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I.AST NIGHT'S .MEETING. The Chrietchurch City Council met last night. Pre;ent: The Mayor Olr H. Holland), and Cts. G Scott. F. Burgovnc, 'I. . Beanlana, J. McOullough,* D. G. Sullivan. J. 0. Jameson, H. J. Otlcy, A. S. Taylor, A. Williams, TV. H. Cooper, E. Peek, J. McGombs, M.P.. Yv\ r.Tiilor, H. F. Herbert, J. Reynolds. nrul J. K. llay.vard. The .Mini-fi" lor J)eJcne<-' ivrote with regard to the request to maki- tiif 1 pay of the jingle nu-n in the Motor Pntrol •Servitc up to tiic pay of the niPinl.n-rs o! the New Zealand Expeditionary Foree. He ,-iated that, the men had volunteered tor this ,-ervire, know my the conditions, and he could not >ee his way to hriny; the matter liet'orc llie Goveriiim-nt v. ith any reeolilleeliclai ion-. 'I he (.'ovel liniem. had made up tho pay oi married men in the Patrol »Serviee, in llie same \i ay a> it. had made up the pay of married Imperial leM'rvi.-t.-. Tho let t«r wa - reeeived. tile opinion l>r*inji expre>.-j'd )iy (,'r-. l'eynolris uijil MeC'imlis I hat Ihe reply wa> "nnf-atis-I'netorv.'' The New Zealand Amateur Shimming t( a liter bury Centre) forwarded a resolution of r-oouradula-tion on the f'oiineil';, step in providing Iree tuition ft the Tepid Baths. The letter reeeivrrj. Mr L. Hart wrote attention to the increase. s - in passenger tares between Australia, and New Zealand, which he thought Avould aet. vpry detriment ally to the interests of the general tourist and business traffie in the Dominion. He pointed onv. that tho fare from Sydney to Hohart was much lets tlian from Sydney to Wellington, though the distance wa; about, the (■ante. He suggested that the Council slioukl protest. Tile, letter u'as receive;). C'r. F>nrgoyne stating ihat unless the Government. dealt Tvi-tli the Union Steam Ship Company il \,;rs no sood protesting. The .N'oj-i!j ('anterbiiry Hospital and Charitable Aid Board ivrot-c with, reference to Uk- protest, ngainrt usin» tbo Waltham (jrphanage for imcetiou? disease cases. The Board, pointed out t.hat. the urgency of tho matter involved tho us.e of ihe <(rpiianatie, lm'. it, was thought that, it. Y.otild not. be needed after three months, -when more accommodation ivould be ready at Bottle Lake.

The letter was received. RESERVES COMM ITTIOF,. The Abattoir .1! curves and Cemetery Committee reported that -vork on UiC new cemetery was being commenced, and that tlio Roman Catholic and Mothoditst cemeteries in Baibadoes street were being generally cleared <i |>- The transfer of tho Rakaia Reserve to Mr JO. Eox, and the transfer of the Bottle Lake Reserve to Mr B. Sr.ill Smith, were recommended. The report was adopted. ' AVORJvS AND SANITARY COMMITTEE. "With rpgni'd to the tranr.vay shelter for Linwood passengers, tho Works and »Sanitary Committee reported it had given this matter further consideration. and recommended the Council to grant the Tramway Board permission to erect a shelter 111 Cathedral square on the south side of the Cathedral grounds and opposite the Bank of New Zealand; provided the shelter did not pro.joet beyond the footpath. The report was adopted. LIGHTIXG COMMITTEE. The Electric Light and Power Committer reported that 50 miles of British house wiring wire had been bought. The engineer reported that the cost of additional street lamps might be reduced as, owing to their being installed on existing circuit®, the onlyitems of increased cost were the lamp brackets and insulators, together with the additional circuit and transformer capacity. Therefore the capital charge per lamp could be reduced from 18s to -Is, making the total cost for now lamps £2 6s per 100 c.p. per annum, as against £3 at present. The contract T.ith the New Brighton Borough Council for the supply of electrical energy had been finally settled, and authority was asked for to sign the contract. The report "was adopted. "WATERWORKS COMMITTEE. The Waterworks Committee reported that the supply of water had been well maintained in spite of the dry season, and waste had been considerably reduced by increased inspection and prosecution of persons breaking the bylaws. The electrically driven Boturbo pumps had been delivered and feed in place, and one of them connected up ready for pumping. Unfortunately, owing to some mistake, starters of the wrong capacity were supplied, and they could not start the pumns. The contractors were now constructing larger starters, which would be ready for use in about a week's time. The following tenders had been received for special' castings: A. and T. Burt. Ltd., £13G 12s; Andersons. Ltd., £154: Buchanan and Sons, £17o: P. and T>. Duncan, £1133 6s Sd. The committee recommended that the tender of Messrs A. and T. Burt, Ltd., be accepted. The report was adopted.

TOWN' HALL COMMITTEE. The 'Town Hall Committee reported that after having reconsidered the question of erecting a building for tho electrical department-, it was of opinion that the building was essential for tho efficient conduct of the business, and recommended that the work be proceeded with. In order to reduce the cost the committee instructed Mr Stark and Mr D-awe to ascertain what work could bo cut out of the building, and furnish mi estimate of what the saving would be. The two lowest tenderers were then asked to revise their tenders oil the amended plans and specification. the result being that Mr George was now the lowest tenderer at £7060, and the committee recommended that his tender bo. accepted. Tho report was adopted.

FINANCE COMMITTEE. The By-laws and Finance Committee reported that, in compliance with tho request of the residents of Goetho street, Sydenham, it had been decided to change the name of the stret to "Domett street." The committee also recommended that the name of Spohr .street, Sydenham, be changed to '-Feilding street.'' Inferring; to persistent hieaches of the motor traffic speed bvlaws, the report stated that the com- : mittee had decided that, upon a con--1 viction being obtained for this offence, the question of cancelling the offender's certificate of ability -would be considered ; also, as there were still a. large number of persons driving about tho city without having received, or applied for. certificates of ability as required by the by-laws, legal "proceedings would be taken in cases where they were discovered. The committee bad taken no action with reference to any objections to the proposal to incorporate a portion of the Bromley Piiding of the Heathcotc Countv Council in the city. Mr H. R. Smith, the town clerk, was authorised to sign the debentures in respect of the municipal offices and electricity loans. The report was adopted.

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Press, Volume LIII, Issue 15812, 30 January 1917, Page 10

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CITY COUNCIL. Press, Volume LIII, Issue 15812, 30 January 1917, Page 10

CITY COUNCIL. Press, Volume LIII, Issue 15812, 30 January 1917, Page 10