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fßx Glencobil RACING FIXtUftES. October R.C. Spring. . October 29 and 30.—Masterton R.C. Spring. November 7, 9, Hi and 14.—Canterbury J.C. Spring. . _ November 9.—'Waverloy-Wbitotarft R.O. Annual. __ ' ' A j November 9 and 10. —Taratahi-Cartefton R.C; ' " Annual. 1 , .. November 19 and 20.—MatlbOroUgn R.C. Spring.
BEZONIAN AND VASCO. " ; Word has been received from England of - the purchase on behalf of Mr. J. B. • Reid, of the Canowio and Elderslie studs, and :;Mr. J. G. Duncan, of tho Waikaiiae stud, of > the thoroughbred horses Bezonian and Yascoi Both these young sires are by Velasquez, • half brother W tlie Derby ahd Leger willilcr, Sir Viato, and to Bona Vista, winner of tho 2000 guineas and 'siro of .Cyllene. Bona \ ista was sold for over £16,000, while Cyllene was sold for £31,500, atld agaili Bold for £20,250. VelasQUez. ' 'V'elasquei Was. ah exce^tibnally_ brljliaiit horse, but was unlucky to bo out ui Galtee More s year/ The latter wpn the Two TlloU- ' sand Guineas, Derby and Leger.. Velasquez ■ ran 16 times, .-with the following result. ■At 2 years, fron New Stakes, Ascot, ot Mse'S. Won July stakes, Newmarket, of £1420. Won Prince of ales s' Stakes, Goodwood, <£2400. Won Champagne Stakes, • Doncaster, f £ll7o. .Sefeo&d Middlepark Plate ,(to Galtee, More), £2296. . At 3 ..years.—becond lii. Two Thousand • Guineas (to. Galteo.More), of Second ' 'rn Dbrby (te Mofis). _£640'0. Won Princess of Wales's Stakes, £10,000; feco«d • in Eclipse Stakes (to Persimmon), £10,000. 1 Second Jockey ClUb Stikes,, £10j000. 011 Champioii Stakes, Newmarket (beating Bay . Ko&ald);- . >' _ T . , 'It 4 years—Fourth Princess 1 of Wales s Stakes, £10,000, Won i Eclipse Stakeß, £10,000. Sfecoiid jockey club Stakes (to Cyl- ' lefie; giving him 121b.), £10,000. Won Champion BtakfeS, Ne\viial-ket. Woll Newmarket Suburban ■ „ , ■ Record-fWon 9 times, second .6 timeß, and fourth oucßi. Total winnings, £26,573. Besides winning this.large sumj Velasquez ran second in ' races of. the total net value of
£41,446. . „ _ , • Velasquez s sire, Donovan, won the Derby and Leger, 'and was beaten a .head in the Two Thousand Guineas. He won more m Stakes than any horse that ever ran, his - • wiiitiiii'gs totalling over £55,000. Hfi started ■ 21 times, ; 'won 18 times, was second twice and'third otice. His half-sister Semoliua Won the One Thousand Guineas, and over £12,500 ift stakes. Donovan is by Galbpiii,'Winner of the Derby .'and sire of St. Sitooh. He Was .. mbst succe'ssful ,at the stud, his &M6k wiuning close on £70,000. Velasquez's dam, . Vista, will always be regarded |asjtine of the greatest of'stud matrons. With- the excep- ■ tion of Perdita, the dam of Florizel, Persimmon, and Diamond Jubilee, no has pro- , three such brilliant colts'as Sir Visto, Bona Vista j. and VelaSquez; Vista is by 7». Macaroni, Winner of the Two Thousand ui Guineas and Derby, from' Verdure, by King w! Tom—half-brother to Sfockwell .and_ .Rata- . >iplan,f and maperrtal gratfdsilfe bf St. Simons from MayblO'oto, by New'minfete frbni a sister to the Derby, winner,,'Thormanby.
