November 4. Ons hundred n«n of the 65th Regiment came into camp about in'ul-day from Tiukan, having been relieved by thu company of .Waikato Volunteers that started from hen thin morning. Both detachment* marched the distance. Colonel Mm ray with 50 additional men accompanied the volunteers to their destination, And theu returned with his paity with those relieved. Corporal Horton, of the Sapper*, who was shot by the teutry at the sailor's encaiupweut, wm buried this afternoon. About 5 o'clock this evening, the whole of the force that occupied the advanced position bejond Meremero returned to camp. It consisted of detachments of the 40th and 65th Regiments, and Artillery, to th« Mumber of about 600 mou. The camp ii now pretty full, and the rows of tents aro extending on the road towards the eailort' encampment. Tito General, of course, has his own good reasons for withdrawing the troops from this position, to use them to greater advantage elsewhere, and we must nw*it the course of events for the next step towards teaching the Maoris a lesson that they aie so dull <jp understand. Two Maoris from To Whero's pah went yesterday to rtconoitre the position at Pukekawa, and found the pa quite deserted. It was not of auy preat strength, but had ft trench dug on the inside. The natives de•troyed the whares and pulled down the pallasading. A recomioisance was also made of Paparata, which was found to be occupied by a few natives only. These, I dare say, will soon follow the rest, w herever they may have gone to. Doubtle»s before long we shall hear of their making their appearance in some fresh quarter. We were visited hero this afternoon by a very heavy Itorm of thunder aud lightning, accompanied by heavy win, which lasted about two hours. The lightning was yery vivid, but no damage was done by it in this camp, lior elsewhere that I have heard of.
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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XIX, Issue 1968, 6 November 1863, Page 3
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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XIX, Issue 1968, 6 November 1863, Page 3
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