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N Q T I C E,
Province of Auckland. ) to wit. ) WH. B- RE. A &a. Writ,, uaiier tuft. hand. q£ Thomas Gore Browne, Esquire, Companion of the most honorable Order of the Bath, Governor and Commander-in-Chief in and over the Islands of New Zealand* &c» &c, dated the twenty-sixth, day of September, one thousand eight hundred and fifty five, hath been directed to me, Laugblin OBrien, Esquire, as Returning Oflicer for the. City of. Auckland, requiring and commanding me to cause to be elected by, and from amongst the Voters duly qualified for that purpose, freely and indifferently, and in manner and form by law prescribed, three persona to, serv.e as. members of the of Representatives for the City of Auckland : Now therefore, I, the said Laughlin O*Brien, Esquire, Returning Officer for the City of Auckland, do hereby, in pursuance of the said recited Writ, gi?e notice th,as a Public Meeting of the Electors of the City of Auckland will be holden at the Court-house in Queen-street, Auckland, on Tuesday, the sixteenth day of 4 October next, at noon, for the purpose of nominating three persons to servo as members of the House of Representatives for the City of Auckland; and in the event of a poll being demanded by or on'behalf of the Candidates, or any of them, such polliing shall take place on Satnrday, the 27th day of October next, at the Court-house aforesaid, the voting to commence at any time after nine o'clock of the forenoon of the said day, and to close at four o'clock of the afternoon of the same day. L. OBrien, Returning Officer. Auckland, 28th September, 1855.
Province of Auckland, j to wit. ) W|H ER E A S a Writ under the hand of " Thomas Gobe Browne, Esquire, Companion of the most Honourable Order of the Bath, Governor and Comma.nder-in-Chief in and over the Islands of New Zealand, &c, &c., dated the 26th day of September one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five, hath been directed to me Laughlin OBrien, Esquire, as Returning Officer for the Suburbs of Auckland, requiring and commanding me to cause to be elected by and from amongst the Voters duly qualified for that purpose, freely and indifferently, and in wanner a.n.U form by law prescribed, two persons to serve as members of the House of Representatives for the Suburbs of Auckland. Now therefore, I the said Laughlin OBrien, Esquire, Retu ning Officer for the Suburbs of Auckland, do hereby in pursuance of the said receited Writ, give notice that g. Public Meeting of the Electors of the Suburbs of Auckland will be holden at the Court House in Queenstreet Auckland, on Tuesday the sixteenth day of October next, at noon, for the purpose of nominating two persons to serve as members of the House of Representatives for the Suburbs of Auckland, and in the event of a Poll being demanded by or on behalf of the Candidates, or any of them, such polling shall take place on Saturday the 27 day of October next, at the Court House aforesaid, the Voting to commence at any time after the hour of nine o'clock of the forenoon of the said day, and to close at four o'clock of the afternoon of the same day. L. OBrien, Returning Officer. Auckland, 28th September, 1855.
Province of Auckland, \ to wit. j TIT HE RE AS a Writ under the hand of " Thomas Gobe Bbownje, Esquire, Companion of the most Honourable order of the Bath, Governor and Cammander-in-Cbiaf in and over the Islands of New Zealand, &c., &c, dated the twenty-sixth, day of September one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five, hath been directed to me, Laughlin OBrien, Esquire, as Upturning Officer for the Northern Division, requiring and commanding me to cause to be elected by and from amongst the Voteis duly qualified for that purpose, freely and indifferently, and in manner*and -form by law prescribed, two persons to serve as Members of the House of Representatives for the Northern Division. Now, therefore I, the said Laughlin OBrien, Esquire, Bfituraing Officer for the Northern Division, do hereby in pursuance of tne said recited Writ, give notice that> Public Meeting of the Electors of the Northern 'Division ■will be holden at the Court House in Queen-street, Auckland, on Tuesday the sixteenth day of Octo•ber next, at noon, for the purpose of nominating jtoro persons to serve as members of the House of Representatives for the Northern Division, and Jin the event of a Poll being demanded by or on of the Candidates, or any of them, such polling shall take place on Saturday the 27 day of October next, at the Court House aforesaid, the voting to commence at any time after nine o'clock of the forenoon of the said day, and to close at four o'clock of the afternoon of the same day. L. OBrien, Returning Officer. Atfeklafia/^Stfi September, 1855.
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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XII, Issue 862, 2 October 1855, Page 2 (Supplement)
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818Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XII, Issue 862, 2 October 1855, Page 2 (Supplement)
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XII, Issue 862, 2 October 1855, Page 2 (Supplement)
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