J'. Bez'cMlafi, Bezonian belongs to the successful No. (1) family, and "'"is half-brother to tho Derby who /Was Unbeaten As a two= \ year-old, and whose total winnings exceeded :£17,000. He ibji ten times, Won on eight t occasionSf. /i'aSi. second to Val D'or in the ;-Eclipse Stakes of 10,000,.50v5., ahd fourth ! ini the^Ascot' Cup, behind Bachelor's But-ton-aw(jPreSty. Polly. Bezonian wSfe a high* , himself. r Ho won the Ketitp* ..ton,', Foal Plate of 813 sovs. (bea:tlhl'Galwnn) ahd ,th 6 Caledonian Bunt Cup. He.'' soc6nd in. the Two Thousand ; Guineas,to, Sli'eye'Galleon'in limb."'4l 4-ssec., ii'.iihiri i&..the*'.Chainpaghe Stakes, Prince of '*, W v aWs, Stakes, and Eclipse Stakes c% .10,600 eoVs., and. fourth in the. Derby to Orby, , and Slievo Galleon, again beatV ljyg. Galv-ani. He, has thuß greater proten- . ■ biohSt to classic folin thto any librae ift*
e jwrted -into. New Zealand ill. recent years. breeding is difficult to excel. He is by f from Gas (dam of Cicero—Derby, - 'v'o.j Ladas— I Kvo Thousand Guineas, u . Derby Ascbt Cup. etc.—and to ■ Chelanclry— / c,'' One^.ThbUsiuid,. Guineas, and 6ecbrtd ih ' ' r by Avrsbire /.Two Thousand Guineas-, ? 10 '/■DBriH', and Eclipse Stakes)) from Illuminata • n^r to Footlighi, gfand-dam of. Flair i 0'!: Thousand Guineas, Lesbia. and Vivid), ' X Rbsifcrhciah (unbeaten), fto'm P&rftffin to Lord .Lyon—Two 01 Guineas, Derby,' aWcl .Lsgef,— f > Achievement—One Thousand Guineas ftnd :.7>. Leger—and to Chevisaunce—dam of Janetta —Oaks and Leeert. bv Blair At.liol (Derby and from Paradigm fhalf-sisteif bo A; • Rouge Rose, dam of Bend Or—fierby and sire i of Ormonde—Two Thousand Guineas, Derby, and Leger). .■ . i vasoo. Vasco is own brother to/Admiral Breeze, orie "of the best three-year-olds of his year, and now at the Btttd in England. Though not such a brilliant performer'as fiezonian, ' Vasco had the gift of galloping. His best performance was to run a dead heat with the Newmarket Oiks Winner, Glastonbury, for .the Livel-pblitin Plflte of ond iltilfe ahd a, quarter, giving her 121b. His pedigree, however, is quite as attractive. Also by VSlastitiea, his dam, Seabreeze, won the Oak'shud th'e Itegef, Aii'd £25,000 in stakes. Slib is a' half-sister to R'oq'ucbruhe, dam' of Rocksand, winner of the Two Thousand Guineas, Derby, and. Leger. Seabreezb's siro, Isonomy, won thfe.. Ascot Cup twice, the Doncaster Cup, and the Goodwood Cup,, and is sire 6f Isinglass, winner of the Two Thousand Guineas, Derby, and Leger. St. Marguerite, the_ dam of Seabreeze,' vrbn the Oho Thousand Guineas, and is full-sistpr to ThebaiS, Winner of thp Ono Thousand Guineas and the Oaks, and is by Hermit, winner of the Derby, from Devotion by Stockwell from Alcestis by' Touchstone. ■ ' .Vasco conies' fr'b'rii tlie So. (4) family, and he and Bezonian represent two of the most fashionable strains in England at present. In j both ca'SeS the blood is practically nefr to this Dominion, and as Galdpin appears ih the pedigree of each, they should prove admirable mates to mares > of Musket blood. Like Firing Fhx,- Bezonian has a. fl&tiblfe strain of through his Sire and the other through his dalii. Bezonian is four yeS.tS old Mid Vasco Six' years old.
