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FJIIDAY, OCTOBER 27. The Speaker took the cbair at two o'clock. MAJOR BOOKB'S DISMISSAL. Colonel Eusskll laid certain papers on the table relating to the dismissal of this officer. PETITION. Mr. Crawford presented a' petition from two foreigner*, praying that they might bo naturalised. THREAT Or DISSOLUTION WITHOUT APPROPRIATION. The Spkaker announced that he had received a reply from his Excellency to tho addieis of the Council on this subject, stating that it rested with I his responsible advisers to make &uoh ■tateroents as I jthey might think proper on any subject which might | bo brought before them. ; NEW ZEALAND JJI.SHOP'S PATENT. ! Mr. Hall moved "that a respectful address be presented to his Excellency praying that he will ; cause to belaid on the table of the Council a copy ; of auy despatch from his Excellency to tho Secretary of State for tho Colonies, tiansmittmg an application from tho Bishop 3 of tho Ohiuch of -England in New Zealand, asking to bo allowed to surrender their Patents, together with the enclosures to such despatch." Ho said that the Bishops in the colony had asked to be allowed to relinquish their patents and hold office on a. different footiug, lie informed that that request had been forwarded Homo, and he pro* •limed there would be no objection to, the Council being; furnished witli information on the sabject. On. tho question beiug put, the resolution was passed. BILLS PASBBD. T3ie following bills were read a third time and passed :— Nelson Waste Lands Bill ; New Zealand Loan Bill ; Otago Municipal Corporation Bill ; and New Zealand Settlements Ameadment and Continuance Bill. SKUOND READINGS. The following bills were read a second time : — Naturalization Bill, and Grants and Lease Validation Bill. The Council then went into Committee, and several bills were advanced through various stages. The Council then adjourned.
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28. The Speaker took tbo chair at 2 o'clock, MAP OF THE COLONY. i Mr. Acland asked the lion, member representing tho Government, — "Whether any and what steps have been taken, in accordance with a resolution passed by this Council on the Bth September, towards procuring a corrected Map of this Colony, and especially whether the tracings mentioned in that resolution have been made, und if made, whether such tracings have been sent to the Land Offices of the several Provinces. Colonel Russell replied that the work was being proceeded with. Mr. Aclaxd moved— 'That in the opinion of this Council tho tracings from the Map of the Colony now hanging in the Council Chamber, should be sent to the Land Offices of the several Provinaes for correction without any further delay, and that the hon. member representing the Government in this Council be requested to see that this resolutiou is carried iuto effect." After some discussiou, it was resolved that a map of the Colony should be prepared according to a resolution of the House of the Sth September, HIE I'AItDON OF JOHN BUCKRIDCIK. Mr. Aciand moved— "That whereas on Friday, the 23id Ootober, on the minutes heing read, it appeared to au order of the Council of the 2Cth instant, to the effect, that the several answers given by tho Hon. Colonel Russell to the questions put to him by the Hon. Mr. Acland, on the 24th October, relative t» the granting of a free pardon to a person named John Buckridge be entered on the'journals of the Council, had not been carried out :— lt is resolved that such answers shall be recorded on this day's minutes." The answers were departmental ones, and simple negatives to questions as to whether certain actions had been carried out as directed by the Lnporial instructions to the Governor. The pardon was granted during tho time the late Government were in office. After some discussion the motion was carriedj DISSOLUTION' OF ASSEMBLY. Mr. Hall moved the adoption of certain resolutions. The resolutions contained the questions, answers, and statements made by Mr. Phnrazyu, regarding the pledge said to have been obtained bj Mr. Stafford from His Excellency that he (Mr. Stafford) could dissolve the Assembly with or without the supplies being granted. He moved that the questions, answers, and statements be entered on the journals of the House. Colonel Russell said he had seen Mr. Pharazyn, who told him that the statement, a* it appeared on the Order Paper, was not correct. Mr. ■RifiiMON-n mkl 1.0 had just seen Mr. Phar.uyn who had told him that tho statement was correct. The question on being put was carried. MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. The Speaker announced that he had received a message from tho House of Representatives, stating that the Houss had concurred in the amendments made by the Legislalrvo Council in several bills, and asking the concurrence of the Council in the Otago Waste Lands Bill, the Appropriation Bill, and the Public Expenditure Control Bill, which had been forwarded to the Council. The bills were read a first time. APPROPRIATION BILL. Colonel Russell movod the second reading of this bill. Mr. Hall said if they were dokined till Monday at some inconvenieuce to thomselvcs they might as well postpone committing the Appropriation Bill, till it had been printed. Mr, Richmond said in bringing down the bill in manuscript the Government had acted consistently with their previous conduct. It did not