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ROLL OF HONOUR UNVEILED. An irayortari't and memorable function was held in the Hornby School on Saturday afternoon last, when par- > ents, friends, and scholars assembled jto do honour to ex-scholars of the . school who took part in the great i war. Mr M. Evans presided, and tho proceedings commenced with the singing of the National Anthem, after wnich Mr E. H. Andrews, chairman of the Canterbury Education Board, unveiled tliree marble slaos containing the following names:— D. Appieov, *iV. Ashworth (killed), *J. Abli.voitn (killed), P. BaKer, K. Barnes, Jj\ Bennett, W. L. iieuuett, W. Jilade, E. iirassmgton, J. E. Broadbent, T. Brown, ~h. .brown (killed), 11. Burns, W. Burrows, C. Burt, J. Burt, L. Burc, C. Uuuuey, G. Chaney, E. ClarKsou, £\ Clarkson, A. Conway, »L. Corbett (killed), T. Coullen, A. G. Cullen, *J. Eilis (Killed), D. i?ry, A. Falconer, L. Gee, A. Uunii, W. Mauen, G. Hardaker. L. HuJtord, S. A. Hooper, *C. F. Homill (Killed), H. Huium, C. Ibettson, V. l.liugwortn, G. A. James, A. Jenkins, V. ivamble, E. Kerr, A.' Kinimout, C. Lodge, G. .bodge. H. Lodge, A. McCiosiiie, W."" McGarry, A. Mctvinnou, E. Mcknight, G. iVUUvmghit-j Sam McKiiight, (J. Manhiie, *.ii-. Mauhire (Killed), W. Alauiiire, T. Mitchell, A. iUoitett, J. Morris, E. Nottiiignam, E. Paterson, *G. Pine (killed), K. h. Piper, W. Reynolds, C. G. H. Sanders, D. Sanuers, J. H. Smith, \V. H. Smith, A. Tuliy, G. Webb, o. 'Weeks, "it. \\nwm (kwed), L. Wootton, Les. Wootton. The marble are fixed on the front sides of a soldiers' memorial water tower, competitive designs for which were caned/ anil aesigns wero received' from all parts of New ZcaJand. These were judged by a* competent architect, who submitted the three placed first, second, and third to the seaool committee to choose from. The water tower is a very handbomo and massive structure, and the concrete tank has a capacity of 2000 gahons. The water is from a well, and is pumped into the tank by an electric motor. T,he tower was erected by the Canterbury Education Board, under the direction of Air G. Penlington, architect, and Mr Riley, foreman of works. An apology was received from Mr G. Witty, M.P., who was unable to leave Wellington, but he arranged for Dr. Thacker, Mayor of Christcnurc,h, to attend in his place. Dr. Thacker gave a short address, in which ho stated that ihe' had no idea the Hornby School was such a large and important one, it having a rob number of 233. He complimented | the people of the district on having i ejected such a useful and handsome j monument to the memory of the expupils of the Hornby Sqhool. He asked that the scholars be given a holiday on Monday in honour of the occasion, and that the 6th of October in each succeeding year be observed as a holiday, the school children to decorate the monument with flowers and i wreaths. Thus the memory of those j who fought for them and saved their | beautiful country from destruction would be ever kept green. \ On the chairman of the Education Board and the school committee agreeing to this, the children gave three ringing cheers for Dr. and Mrs Thacker. Cheers were also given for Mr and Mrs Andrews and Mr Evans, chairman of the Hornby School Committee. An adjournment was then made to the schoolroom, where afternoon tea was provided, and a number of toasts wero honoured. Mr Evans proposed 'the "Canterbury Education Board," coupled with the name of Mr E. H. Andrews. Mr Andrews, in responding, gave a very able and interesting address on educational matters. He complimented V'ie school on having such a good record, which, he said, reflected great crodit on the headmaster, Mr A. C. Bow byes. Mr Andrews stated that he was in favour of making the Hornby School a centre for technical instruction for the surrounding district, ; and he would endeavour to get the necessary buildings erected at the school. Mr Bowbyes proposed "Members of» Parliament," coupled with the name ot Dr. Thacker, in the absence of Mr Witty, member for the district. Dr. Thacker, who was received with cheers, spoke of the great future ahead of this school. He considered it was only a matter of time when the Hornby district would be a part of Greater Christchurch. He expressed his great pleasure at being present, and stated ho now had a better knowledge of the size and importance of the Hornby-Isling-ton district than he had before. There wero present at the function a large number of next-of-kin, returned soldiers, and men, including Messrs J. Leslie, W. Watson; W. H. Manhiie. and C. Rankin, all of whom\havo taken a keon interest in school matters for very many years. The school children were provided with sweets and cakes.
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Press, Volume LV, Issue 16647, 7 October 1919, Page 2
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800HORNBY SCHOOL. Press, Volume LV, Issue 16647, 7 October 1919, Page 2
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HORNBY SCHOOL. Press, Volume LV, Issue 16647, 7 October 1919, Page 2
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