. Piivate Jeffs (Opotiki Volunteers). * Wounded,— Private W, 0. Stewart, 4th Company Ist Waikatos, in the leg, severely ; private Mangus, Ist Waikatos, iD left arm, severely; private McMahon, Ist Waikatos, in left arm, severely; Kituo, Ngatiwhakane hapu, in leg; Te Hareti, Ngatipikiao, in side j Morihi, Ngatirangitihi, in leg, severely. I may begin my narrative of events afa last evening, the 14th, when Colonel Haultaia, after consultation with Colonel Harington and Major St. John, issued orders that the whole force should cross the Wairoa at dusk, parade at one o'clock a.m., and march about two to take up a position at Irihanga or attack the place, which it was believed that the natives had again occupied. I may here say that from native information, which is good, I believe that a reinforcement has been received from the Thames. This statement— but I would not bind myself to the particulars — is that Te Hira, the most influential ohief in that district, had reached with fifty men. I crossed the Wairoa about midnight to march with the troops, but on hearing the nature of the road I came to the conclusion that to a tired man, a long night march, fording a pretty deep river thrice, and a bush fight, with the chance of a stray shot, were not the most agreeable things possible. I therefore resolved to wait to see if anything was to be done at Te Irihanga before I went forward. When I awoke this morning, I was told that firing bad begun in the bush, and on going up a hill I could hear the sharp cracks of our rifles, and the boom of the Hauhau muskets. In a very Bhort time afterwards, Mr. H. T. Clarke rode into camp from Te Papa, accompanied by some well-armed natives, and we set out for Te Irihanga on foot, a walk of about six or eight miles. As we went along, we could hear the firing going back into the forest, towards Whakamarama. On carefully reconnoitring at some distanoe, it was evident that Te Irihanga was occupied by the Arawas, and the firing gradually spent itself till only a straggling shot was heard from either side far back in the bush, After an exhausting walk, we got vp the hillside, and amongst the natives, who were busily engaged in making hangis to cook the potatoes that were in acres and acres around. They were evidently in great spirits, and welcomed Mr. Clarke in most jubilant terms. The first inquiry was'f or the casualties, and we learned that as far as the Arawas were oonoerned, they had had none killed, bub three wounded. These men were lying there— three as fine men as in the camp, the very " braves" of their hapus. Dr. Nisbet was dressing the wound of one, while Maoris were treating the wounds of the other two, in their own way. Te Hareti is an especial loss, being one of the beat, if not the very best, bush fighter in the camp. TeWatarauhi, Fox's brother, showed Mr. Clarke that a bullet had passed through his clothes, smashing the stock of his gun. The natives said that but one European had been wounded, astatementwhioh, we were afterwards sorry to hear, was not the case. I ha ye learned the particulars of the fight so far as the natives knew them. Te Irihanga, as I have before mentioned, is at the edge of the forest, on the face of the range that slopes towards Te Papa, It is Penetaka's village, in front of which Sergeantmajor Emus was killed. It was visited before, and the whares burned, but the crops were untouched, and indeed, they would take weeks, if not months, to destroy. There and at Whakamarama, which lies on theLother side of the-jidcrp war* ["niio^. - number of natives, from the other villages which have been destroyed. Our force was led from the WairoabyMr. R.C. Jordan, of the Engineer Company, who, having surveyed that district, is familiar with every part of it. Lieutenant Gandry, of the Engineers, acted as orderly and interpreter to Colonel Baultain. I may interrupt the narrative to say that the Engineer Company were the most useful in the operations in the Tauranga district, taking the lead in the active operations, examining the river for fords, and furnishingguides and interpreters. The force was seen coming up the ridge, and the natives soon opened fire, retiring as the militia and Arawas pressed up. There are three small ridgesinTe Irihanga, before the bush is reached, and at each of them, the rebels or Hauhaus stopped and fired a volley. Quite a race then commenced bebetween the Engineers, the militia, and the Arawas, and, as might have been expected, the latter got first. All our men now understand how fatal it is to stand in the open when the enemy get into the bush, and when that is so, they try a3 soon as possible to put themselves on an equality by also getting amongst the trees. Three of the Arawas were hit before " any casualty had occurred amongst the Europeans. No earthworks had been erected, but the Hauhaus had arranged at each