Mr T. H. Xixon, of the Metropolitan Hotel, Wangantii. has received the following letter from his nephew. Private W. Surgenor, of tho Wellington Infantry, now a prisoner of war in Constantinople:—Maltipa Hospital Militaire, Constantinople. August 2oth, 1910. —Just a few lines to let you know lam still alive, and nearly well. I was hit in two plaees. one on i cheek, and tho other through the right i ear and down the scalp. Both are quite better now, so I hope to be out ! of here soon, and be perhaps doing i some work. Our treatment here, and coming here, was really good. We have been visited by the American Consul, and be has treated us well. He left some money for us to buy such luxuries as matches, cigarettes, ami tobacco with. Any odds and ends we require he brings us. and he must have a good staff to look after all of us, especially a3 we are a good deal scattered. We are in a very airy and .swe«t-smeilinc: ward, and bare everything we wish within reason, "ho only drawback is the strange _ language, which we are rather slow in picking up. Somo of the Wanganui boys are with me. . . . H is quite a treat to get into sheets again alter being long without. We liavo a iair amount of reading matter, thanks to the American Consul, who supplies our every want.
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Press, Volume LI, Issue 15425, 2 November 1915, Page 9
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Press, Volume LI, Issue 15425, 2 November 1915, Page 9
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