On Deosmber 29, the infant daughter of the late Mrs. Edmonfl Stratford. - _ _ „ . ». > On December 27, at Matamata, Upper Waikato, after « lingering illness, William Thapihaua te Waharoa, Chief Ngatihaua. Aged 60 years —English papers please copy. On January 1, Walter Samuel Nutting, infant son of Mr. B. Nutting, Weit-street, Newton. . - - On January 9, *t his, residence, Barrack-street, Mr. Johu; Poulgrain. Aged 42 years. ' ' Oil January 12, at Orewa, Charles Kendall, eldest son of -p— Kendall, Esq., M.P. for Cornwall East. Aged 34 years., On January 16, at her parents' residence, Chapel-Street, ATargaret Annie, infant daughter of Mr. W. H. Steele. Aged 9 months. , On January 20, William Kent, late boardinghouse-keeper, ' Queen-street. Aged 48 years. On January 15, at Russell, Bay of Island*, J. B. Russell, of the Cricketers' Hotel. On January 21, at Newmarket, Mr. William McNeil, baker, On January 23, at Tauranga, from a bullet wound received in action, near Te Irihanga. on the 18th instant, Henry Emus, Sergeant-major of Ist Waikato Regiment, and late of the 68th Idght Infantry. Aged 30 years. ; On January 23, at Whakamarama, from a bullet wound received in action, William Stevenson, Ist Waikato Regiment. Aged 34 years. t „ . . , . On January 23, at Te Irihanga, from a bullet wound received in action, Denis Augustus Ward, Volunteer, late of 'lst Waikato Regiment. Aged 31 years.
Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXIII, Issue 2971, 1 February 1867, Page 8
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