corner of the track to have good places for shooting. Where the fern was breast-high, part of it had been beaten down, making a capital shooting position commanding the tracks, up which, in most places, our men were compelled to advance. The Arawas were led in the most splendid manner by Fox, chief of the Ngatipikiao hapu, who dashed on at their head, dressed in a conspicuous manner. The bush, reaching for about half-a-mile to Whakamarama, was soon cleared, and our force then oame into the open where stood the settlement; and where there areabout thirty acres of splendid wheat. The greater number of the Arawas here left, thinking that the fighting was over, for the purpose of looking after their wounded who had fallen at Te Irihanga, and getting something to eat. In the nrst bush, Lieutenant Pitt saw spots of blood, and followed the track with some of the Arawas, who killed the man. It turned out to be Rota te Kotuku, a native of Te Irihanga, and who has persistently refused to take the oath of allegiance. A few years ago Rota murdered a relative of his own. Being a baptised native, Archdeacon Brown went up to Te Iribanga about the matter, and the only punmhment Rota received was a good scolding. ±Us weapon wasariflethathadbelongedtoaserceantofthe 43rd Regiment, and which probably had been taken at the Gate Pa. When the Arawas had gone back to Te Iribanga, the Waikatos and Engineers halted in the clearing at Whakamarama, and posted sentries near the bush at the back, into which the natives had retreated. In a short time after, the Hauhaus came back to the skirts of the bush, and one of them took a deliberate aim at private Mangus, who was one of the sentries. The bullet struck him on the arm, injuring the limb, I am afraid, very seriously. A rush was then made by the Waikatos at the bush, which extends for about a mile and a half to a village called Te Ranga, and which has not yet been penetrated Jo. It was i in drivingtheHauhausthroughthisbushthatJordanand Jeffa were killed, and that most of the other casualties occurred amongst the Europeans. After Poking over Irihanga, where there are splendid crops ot maize, potatoes, pumpkins, a, nd w \ ere V°w£L plough, Mr. Clarke and myself went on to WhakamSa, an escort of about thirty natives being SSed by the Arawas. A great many trees had beenstmck by bullets, and the fern in some places walplentifully sprinkled with blood lalsosawthe ZZe where tie natives had already buried Rota In setting to Whakamarama I found the wounded lvinein sheltered places, while stretchers were being made for their conveyance to the Wairoa,whence they were to be conveyed to Te Papa. The bodies of Jordan and Jeffs were also there. The former was shot in the body, and only lived about ten minutes. The only words he uttered after being struck were, " Some one take, my rifle." Jordan was ehot in the left eye. No bones of the face were broken ; the bullet had gone right into the eye, coming out at the back of the head. Death of course was instantaneous. Both of these men were great favourites amongst their companions. Here was sitting an old man named Ngahue, who had been taken prisoner, and who was interrogated by Mr *Clarke and Mr Gundry. He was asked if there were any more of Ngatihaua there than himself. He said: 'j^ 9 *, but i am confused now, and can't say how many. In answer to questions he stated that there were between thirty and fo.ty of the Ng^jpow" 1 there, the chiefs being Te Kewhene andTe Popatai He knew of no one from Hauraki. The old fellow was cunning enough not to give much information, but perhapf when he gets cool he will be found useful. I was told that in the bush was, lying the Jgy °f • Maori who was nhbi by a., lieutenant of,fnfl t fF«"
katos. The bush being dangerous, I ttfd not go to see the body, but I was informed it was that of » big Ngatiporou, named Winoka, who comes from Mataora. Several of the men saw a woman carrying off what appeared to be the dead body of her husband. When I returned to To Irihanga, I found a native who had seen the last fight, telling the assembled Arawas every incident of the matter, in » most graphic and laudatory style. An Arawa said, " that was very brave, but not correct. If we had been there fighting in our Maori manner, perhaps those two lives would have been spared." This sentence must remind us of the expression of Marshal Ca'irobert on seeing the charge of the Light Horse, at Balaclava, " It is magnificent, but it is not war." By this time, the wounded Arawa had been taken away, being carried on litters down to the Wairoa, and thence to Te Papa by boat. The dead and wounded Europeanswere conveyed in the same manner. Application was made by Captain Skeet to Colonel Harington to allow ten engineers to go to Te Papa with the body of their beloved comrade, T. E. Jordan ; and this the colonel most kindly