A good deal, of rain had fallen at Trent-ham-on Thursday night and early yesterday taoi-niilg, but it was quite fine when training operations commenced, the coureo proper was open for fast work, and, with the exception of one .Of two piitclic's .near tli£ fivefufrong Jiost, tho going was very fair, consequently some good times were recorded for four furlongs. ' C. Pritchard had his team out early. Men Ami ran five furlongs from a standing start—the last four taking &3 4-5 fcfec. Sni|> ran a mile alone in liniii. 52 3-ssec. The bky gelding is very well just now, but, though his jumps satisfactorily, he fails to reproduce his tinßk form when it comes tb racing, lid shoiVed plfenty of promise ill the autumn, btlt appears, to hatfo growli cunning lately. H. Cutts ac-ilt Applegai'tii (F. E. Jones) And Somersault to be sprinted over three furlongs. Tile former had slightly tho best of the argument, the watch recording 38 sec;—a fiood [rnllop. 1 The first of the Porirua team to work was Tawhaki, w!io reeled off four furlongs ill 53sec. Taitoko (Alf. Oliver) alitl Sivililining Belt (G. Price) were companions in a sovenfurlong. .galloj>. The latter iinished well ahead of Taitoko, the- tiriie being lmin. 37 sec. Taitoko looks well to tho eye, but is not slittjiillg so well on the track as lie Was previous to the Wailgaiiui mfeeting. Kinh, held Mtrrife Oliver safe in h liillf-iHile gallop, rtiii ill 5-lsec. Gold Crest and Diabblo ran six furlongs Wgetller in liniii. lOsfic., the former , showing to niost advantage. Playmate (H. Telford) hit biit nicely in a
tailo gallop. Exmoor and Waimaria were given half-paco work. . Gletitiliin (Deeley) easily beat Moloch and Blue Ribbon over six furlbtige, run in lmin. 18bco. The Lochiel horse was well suited by the nature of the going; CJrueraelk) frith a light-weight, had alittlo the best of Tiptoo over half a mile* run in 60$ see. this was the best gallop of the moriiing over that particular distance. Sunbonnet 1 defeated a companion over _ four furlongs,' run in 51 l-ssec. Sir Antrim and TrUgaliini left four furlongs behind'in 52 3-osec. North-Head alone covered six furlongs,, in lmin. 19sec., Moriarty a similar distance in lniitti 20i sec.,, and Mallet the same. Vasa Went olice round, finishing up with a sprilit. Grand Slam (Rcitl), Master Soult (Brown)j and Cork . (H. Price) finished in that order over five furlongs, riin ill lmin. 5-isec., the last four in 52sec. Useful work' was accomplished by Advantage; Apa, Axite, California, Daybeam, Effort, Expansion, Kiltie Lass, Lyrist, Liberator, Pellicle, Perolina, Provocation, PapAraehi. Rifleman, Sandstream, San . Julie, St. Florii, St! Aidaii, Sin Fernando, Sir Frisco, Sir Single, Toailga, White Lie, and a number of others..
Wellington Races conclude -at Trentham to-day. ■ ' ; Trains for the racecourse will leave To Aro at 10.28 a.mi 'and 11 a.m., and will leave Thorndon at 10.51 a.m., 11.1 a.m., 11.10 a.m., and 1.5 p.m. The last-mentioned train will land passengers on thd course in time to see the, bic race. The Persimmon mare Perolina was brought to Trohthaci to. compete in the Trial Stakes, but when' the rain came on, and there was a : chance of the going being heavy to-dfty, her j trainer .advised that she be withdrawn, • so she will not be seen out at the meeting. - Jlie Hawke's Bay sportsman, Mr. T. H. Lotfry, wis a passenger by the Uliin'arda for Sydney yostetday afternoon. Mr. Lowry hopes to; arrive back in New Zealand on November 4,' ill tihie to see Downfall aild Bobrikoff at RlcOarton. Armamento, who won the principal handicap at 'Oamaru yesterday, was' handicapped in the New. Zealand Cup at 7st. 51b. Nominations for all events , at the WolPony and Galloway Racing CI November meeting (a two days' fixture) close on''Monday afternoon. It should be noted that tho minimum weight in the tradesmen's rices is Bst. not 9st. 71b. . ' &ne of the visiting 6table lads: at Trentham received A severe kick fronl a horse on Thursday,. His.injury necessitated medical' attention, but he was making satisfafctdry progress yesterday morning. Visitilig traillers at Trentham are vefy Veil pleased with the various impi'o'vetoents recently, biatle by the Racing Club. It his beeli suggested that a rolling shed, similar to -the. one' Sit Riccartoa, Would also be an inijil'dvenleiit, ' Expansion is the Wily winner among the candidates for the Juvenile Handicap at Trentham to-day, but there are several godd gallopers, in the fiela, and it Will be ilo surprise, to see. the Birkenliead gelding fully extended'in this afternoon's race. Geo.: trice, who fode Swimming Belt |n the Wellington Handicap on Wednesday, will fee again riding, for the Porirua stable this afternoon. • ■ . ; ' The spring meeting of the Masterton Rating. Club ..will.take place ,at Opaki. next Thursday and Friday, and present indications point .to the fixture being a successful oiiei . Loeai : followers of the sport can gbt to and from the, meeting each day.
