The weather is again broken. Bain began to fall this forenoon, and there is every likelihood of the wet continuing during the day. In my letter, last night, I informed the public of the return of General Cameron and staff. No movement took place last night or to-day. In all probability there will be a movement tonight, but of this 1 cannot speak positively. I havo learned that the ' Avon ' went \ip the river yesterday, as far as Eangiriri, which poBition she reconnoitred. The natives fired several volleys of small arms without effect. A gun boat was left in tho river, close by that position, to cut off supplies to Meremero bywater. No canoe can pass the small iron-claa, with its powerful armament. The natives have numerous and extensive cultivations along the banks of the river. The crops appear to be doing well. Largo quantities of live stock, including many valuablo horses, were seen on the banks from the vessel.
No natives appeared at the new advanced post. - ", 1 There does not seem to be any large guns at Rangiriri. Those at Meremere are remarkably well served, and, all things considered, good practice was made by the enemy's gunners. An accident of a serious character occurred at the naval camp last night. A marine, on, sentry, about ten o'clock, challenged what he believed to bo a Maori four times, and fired. Tho ball took effect on Private Richard Horton, of tho Royal Engineers. The wounded man. was brought up to the Queen's Redoubt on a stretcher by a party of sailors. Ho received the necessaiy surgical attendance, but still lies in a precarious state. The ball struck him in the side, passing round his ribs, and, escaping iv front. Horton was in his own whare when he was wounded. There does not appear to be any blame resting on tho sentry : tho unfortunate affair wns purely accidental. The Rev. Mr. Lloyd, Episcopalian, and the Rev. Thomas Norrie, Presbyterian, conducted divine service at the Queen's Redoubt and Eoheroo Camp to-day. One o'clock, p.m. A forward movement takes place to-night.
Daily Southern Cross, Volume XIX, Issue 1965, 3 November 1863, Page 3
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