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TO-NIGHT'S MEETINGS. Mr B. Bunn (Riccarton), at Ayl« bury School. Mr Gwrco Sheat (Selwyn>, at Sheineid. Mr J. C. Freo (Ellesmere), at Killinchy. Mr G. W. Forbes- (Hurunui). at. Setton. Mr H. F. Too-good <Christrhui*rh North'), at Knightstewn Library, Dover street. "Mr Jixoph Hamlet (SehvvrO, at Fairfield. ; Mr H. D. Acland (Avon), at BrecEe's road Mission Hall. Mr ,1. K. Pothoru-k (Christchurch North', „r. Victoria square Band Rotunda. cinnsTcnrucH east. At a moo-tin-:* <>; : the committee of tho Libera! and LaU.ur Association held bis: evem-i;*-, correspondence «;n read by the *s<"eror.'iry with regard to the re--re.-*e:i{at*o** nt Vhristchureh, win-*'-- it appeared th:it. in eonsoqneiiee •.->:" tne pressure ot lit*s:n.>s. Sir .lom-:*.;*! Wan! had bwii unable to wake an art'-ouncemeTit in re-••i-svt io ihe -,-.\t. br. ; tha- his decision was ev-.v*,-,! daily. CURlS'lvm I'CH NORTH. Mr .1. IA r.'.her:'.*k Liberal c.imli-<!.-re for O'-iristci'i---..-':- No*:*-', will give his first addre.-.*- n-v.i'uht at The Band llotunda, Victoria *.-i*are. CHRISTCHnJCH SOUTH. Mr C U. *\\'i:n ]•*■_*, Labour candidal* tor Christ,duir-h Soiuh. will nuvi l'rond.s and siip-h-rio--.., at the- \ .M.O.A. to-morrow ni.;ht. AVON. Mr D. G. Sullivan, Labour candidate for Avon, addressed a woll-attcnded meeting in the North Limvood school last cveninc, Mr W. Urcttell presiding. The candidate spoke along the lines of his pre\ ions addresses, and, after ''iis-"vc*ri-!<; n Jarjie number of questions, was unanimously accorded a, voto of thanks and confidence. RICCARTON. Mr Bertram Bunu, the Government candidate for Riccarton, addressed a largclysittendod meeting of electors at Papanui on Monday night. Mr J. Livingstone presided. Tho candidate's remarks were well received, and though there wero some interjections, Mr Butin was prepared with effective replies to them. On the motion of Mr S. R. . Webb, the candidate- was accorded, at the. conclusion of his speech, a hoarty voto of thanks. L"\*TTELTON. A meeting of friends and supporters of Mr M. J. Miller. Government candidate for Lyttelton, will bo hejd afr tho Excelsior Hall, Lyttelton, to-night. SELWYN-. Mr George Sheat, tlio selected Go- ~ vernnient candidate for Selwyn, addressed a well-attended meeting in tho Head School on Monday evening. SLAV. Fairweather presided. On the motion of Mr J. E. Weld, seconded by Mr G. Shellock, the candidate was accorded "a hearty vote of thanks for liis ablo and interesting address." Mr Goorgo Sheat, Government candidate for Selwyn, will speak at Sheffield to-night, at Russell's Flat to-mor-row, at Springfield on Friday, at Gleu-A roy on Saturday, and at Duusandel on Monday. Mr J. Hamlet addressed a well-at-tended meeting in the Russell's Flat Schoolroom last evening, and was accorded a voto of thanks, on tho motion of Messrs H. Anderson and J. Watson. Mr A. Rutledgo was in tho chair. ELLESMERE. Mr J. C. Free, Liberal candidate lor Ellesmere, will speak at Killinchy tonight, at Doyleston to-morrow, at Brooksido on Friday, and at Irwell on Saturday. HURUNUI. Mr Banks addressed a fairly well tended meeting at Kaikoura on Monday night. Mr James Boyd, county chairman, presided. The candidate's address was much tho samo as his opening dehvorance. His candour and frank avowal " of Reform politics won tho hearty ap- A proval of .the party supporters, and gained him a sympathetic Bearing. Answering a question, ho said a blunder was committed in not appointing a resident of Kaikoura as tho representative of South Marlborough on tho Land Board. A hearty vote of thanks war accorded tho candidate. NAPIER. , Mr G, W. Venables, who has b©eV selected as the Reform candidate for Napier, has been resident in Hawke's Bay for tou years, and in Napier for half that time. He is -well known (according to tho "Ha-wko's Bay Herald") as a keen and capable business mau with a clean record, and ag ono who has taken a great interest in many movement® for tho public welfare. Ho has worked his way up from the ranks, and in his own special calling, that of a printer, has held prominent position-? in tho trado councils of Hobart, Melbourne. Perth, and Wellington. He haa had considerable experience of local af- ' fairs also, having served as a member of the Borough Council in Cambridge, and as a member of tho Town Board ... of Napier South, as well as on school committees in various districts. He is not. therefore, an untried matt in. publio affairs. ' '' „. WAFFAKr. (PBKSS AS-OCIATIOW TE-EG-J--.} DUNEDIN, November 3. Mr Dennehy, tho Liberal organiser, states that " Mr William Skinner, who was announced as a candidate for Waitaki in tho Liberal interest, has de- - cidod to retire in favour of Mr 3. Anstey, ex-M.L.C DUNEDIN SEATS. (special to "the press.") "DUNEDIN, November 3. ■Mr J. M- Dickson, the Reform candidate for Chalmers, has visited several parts of his electorate, whero ho has met with encouraging support. He is' well satisfied with his prospect- of success. Mr W. Downio Stewart, the Government candidate for Dunedin West, has a well-organised committoo, which con- •, sists of a number of the Hon. J. A, Millar's old committee. OTAGO CENTRAL.
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Press, Volume L, Issue 15116, 4 November 1914, Page 7
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824GENERAL ELECTION. Press, Volume L, Issue 15116, 4 November 1914, Page 7
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GENERAL ELECTION. Press, Volume L, Issue 15116, 4 November 1914, Page 7
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