The Christchurch East seat.
Tho retirement of Mr T. 11. Davey from tho contest for the Christchurch East seat creates a very interesting position. Although Mr Davey has never been on our side in politics, we have, always recognised him as one of the most useful members of tho Hou.o of Representatives. This has always been recognised, too, by the Reform Party in the House, who have felt that, while they would naturally prefer a Reform colleague as the representative of Christchurch East, they would rather have Mr Davey than any other member of the party, and this oniy because he was an able, conscientious, and fair opponent. For reasons which ho considers sufficient, however, Mr Davey has retired, and thc candidates left in tho field are Mr Macfarlane, tho Reform representative, Dr. Thacker, thc nominee of the Liberal and Labour Association, and the Red-Fed nominee, Mr Hiram Hunter. Tho Opposition factions, of course, will support Dr. Thacker and Mr Hunter, for one is a Wardist and tho other has been prominent in making tho arrangements for tho Ward-Semplo compact. All thoso others who desiro that the present democratic Government, who havo shown their capacity to rise to tho height of any critical situation that presents itself, should be returned to power, must support Mr Macfarlane. In 1911 Mr _>avey received tho support of thoso who saw in him a sturdy Liberal, with no leanings towards tho extremo Labour doctrines which have since then taken definite shape in tho platform aud methods if the Red Feds. To-day tho position is that thc official "Liberal" Party is so closely allied to tho Federation of Labour that a, vote for either Dt. Thacker or Mr Hunter is a vote to place tho Federation in chargo of tho country's affairs, for tho Government can bo defeated only by a "Liberal" Party dependent for its majority on a Red Fed group. Mr Macfarlane is a sound and moderate man, who set forth his views before there was any prospect that he would not. bo contesting the seat aa ono of four candidates. He is a genuine Liberal, and is convinced that the country, has a strong, dionest, and democratic Government at the head of affairs. That he is a now entrant into politics is something of a handicap, but, if ho prosecutes his campaign with vigour, and nil the friends of safo and honest Liberalism tako caro to record their votes, he should 'be able to win the seat for Reform. -
The Christchurch East seat.
Press, Volume L, Issue 15135, 26 November 1914, Page 6
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