The Christmas meeting of "the Taranaki Jockey Clubis to take place at--New 'Plymouth on December 26 and 28. The club Is placing a programme before owners that should meet with a good response :wheh tile .nominatid|iS:fall due..,. divisions are given special, attention, nofewer than ten flat rates heiiig.for thiß class, the stakes for each event varying from 50 Sovs to 80 sovs. Each day's programme includes a hack hurdle race, wdrth 60 sovs. _ Tho open races on tile firist day are the Christmas Handicap, of 120 sovs., one mile ahd a quarter, and the Flying Handicap, of 80 sovs.,. six furlongfe. On the second day there is the New Plymouth Handicap, .of 100 sovs.,. one mile, and the Farewell Handicap, of 70 sovs., six furlongs. Entries for all events (except the iu&toki Plato, First Hack Seuriry, and Second Hack Scurry) close with the secretary, Mr. Mussel „ Fleetwood, on Friday, November 20, at 9 p.m.
SECOND DAY'S RESULTS. | (BY TELtGBAFH—rnESS ASSOCIATION.) Oamaru, October 23. The second "dky's racing of the North Jockey Glub'S Westing took place to-day, in better weather and before an improved attendance, The sum of £3508 went through the totalisator, .making, .a total of £7052, as against £7826 for-last year. The following are the results" KfiNINIVIE* BitTRDLES. One mile aiid three-quarters. —Oasis, lOst. 91b., 1; Leonardb, list. 41b., 2; Tirole, lOst. 91b., 3. Also started: Ringman, Farley.Grove, ahd Wee M'Gregbn Won by a head. Time 3min. 26sec. . • • . . NEWBOROUGH .HACK WELTER. Six furlongs.—Passiblij Bst. 61b., 1; Assault, Bsfc. 91bi'> : 2; Cute, Bst. 101b., 3. Won by Wo and a half lengths. Time, lmin. 19sec. PRESIDENT'S HANDICAP. One mile.— Arinanlento, Bst. lib., 1; Bountiful, 6st. 71b., 2; Lofi'6 Star; Ssfc. 31b., 3. Also Started: St. Job, Bst. 51b. V Saga, Bst. 21b.; Field Gu&, Bst. 21b.; Whirlwind, 7st. 21b. Won by a neck. ■ Timfe, lmiiu 45Jsec.
WAITAKI HANDICAP. Five furlongs.— Lady Orizoin, 7st., 101b.. 1; Petrovna, lOst. lib,, §; Lu'pullte, I'Ost. 91b., 3'. Also Started: Ard Heigh, Persuader, Miss Gal, Cute, Benzoic. Won by half a head. Time, lrnih. 4. 4-6 sec. JUVENILE HANDICAP. Pour furlongfe. —Kronstadt, 9st., Is Caspian, Bst. 41b., 2; Alma, Tst. lOlb.j 3. Won by a length. Timfe, 51 2-Ssec. TE PUKE HACK HANDICAP. Five furlongs.—Vagrance, 7st. 21b., 1; Liza, 7st. 21b., 2; Wafdlalld, :Bsti 91b.| 3. Also started: Obligatei Grclifrokl, Royal Purple. Won by two lengthsi Time, lmin, 5 4-ssec. CLIFTON WELTER HANDICAP., Sixfutlongs.—Czar Kolokol-, Bst. 81b., 1; Valdinuir, Bst. 31b., 2; Contender, Bst. 10lb., 8. Also started: Master x Alix, Outlander, Zetland, Helianthesj Sa.nt Rosaleer. Won by a neck. Time, Iminv 19 i-lscc.