matter whether they passed the bill or not, as ministers wore prepared to carry on the Government without appropriations. CoL Russell »aid he had no objection'to committing the bill on Monday, but he could not promise that it should be printed by that time. To test however the opinion of the Fouso he moved that the bill be committed presently. Mr. Hall moved that it be committed on Monday. Tho Council divided and the amendment was carried. SOUTHLAND WASTE LANDS BILL. Mr. Prenderoast moved that this bill be read a second time, and made a few remarks on the principles and objects of the bill. _ Mr. Acland moved that the bill be read this day six months. On the question being put, the bill was thrown out. PUBLIC EXPENDITURE CONTROL BILL. Mi 1 . Prendergast in moving the second reading of this bill, explained the chief features of the bill — the main checks on the improper use of public money. There was to be a "public account" to which all the money wat to be placed. To get money from this account transferred to the Colonial Treasurer's account for public purposes, the Colonial Treasurer would have to prepare a sheet classifying the services for which the money was required, which would have to bo signed before the money could be transferred to the Colonial Treasurer's account for his disposal. There was to be a Comptroller to check the issue of public money, and the Comptroller would be independent of the Governor and Government, holding his office during good behaviour, and removed on an address to his Excellency from both Houses for that purpose. His salary would be £800 inclusive of any clerical expenses. The bill was read a second time, and tho House went into Committee. Mr. Hall pointed out that by the bill tho Comptrailer could be suspended, and n> deputy— " a creature of the Government?' — apppointed for the occasion during the time of such suspension. Mr. Hall thought they might have much improved the bill if they could make amendments. At this late period of the session they could not. 'He pointed out that the Comptroller would have to be sued by the Governor for any breach of tho provisions of this bill ; and as the Comptroller was only to be a check on the Governor and Ministers it was not likely that the Governor or Ministers would bring him to account ; virtually therefore the Comptroller would not be brought to account. The clauses ha ring been all passed without amendments, the bill was reported, read a third time and passed. The Council then adjourned till 11 a. in. on Monday.
MONDAY, OCTOBER 30. PROROGATION OF PARLIAMENT. The Speaker took the chair at 25 minutes to 2 o'clock. MESSAGES. The Speaker announced the receipt of a messago from the House of Representatives, enolouing a
message from Ins excellency the Governor, notify ing that las Excellency had ' reserved for Her Majesty s assent the following bills : < Volunteer BilljHawkes Bay Land Regulation Bill, and the Provincial Council Powers Extension BiU. Also that Ins Excellency had been pleased to give his assent to the following bills : Wellington Waste Lands Regulation Act;« The Native Lands Act; ino Representation Act; Loan Allocation Act; Southland Debt Act; Naturalization Act ; Now £oal(uulbottlemonts Continuance Act; (Jrown Lands Nelson Leasiiig.Act; Deeds and Titles Repiesonta- I turn Bill ; New Plymouth Exchange Commission Jiill : Law Piactitfoners Amendment Act ; Provinivrii°?sta^ ull ?T Acb > Eleoti-fo Telegraph Act;, Distillation Prohibition Ordinance Amendment Act Gold Fields Act ; Petty Sessions Act ; Militia Act ; Volunteer Force Act; Intestate Estates Act; Protection of Certain Animals Act ; Debentures Act Amendment Act; Southland Waste Lands Act; laranaki Naval and Military Settlers Act ; Miners' Representation Act Amendment Act ; Wellington Supreme Court Site Act; Provincial Law Slits' Declaratory, Act ; Hawke's Bay MihUy and Colonial lorco Amendment Act ; Lost Licences and Leases Act; Provincial Corpoi.ilions Act; Master and A ppi entices, Act; Debtors and Creditors Act Amendment Act; Canterbury Waste Lauds Act; Bailors and Sheep and Cattle Piotoction Act ; Mew /Zealand Loan Act; Otago Municipal Corporation. Empowering Act ;, Controlling Act ; Duck's N'cst Mill Dam Bill j.pioton and Blenheim Railway Bill ; Lincoln Road Mill Dam Bill. The hour of two o'clock having anived, his Excellency and suite enteied the Council Chamber, . and the s Governor- look his seat in the Speaker's Ar a "n, ?'? Excellency's Private Secretary, tlio Rev. Mr. matcher, was then despatched to the House of Kepresentatives, to command the attendance of lion, members, and in a few minutes the hon. members of the lower home made their appearance in the Chambor, hoadedf by Mr. Carloton, the acting spoaker. . His excellency the Governor then read the prorogation speech, and the ses&ion closed.
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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXI, Issue 2600, 17 November 1865, Page 5
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1,674PARLIAMENT OF NEW ZEALAND. (FROM OUR SPECIAL REPORTER.) LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXI, Issue 2600, 17 November 1865, Page 5
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PARLIAMENT OF NEW ZEALAND. (FROM OUR SPECIAL REPORTER.) LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXI, Issue 2600, 17 November 1865, Page 5
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