(rSESS ASSOCIATION TELEGRAMS.) AUCKLAND. Messrs L. J. Bagnall and P. J. Ner* heny liave beeu nominated for the Auckland city Mayoralty. The following Mayors have been returned unopposed:—E. Davis (Xewmarket), W. Handley (Devonport), W. J. Holdswortli (Grey Lynn), fl. Cadnoss (Northcote). Messrs R. S. Briggs and Frank Fitt have been nominated for the Mayoralty of Parnell, and Alex. Keyes, E. G Skeates, and tt. P. Taylor for the Mayoralty of Birkenhead. WELLINGTON. Messrs T. M. Wilford, M.P., and C. J . Crawford were the only nominees for the city mayoralty. The following are the nominations of candidates for the tuburban Mayoral ejections:—Lower Hutt, "VV. H. Russell and E. P. Bruny; Miramar, J. Brodrie nnd F. Townshend; Eastbourne, H. W. Shortt and W. Hobbs; Karori, C. I. Dasenfc re-elected unopposed; Petone, J. W. McEwan re-elected! unopposed. FEILDING. Mesers E. Goodbehore, G. W. Harford, and J. M. It. Lochlicad have been nominated for the office of Mayor of Feilding. WANGANUI. Mr C. E. Mackay has been elected Mayor of Wanganui unopposed for the fifth year in euccession. Mr John Jones has been elected Mayor, unopposed, of Wanganui East. PALMERSTON NORTH. Mr J. A. Nash has been re-elected Mayor unopposed. NAPIER. Mr J. Vigor Brown, M.P., has been re-elected, unopposed, Mayor of Napier. HASTINGS. Mr J. A. Miller has been re-elected Mayor unerased. NELSON. For the Mayoral chair the nominations of Messrs Jesse Piper, the present Mayor, and Thomas Pettit have been received. BLENHEIM. Councillors E. H. Penny and J. J. White were tc-day nominated for the Mayoralty of Blenheim. DUNEDIN. Councillors Cole and Tapley have been nominated for the City Mayoralty. OAMARU. Mr Robert Milligan (the present occupant) and Mr William H. Peterson were to-day nominated for the Mayoralty. ASHBURTON. Mr Henry Davis has been elected tinopposed to the Maycral offico for the eighth consecutive year. INVERCAEXSIX,I/. Councillor W. A. Ott has been elected unopposed first Slayor of Greater Invarcargill. GORE. Messrs R. L. Christie, John MacGibbon and D. L. Popplewell hare been nominated for the Mayoralty. HOKITIKA. Mr H. L. Michel -won re-elected Mayor unopposed. He holds tho record for the West Coast, having filled the office for fourteen years. Ho has intimated that he intends to retire at tho conclusion of his present term, as he intends to devote more of his timo to general politics next year.
Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 13713, 21 April 1910, Page 8
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