ACCEPTANCES FOR FIRST DAY. (BI TELEGRAM—niESS ASSOCIATION.) Master ton, October 23. Tho following acceptances have been received fof tile. first day's events at tho Mafcterton Racing Club's spring meeting HACK HURDLE HANDICAP, of 75 sovfe. Ono mile and throe-quarters.—Hatley, lOst. 51b.; Ala&ter DOitf+las, lOst. 41b."; Speciosi, lOst. 411).; Libbt-atuf, 9st.; Adventure, 9at»; Indian Mutiny, 9st.; Yo6alni, Ost.; Karanui, 9st.; Lebeccio, Ost.; and Tiana, Ost. . INLYING MACK HANDICAP, of GO feovfc. Six futlohgS.—lnvestment, Bst-. 71b.; Coiimiot, Bst. 21b.; Osiris- &>t. 21b.; Fulmiiiatot, 7st. Olb.; Passive, 7st-. Gib.; and Milduri, 7st. 21b. MAa'Mt'foft Cut, of 250 feovs. One .ntilo and a qilarter. —Irish Rifle, Ost.; Sir Fristo, Sst. Mb.; San Julio, 'Sst. 41b,; King Post, 7st. nib-. ; Silkfen Reilt, Tst. 111b.; Polyanthus, 7st. 81b.; Loirct, 7st-. 81b.; Mrmc Rose, 7st. 71b.; Sandstrci(m, 7st. 71b.! Hird, 7st. 41h.; Gaelic, 7st. 31b.; Skye, 7st.; Sail Fernando, 6st. 121b.; Bluo Ribbon, 6st. 71b.; and Roseal, 6st. 71b. LADIES' BRACELET HANDICAP, of 50 sovs. On 6 mile and a quarter. —Espartero, list. 51b.) Hheiumi!) list, 131b.; Don C#r«.
Los, list. 51b.; St. Brandon, lOst. 131b.; Aotea, lOst. 111b.; Netherby, lOst. lib.; Ballance, 10st.l01b.; Whakatika, lOst. 91b.; Golden Butterfly, lOst. 71b.; Fircstick, lOst. 71b.; Shellfish,'lOst. 71b.; Pukewhai, lOst. 71b.; and Tiana, lOst. 71b. OCTOBER HACK HANDICAP, of '90 sors. One mile.—Sandstream, Bst. 101b.; Windage, Bst.. 31b.; Kelso,' Bst.; Routihe, 7st. 131b.; Mikotahi, 7st. 131b.;. Lucretius, 7st. 71b.; Highden, 7st. 41b.; Scenery, 7st. 31b.; Tangaroa, 7st.and Knight Commander, 6st. 121b. >" PUBLICAffS' HANDICAP, of 120 sovs. Seven furlongs.—Full Rate, 9st.; Toa Tuhi, Bst. 41bt'j Simplex, Bst. lib.; Polyanthus, 7st. 101b.; Daisy Paul, 7st. 91b.; Lothair, 7st. Sib.; Gaelic, 7st. 61b.; Ros'egrovo, Gst. 71b. j and Elfrida, 6st. 71b. DASH HACK HANDICAP, of 50 sovs. Five Artegal, 9st.; _ Axite, 9st. j Tumut, Bst. 21b.; Sir Antrim, 7st. 131b.; Timothy, 7st. 131b.; Vi, 7st. 101b.; The Cockatoo, 7st. 51b.; Lady Paul, 7st. 21b.; Golden Rein, 7st.; Kimmerianj 7st.; and Hermia, 7st. ENTRIES. The following entries have been received for the MAIDEN SCURRY, of 65 sovs. Four furlongs .-dealer, Bsi. 111b. j Lady Pet, Bst. 111b.: Tainui, Bst, 111b.; Golden Glow, Bst. lllb. j Vinco, Bst. 111b.; Hermia, Bst. 91b.; Swallow, Bst. 91b.; Lady Paul, Bst. 91b.; Hinerangi, Bst. 01b.; The Cockatoo, Bst. 91b. J Adventure, Bst. 91b.; Charles, Bst. lib.; Rock Ferry, Bst. lib.; Colossus, Bst. llbi; Master Fish, ,7st. 121b.; Afterthought, 7st. lOlbi; Eiltie Lass, 7st. 61b.
