The election for a member of the General Assembly took place at the Court-house yesterday. In consequence of the very inclement state of the weather, rain pouring down in -torrents the whole time, there were Very fewpersons present. At noon the Eetubning Officer read the writ, authorising the holding of the election, and called upon, any elector to propose a candidate. Mr. F. "W. Fletcher then came forward and said: Brother electors, I am about to propose a gentleman whom, I am sure, you will all of you approve of. He has been tried and found to be an honest, independent, and conscientious man, giving his vote on that side he believes to be right, and withholding it when he cannot approve. He has been requested by a majority of the electors to offer himself as a candidate for this district, and I will read youhis reply to that requisition, which I hold in my hand :— " To the Electors of Mongonui. — Gentlemen, — Having already, in response to the above nattering and influential requisition, signified my willingness to accept the responsibilities and duties involved in the appointment indicated ; and having had the honour of expressing my views on some leading topics of political interest on a public occasion, allow me to renew the promise of my best efforts in support of measures calculated to advance the public weal, and of my conscientious endeavours to secure to this section of the colony that independent action in the conduct of its own affairs which will form the best guarantee for the restoration of tranquillity and prosperity. — I have, &c.,— Thomas Ball." JSTow, gentlemen (continued Mr. Fletcher;, I have nothing more to say than this : Mr. Ball has already represented us in the Provincial Council, and I venture to say that weatanyrateholdax*espectablemediumpositiou, if nothing more. He is a man in whom the Conncil has some considerable confidence, or he would not have been placed in the prominent position he has "occupied in the present Council. He is in comfortablo- circumstances, as far as this world is concerned, and therefore we may depend he will do nothing contrary to the interests of hi 3 constituents. Gentlemen, I have great pleasure in proposing Thomas Ball, Esq., as a candidate to represent this district in the General Assembly. Mr. Matthew Mawer briefly seconded the nomination of Mr. Ball. The Returning- Officer inquired if there was any other candidates, and meeting with no response, declared Thomas Ball, Esq., duly elected to represent this district in the General Assembly. Mr. William Ball thanked the meeting for the honour conferred on his father, and said he felt certain that he would do all in his power to deserve the high character given him by Mr. Fletcher. The usual vote of thanks having been passed to the Eeturning Officer, the meeting separated.
Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXII, Issue 2723, 9 April 1866, Page 5
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