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MENTIONED IN DESPATCHES. i (TBOM OT7R OWN CORWrONnENT.) i LONDON, July 15. " Tho following names are mentioned in the final despatches of Sir Douglas Haig:— X.Z.E.F.*-Major-General Sir A. H. Rus- \ sell, K.C.8.; (Brigadier-Generals H. E. Hart. , C.M.G., D.5.0.; C. W. Melville, C.M.G., , D.5.0.; A. E. Stewart, D.5.0., and It. Young; Lieut.'-Golonels H. E. Avery and H. ( A. Reid; Majors C. I. Gossag®, C. A. , Herman, A. S. Muir, and O. Opio. Otago M.R.—Majors D. McCurdy and G. < R. Mitchell, D.5.0.; Sergeants I. Dont, . M.M., and J. Oliver. ( Cyclists' Corpe—Second-Lieut. W. E. Ban- , dell, D.C.M., C,S.M.T.W. Henderson, Sergeant H. T. Reilly, Corporal F. H. Palmer, Lance-Corporal H. G. Harvey. Field Artillery—Lieut.-Colonels R. S. Mc- i Quarrie, M.C., And E. H. Northcroft; Majors D. G. Johnston, D.A.C., C. _H. G. Joplin, H. P. Warnock, and A. B. Williams; Captains A. J. Coutts, A. W. Easthcr, W. E. Osborn, H. E. Wright, R.S.M.C. T. R. McLean, Q.M.S. C. F. Gal], C. Murphy, W. J. White, By. S.M. A. A. McDonald, J. A. Miller, Serjeants W. Banks, L. N. Guy, and E. O. Spvag^s; Staff Sergeants D. A. Muir and L. A. West; Corporals F. R. Alexander, A. Ramsay, Fitter-Corporal M. M. Taylor; Driveis F. E. Calvert, F. H. Johnson, G. Roberts, Gunner W. C,. Shorter. TT . Engineers—Major R. I. Dansoy, H. \ ickorman, D.5.0., Captains J. W. Dow, L. P. Harty, J. D. Holmes, D.5.0., and R. Worley M.C.; Lieutenants K. T. Jcn'sen, J. McKee, H. H. Pavitt, and B. West; Second-Lieutenants 'F. W. Aicken. S.Q.M.S. A. W. Win.°tone, C.S.M. A. V. Whittakcr, Staff-Sergeant R. Boswell, Sergeants F. W. Hastedt, A. J.. Hodges', and D. Wight; Corporals C. Carr, A. W. Minchin, and B. O'Corinor; Lance-Corporal J. Ryan. Auckland Regiment—Lieut.-C0.0ne.3 Iv. C. Allen, D.5.0., and S. S. AUen, D.5.0.; Captains A. P.' Speedy, G. A. Tuck, M.C., and R. P. Worley; Lieut. L. J. Mark, Sergeant A. B. Cox, M.M.; Stnff-Sergoanta K. G. Hume, H. C. Keognn, and W. Mc'nness; Privates A. Campbell and A. A. P. Narb^y, C.Q.M.S. L. H. Frost. • Canterbuiry Regiment—Lieut.-Colonels O. H. Mead and H. Ste.wart, D.5.0., M.C.; Captains F. W. French, W. R. Wake'in, and A. .W. Wells ted; Seoond-Lieut. W. L. Manby; S.Q.M.S., J. W. Niyen, S.M. L. Stewart, S.Q.M.S. E. F. Willcox, Sergeant J. P. D'Arcy; Corporals B. E. Keeper and It. Kaine; Privates "VP. Auld, G. H, Grooby, A. E. Head, and G. H. Simpson. Otago Ttegiment—Captame A- E. Inkslor, S. G. McDonald, M.C., nnd A. E. MrKeown; Sergeants G. R. Edwards, F. C. Fer-gusson, D.C.M., and E. J. Naylor; W. Hadlee, Corporal A. F. Flug?e;. Privates jj. B. Hey, W. »G. Hunter, M.M., and R. J. Summers. . Wellington Regiment—CaptJins A. R. Blennerhassett," L. 'T. Herbert, W. _H. Jones, Lieut. -E. G. Cousins Second-Lieut. B. C. Hastedt, Sergeant H. Hendry, ajid A. J. Nicholson; L.-Sergeant A. W. Wilson. C.S.M. R. Selby, Corporals P. Boylcn. nnd W. P. Gordon, Private W. S. Rendall, M.M. vN.Z. Rifle B'-igadd—Lieut.rColonels R. St. 3. Beere and-L. H. Jardine, D.5.0., M.C.; Majors H. E. Burraclough, D.5.0., M.C., A. A. McNab, T.M.' Wilkes, M.C., - Captains W. E. Christie, F. S. Goulding, M.C., D. Kennedy,. D.5.0., M.C., N L. Macky, arid S. D. Rogers, M.C.; Sccond-Liouts. J. G. -Holmes and H. A. Turner, C.S.M. G. Massey, and N. McLeod, Sergeafats A. Jensen, E. W. Mauger, R. McSkimming, and J. Quinn; Staff Sergeants J. P. Boy:e and J. B. Stewart; Corporals T. Bador. C. H. T. Brown, S. Crann, and W. S. Howell; Lance-Corporals F. J. Clarke and W. A. Toon; Privates T. G. Burr, E. K. How Chow, and