(BY TELEGRAPH—PRESS ASSOCIATION.! Ghristchuroh, October 23. The following acceptances have' been received for the STEWARDS' HANDICAP, of 1000 sovsSix furlongs. St. lb. St. lb. Geld Crest 9 9 Flitaway ... 711 Count Witts 813 Armlet ... 71l Grenadier ... 811 North Head 7 9 Bobrikoff ... 811 Tiptoo ... 7 & ■ Penates ... 810 Siinglow ... 7 & Lupulite 810 Gold Late ... 7 0 Lord Soult ... 8 7 Master Soult 7 9 Glenc'ulloch ... 8 6 ' Mon Ami ... 7 5 Full Rate ... 8 3 Gipsy Belle 7 S Petrovna ... 8 3 All Guns ... 61l Gold Thread ...8 2 Whetumarama 6 & Sea King ... 7 13 Trugaliini 6 f Sunbonnet ... 7 13 Tremulous ~i 6 7 After further payments to-night the following remain in the NEW ZEALAND CUP HANDICAP, of 2000 sOVs.; sßcotid 300 sovs., ind third 200 sovS. from stake. Two nliloa. St. lb. Hon. J. D. Ormond's b. h> Zimmefmali, syrs ... 9 9 D. MbrSghaU's b. g. Master Delaval, 6yfs 8 13 D. Buick's b. m. Tajigimoaua, syrs. ... 8 4 H. M'Manaway's blk.'h. Mahuta, syrs. 8 4 H. Eva's br. g., Uhlando, 6yrs. ... 8 3 F. Tilley's b. h. The Libra, 6yrs. '... 8 2 T. E. Crosse's ch. h. Grand Slam, syrs. 8 2 G. F. Moore's b. c. Signer. 4yrs. ... 713 Hoffein and Cork's b. g. Moloch, 6yi'Si 7 12 F. Preston's b. g. Apa, 6yrs> ... ... 710 Sir Geo. Clifford's br.. m. Stratagem, . _syr 6-. .... .. ••• .... •••7 8 R. Buick's br. m. Riflomaid, 6yrs. ... 7 8 W».J. Ai Clay's br. h. St, Joe, aged 7 8 T. H. Lowiy's cli, c. Downfall, 4yrs. 7 8. J. G. Palmer' 9 br. h.'Probable, 6yrs. 7 7. A. Kerr's b. h. Armamento, 6yi's. ... 7 5 H. A. Knight's b. g. Lapland. syrs. ... 7 1 J. C> N. Grigg'6 blk. g. Field Gun, syrs ••• 6 12 H. Whitney's br. in. Saga, syts. ... 6 11' J. Foreman's br. g. Mallet, syrs. ... 6 8 J. Franks's b. m, Heorthen. syrs. ... 6 8 J. Gelhor's blk. m. White Lie, 6yrs. ... 6 1 The following second forfeits have been dfeclared for the ivvm'--'- ; WELCOME STAKES, of .800 .sovs.; for . two-year-Olds; colts. Bsti slb.| fillies Bst. Four furlongs.— Cymbiform, Provocation',. Expansion,? : Elysian,.-'Keltio 'Lass, Daybeam. Caspian, Cronstadt, L'Aigloh, Applegarth, Bread Swbrd, Fasnakyle, b. R. by Stepniak—Britomarte, b. g. by Pilgrim's Progress—Stepaway, ch. g by ForiUosan—Weponer, Marengo, br.g. by Kilcherau—Purity. DERBY STAKES, of 1000 sovs.; fat tlireb-yeat-oldsj colts 8.3t, 101b., fillies, Bst. 51b. One mile and a half.—Sunglow, Nobel, Master Soult, St. Aidan, Sir Attegal, Husbandmali, Flitaway, Gold Lace, Chanteuso, Beneforni, b. c. by Stepniak—Royal Plumes, Diabolo. OAKS STAKESj- of 400 sovs.; for thrcty year-old fillies; weight Bst. 101b. Olio mile and a half.—Sunglow, Pellicle, Santlta, 1 Flit-; awny, Dabchick, Gold Treasure, Gold ,Lacb, Chanteuse, Bountiful, Tikitefa, Ukraine, Ar-: tillerio.