granted. The body was borne to the river by Mr. H. Graham, Mr. Denham, Mr. Tregair, Mr. Kowe, Mr. Jackson, Mr. Goldsmith, Mr. Wilkinson, aud Mr. o'Don.oUue. The funeral will take place to-morrow. The Hauhaus fought with threat courage and skill, and there can be no doubt that Penetalca has some firat-rate men with him, Amongst our own. men, we must, at the risk of making invidious distinction, name a very few. In the first place, the two chief officers of the Waikatos, Colonel Hariugton tvnd Major St, John, Lebaved to the admiration of everyone, the latter being always in the front. For courage aud dash, especial praise i* due to Captain Stack, who commanded No. 1 Company, and to Lieutenants Turner and Borne. All the Kuropeans engaged, from Colonel Haultain downwards, praise the Arawas in no stinted way. Henare te Pukuatua has arrived, and will bring a reinforcement of bis tribe. A strong detachment will be left at Te Irihanga for some tune, and from it attacks will be made on Kaimai and Te Ranga. Paraone, the chief of the Akeake settlement, was seen in the fight, but we learn from good authority that Hakaraiais now at a pa near Ttotorua lake, suffering from a shot in the body which he received at the attack on the Akeake. This pa at Eotorua is the assembling place, from which the fanatics leave for different districts. I must not omit to mention that an Arawa picked up two chains which had been taken from the surveyors. I aend the following copy of a letter from Mr. Curlett the surveyor. The letter has before been alluded to, T)ut never published in full : — "Paengaroa, January 11, 1867. " Dear Sir, — I send you these few lines to acquaint you with what has come to pass since 1 last saw you. When I arrived at the above place, I found myself among a number of Hanbaus who had come there daring the night of the 10th. They had caught the horse of Mr. Purvis, and finally told me that they should take him with them. They had great koreroing as to what they should do with me ; but, as one of the Maoris interfered, they concluded that I should remain here. It is impossible for me to escape jußt yet, as they are camped at the Omanawa river, between here and Te Papa, and are fully determined to commencefighting in about four days. * * X send you this note by a Queen Maori, whom the Hauhaus tied until they went away. He is going to Tauranga to-morrow, "James Cukiett."
Camp Ruangababa, Wairoa Eivek, Peb/uary 14. Nbaklt the whole force in the district is now concentrated at JRuangarara Creek, on the Wairoa river, which is the place where the boats were fired on, and nearly opposite the village of Te Irihanga, which is about four miles distant on the ranges. It is supposed that the next move will be where the natives have concentrated. I left Te Papa on the afternoon of the 12th, in a canoe manned by four natives, for the Wairoa. The Viver had been greatly flooded by the rains, and all the low lands about the mouth were covered with water. In consequence of this, the natives, who were not acquainted with the place, missed the channel. - By-and-"by, as it got dark, they got perfectly bewildered, and were in a fright in case the Hauhaus should fire ou us. At length, at about 10 o'clock, we went ashore where we heard dogs barking. As we ran the CAnoe ashore T f>*.ll<ut*n«», Jti -^«, an«weredbycalTsof "Haeremai!" from someone on the beacb. We got into a very decent native house, where about seven or eight Maoris belonging to the place soon assembled, 'j he good woman of the house said we might stop the night and pointed out a place, not far from herself, where I was to sleep. The natives of the boat, however, having got a rest wad a smoke, and being assured there was no fear of Hauhaus,{wished to go on. We managed to get the channel, and, after paddling for about an hour, we were challenged by a sentry from the bank I went on shore, and found that it was a station of a company of the 12th .Regiment, put there to protect the boats going up the river with supplies. Here we pawed the night, going next morning up to Omanawa. Mere we found the whole c»mp moving down to this place, where all were assembled in the evening. The Waikatos are in divisions— Ist divuion, Captain Stack ; 2nd, Captain Goldsmith ; 3rd, Lieut. Hunter m the absence of Captain Tovey; stb, Captain Bower ; 6th, Captain Skene ; Ist class Tauranga Dutrict Militia, Captain ,W. Smith, lstWaikatos; Engineers, Captain Skeet. The Arawas are under Captain Walker, Lieutenant Ooates, and the two Messw. Mair; and Dr. Msbet is attaohed to the detachment. The few t Ngaiterangis are under Lieutenant Sundry The men from Whakatane «nd MataU are with the Arawas under their chief Te Bangitukihu. The whole force of Europeans amounts to 359 rank and file ; and the natives, >igaiterangi 15, Arawas 253. On arriving hers, tiro companies of Waikatoa and two of natives were encamped on the west bank, and the others on the east. The natives are not furpished with tents, and it is surprising how quickly, at each ohfcnge of encampment, they furnish thempelves with snug dwellings. The utmost good feeling prevails throughout the encampment, and the supplies are now regular a D d good, the position affording easy boat accommodation, Indeed, a steamer could come right up the Wairoa, and it will yet be the Wans of furnishing means of accommodation to a large dtitnct, Before the natives oame down here they had a grand war danoe, with speeches, at Omanawa redoubt. 