W. H. Malam. _ Maori (Pioneer) Battalion—Major *. &• Sutherland, Captains E.. R. Broughton and J. H. Hall, Sergeants C. Honeycomb® and C. \H. • P. Hovell, Corporal R. Matiu, Privates P. Waihape and R. Warahi. . Machine Gun Corps—Major L. S. Cunmo, Captain J. A. D. Hipklrk, Lieut. U. J. Bartlett, Second-Lieut. G. T. „ S « Tgeants fa. J. Applebe, and P. A. McKellai, Lance-Corporal D. J■ _ v r c Vr J. Donaldson, and 1 R. J. W. McCarthy. N Army Service 1 ' Corpe—Majors F. H. Anderson, M.C., J. D. Dryden, and G. R. Hutchinsoh, C.S.M. N. C. Avery, StaffSergeant R. E. Cadness, Lance-Corporal A. O. Harris, Farr.-Se;geant S. Kingston, b.S.M. W. G. Norton. Medical Corpsr-LienU.-Caloiiels e J. Jory, M.8., and J. H. Neil, D.SO. Major F. T. Bowerbank, Captains *i. M. 1 mlayson, P. G. Horsburgh, J. Mitchell, Sergeants J. L. Black and E. V. Dick, StaffSergeant G. H. Hawes, Privates G. Johnston, S. Lonergan, T. Perry, W. H. Rushbrook, and S. T. Smith. _ Nursing Service —Sister l™ J. B. J/orteous.ond StaS Nurae Miss E. I- SchflW. Veterinary Corps—Major P. M. Edgar, Captain E. C. Howard, Sergeants T. S. Andrews and R. Hill. „ . „ Army Ordnance Corps—Ann.-Sergeant C. M. Abel, and Corporal M. H.-nderson. The French Croix de Guerre has been conferred on Licut.-Coloncl C. S. Freyberg, M.C.. D.5.0.. of the Grenadier Guards, and on 6.Q.M.S F. J. Lundon, R.E., South Canterbury. „ _ _ _, Staff-Lieut.-Colonel the Hon. R. H. Collins, C.M.G.,' D.5.0., A.G.N.1913-14; Lieut.-General Sir C. Ferguson, Grenadier Guards; Lieut.-Colonel -B. C. Froylxirg, V C R.W. Surrey Regiment; BrigaaierGeneral A. E. Glasgow R- Sussex Reg 1 ; ment; R. T. Harper, Canterbu^, Brigadier-General G. N. Johnston, C.M.G., commanding N.Z.F.A.; Brigadier-General R. O'H. Livesay, D.5.0., late N.Z. Division, Lieut-Colonel A. C. Temperley, C.M.G., D.5.0., Norfolk Regiment, lats N.Z. Djvision; Brigadier-General H. D. O. R.A., served with the Jiew Zealand Contingent in South Africa. , ™ T 16tk Lancers —Lieutenant-Colonel W. J. Shannon, D.S.O. „ r . _ _ ~ Royal Fieldf ArtUlery-Major Guy Featherston. D.5.0., Auckland; Lieut.-Colonel G. R. Miller, D.5.0., Oamaru; Lieut.-Colonol F. B. Sykeß, D.S.O. . Royal Engineers—Captain H. C. Davies, Ist Field Survey Battalion, son of tha late John' Daviee; Captain G. G. Sa.e, D.5.0., M.C., 179 th Tunnelling Company, DunGrenadier Guards—Lient.-Colonel M. E. Maltgill-Crichtqn-Maitland, D.S.O. (attached Liverpool Regiment). _ . _ Worcestershire Regiment—Major ±t. i±. Marryatt, sth .Battalion, Te Kuiti. Labour Corps—Major R. B. Brmted, 701 st Company, R.A.S.C. General Lisfc—Seongoant O E. Charlesworth, attached Army b.L.h .A., Private A. Kennedy, attached M.T. Company, N.ZA.S.C.; Corporal R. P. Younger, attached M.T. Company, N.Z. Division. Roval Army Medic aj Corps—Maior A. C, Palmer, Dunedin; Maior P. R. Woodhouso, D.5.0., M.C., Dunedin; Lieut.-Colonel A. G. Hamilton, Nelson. _ . Queen Mary> Army Auxiliary Ckirps—As-sistant-Administrator Mies. L. 31. Moncktoßoyol Air Force—Captain C. M. D. Bell. J 10let Squadron, Wellington; Lieut.-Colonel C. T. Maclean, D.5.0., M.C., Wanganui; Lieut T. F. Northcote, 84th Squadron, late K.E.H.
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Press, Volume LV, Issue 16644, 3 October 1919, Page 5
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1,061AWARDS AND DECORATIONS. Press, Volume LV, Issue 16644, 3 October 1919, Page 5
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AWARDS AND DECORATIONS. Press, Volume LV, Issue 16644, 3 October 1919, Page 5
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