IbT tELEfe'EAri—tftfesi ASSOtlA'hbN.) Auckland, October 23. 'The following weights have been declared by Mr. J> Ghadwiek for the minor ovents to be decided on the first day .of the Poverty, Bay Turf Club's spring meeting TRIAL HANDICAP. Six furlongs.— Wharekura, 9st. 41b.; Mistime, 9st. j MiSs Advancb, Bst. 81b.; flilbk, Bst. slb. \ Cantatii, Bst.; Lady Ainslie, 7st. 121b.; Munpmotio, 7'st. 101b.; tearnl'ark, 7st. 91b.; Wbakaweira, 7et. 81b.; Eiya, 7st. 71b. j and Miss Rexbr, 7st. 4lb. FIRST COUNTY STAKES HANDICAP. Six furlongs— Gladsmuir, 9st.; Stylish, Bst. 131b.; Spate, Bst. 41b.; Paisano, 7st. 121b.; Linkless, Tst. 01b ; ; Gateuby, ret. 81b.; Prince Hassen, 7st. 71b.; Carron, 7st. 61b.; Kaitakaro, 7st.; Naydine, 7st.; Eiya, 6sti. 131b.; Awanui, 6st. 121b.; and Lloyds, 6st. 101b. ■ FIRST WELTER HANDICAP. Seven furlongs.—To Af'ai, lOst. 61b;; Wharekura, lOst. 53b.: Bailvheigb, 9st. 101b.; Paisano, 9st. 01b.; Shanksj 9sti 71b.; Earmark, Bst. 131b.; Naydine, Bst. 121b.; Awanui, Bst. 101b.; Baldos, Bst. 71b. | a lid Lloyds, Bst. 71b. FIRST HACK FLAT HANDICAP. One mile—To Afai, 9st.; Wharekura, Bst. 121b.; Spate, Bst. 71b.; Dardanus, Bst. 31b.; laisano, Bst.; Shanks, 7st. 121b.; Reay, 7st, 91b.; Catitata, 7st. Sib. '; Earmark, 7st. 21b.; Te Uku, 7st. 21b.; Stripper, Tst. 21b.; Awanui, 7st.; and Rati, 7st. .
HANDICAPS FOR ANNtIAL MEETING. (BT TELEGRirHi—6rr.CIiL COtt RESPONDENT-/ • Waverley, October 23. The following weights have becli declared by Mr. Geo. Morse for tho annual meeting of the Wa'teHey-Waltotarii Racing Club • t'LYING HANDICAPi Six furlongs.— Nicotine) 9fet, i luahtt, Bsti 71b. ; Burton, Bst. 61b.; Lady Menschikoif, Bst. 51b>; Chase Mab, 7st. 131b.; Timothy. 7st. 121b.; Otaraoa, Tst. 91b. J Tau\io, Vst. 81b. • Clbnicnby, 7it-. olb.; Ta'uhcra, 7st. 41b.; Sedge, 7st. 41b. > HANDICAP HURDLES. Olio mile and a half.—Gleam, lOst. 121b.; Stayboy, 10st. ?lb.i Xavierj lOst. 61b.; GlinvaJc, lust. 41b.; Toddv, lOst.; Mooshcn, Ost. 131b.; Bushranger, 9sfc. *7lb. j Lingerer, 9st. 71b. ; Dull, '9st. 51b.; Taupo, 9st: 41b.; Moose, 9st.; Bon Gyi'j 9at.; Ivierau, Ost; WAVERLEY-WAITOTARA CUP. Olio mile and a t]uartei\— Rangihaota, 9st.; Stayboy, Bst. iDlb.; ltasearch, Bst. 61b.; Lull, Bst. 61b.; Kilmarudck, Bst. 31bt; Tondergliiei Bst. 21b.; Fulminator, 7st. 131b.; -Anemone, 7st. Sib.; Mistress, '/St. Sib.; Chattel, 7st. 21b. PRINCE OF WALES'S HANDICAP. Seven furlongs.—Pearlie, Ost.; Rangihaetei, Bst. 101b.; Nicotine, Bst. 101b.; Loador, Bst. 31b. i Chase Mab, 7st. 91b.; Slnija, 7st. 91b. > Dnil, 7st. 81b.; Otaraoa, 7st, 51b. J Mistress, 7st. 31b.; Taupo, 7st. 21b.; Clcmcncy, 74t. lib.; Alidover, 7sti; Headlight, 7sts.; Sliahnon Lass, 7st., Golden Glow, 7st.; Trtuhera, 7st. MOMOHAKI STAKES. Olio mile and a distance.—Rhflgihiifcti, ' Ost.; St&ybG)r, Bst. 101b.; R-esearch, Bst. 71b.; Leader, Bst. 61b.; Kilntiirhock, Bst, 31b.; Tondbrghie, Sst. 21b.; Fulininator, 7st. 131b.j Anemone,. 7st. fill).; Mistress, 7st. 51b.;. Lingorer, 7st. 51b.; Xaviel-, 7§t. 41b.; Whimper, 7st. 21b.; Bdn Cyr, 7st. £lb» i Chattel, toti 21b; Acooptaapes are duo on OotßbOt 31, ,
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Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 336, 24 October 1908, Page 13
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3,571THE TURF. Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 336, 24 October 1908, Page 13
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THE TURF. Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 336, 24 October 1908, Page 13
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