1 did not get up in time to see it. I send a w^mui' rooeedingB of tho Ar * WM > ™m™ by The « Sturt* has brought up more Arawas from Maketu. The Government seem determined to do the work thoroughly. , /^^y 011 no idea of what is stirring in the intcnoy. A letter was picked up in one of the settlements from Kewi, promising assistance. A party of Arawas have taken, and are occupying, Hakamas place at Te Puke, midway between Maketu and Tauranga. About midday, word was brought that a party of about 50 Arawas were coming into camp, »nd all the others turned out for a w« dance. The party on the other side of the river crossed over and the whole of the native, marched J° ? ■^ ort L d » tt * nee.n cc. f'om the camp. They were headed by Pokeha (Pox) and by Kewi Pox was dressed in a, fine white ekin-tight jacket, with a Hauhau flag round his loins. He is a very finelooking man. Messengers were sent to the other party, which was behind a hill, and Pox rushed up and down the ranks brandishing a fine sword, and shouting till he was quite frantic. Then the other party appeared— a band of fine meu— with blue serge kilts, the red bands which denote the friendly natives bound round their heads, and their hair decorated with white feathers. The Arawas from camp were next to naked : some of them had merely pockethandkerchief* round their loins ; one had a sheet of • newspaper; one had a few sprigs of fern ; and one had ODlyliu cartridge box. The other party were led by Anaha. The rushing and the leaping then began, accompanied by yells, and shouts, and con5mE? ol . lMe « B*l>«ly.B *l>«ly. that were startling to see Sf^ D to ;^ Fo £ then rose * nd ru »ked towards toeother p^rty, uttenng crie. of welcome. He then tori Fw» a ino£ u iu^\: d T : then called out «T& talk used to Wlto&E Mdthekk^butnowweareatTauranga»(meatun? I suppose thlt in former times they did not tratfi out of the,r own district). Speeche. to the same effeot were made by Te Rsngikaheke, Anaha, and SSh 1 aa* su\ CJ * rke^« then called atd •bortiy addressed by JFox. He spoke a few words in reply. , Colonel Haultain, Colonel Harington, and Mr. Ularke are now in camp, and a party of Engineer* hare been sent out to examine the fords on the Auangarara, The most important document which I have been able to obtain concerning the origin of the w»r is
thß following letter from Hakaraia to the Arawas the genuineness of which I can guarantee : ' hakaraia's letter to abawas, " Te Puke, W*hi-o-Otawa, t ., " Hanueri 26, 1867. Xi *gatikereru,-E pa ma tena koutou. Kia rongo mjii koutou,ki tena kupu me noho atu koutou fcatoa, ko te Arawa katoa, me noho atii kaua c baere mai. E haere aua ahau ki te whakaumu o aka hoa. Kahore aku whakaaro ki a koutou, c neari c whai aua ahau ki oku hoa tautohe ki nga pakeha. Ka huri. " Na Hakaraia, Hi^ara. " Na Maihi, Kai Tuhi." [translation.] " Te Puke, a part of Otawa district, tt _ m "January 26, 1867. 'To Ngatikereru, — Father, salutations. Do you listen to that word . Do all of yon remain (at home), let all the Arawa remain (at home), do not let them come hither. lam going to the spot where my fiiends fell in battle (Te Banga). I have no thought against you, but I am going in pursuit of mj fellow-diVputanfc (my enemy), the pakeha. Turns, "From JTakaraia, the Shepherd. •'From Maiuij the Secretary." * This letter Is addressed to some of our most staunch allies— men who hare bled In our causo. A swimming match took pltvoe in the river this afternoon. Five Maoris and four Europeans started, but before a quarter of the distance was gone over all the Europeans had given up the race but Mr. Beere, of the Fi gineprs. 'J hey came in as follow :—Hikipene, Maraki, Kituo.
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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXIII, Issue 2987, 20 February 1867, Page 3
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3,464ATTACK 0N IRIHANGA AND WHAKA. MARAMA. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXIII, Issue 2987, 20 February 1867, Page 3
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ATTACK 0N IRIHANGA AND WHAKA. MARAMA. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXIII, Issue 2987, 20 February 1867, Page 3
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