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j AUCTIONS. BAKER BROS. (With which is incorporated DEARSI.EY and LANE). THIS DAY. J NEW BRIGHTON SECTIONS And SEASIDE JARTtAH HOUSE. CITT WEST RESIDENCES. B.VKEU BROS, will SELL by AUCTION - . ! in their F.ooxns. 133 Maneliester street, TO-D\Y at 3.50 p.m.. by Older of the PUBLIC TRUSTEE, in the Estate of the VLEXANDER BURNSNEW BRIGHTON -Eleven SECTION. VICTORIA STREET- Very Fine j-acre Lot 47. JOHN STKEET—Lots J?) one! SI. Lot S.->. I Lois 37 and KG, Lots 35 and 31, Lot 32. I THE JARKAH HOUSE, built by Mr Burns (or hinurlf. is on lots 31 ar.d 3a. VIVE ROOMS, :i fires, tiled crates ami hearths. ca.acroertt window', ecr.Ui-ry with crirnic! jirtr. cor., tubs, bath, h. and c, ram. verandah, u-.iod shed. NORTH NEW BRIGHTON, Ofcborno Icrrar-v-Lota GO ard ?>'». oai-_3rd.« apex, i l'.iyrf •p.riiiiinis of Uur.vood-New BrighI toil Tramway. AT THE SAME TIME W? shell Sell Lot 63 (Oac lr sr>\ Lot G« («'M''\ Lot C 5 (0.1.51. Let CG Lot 6T Lot CS (O.l.lT). all irontiug OSBORNE TERRACE. and opposite ELIGU'S GARDENS. ftnlem'.ic! No-ctinn, comer RICHMOND TERRACE and BT.ITH STREET. CITY. I HEREFORD STREET WEST. No. 2tt>Sunny frontage, opposite the Observatory; I. a n<l r- EIGHT ROOMS. QUARTERACRE e<*>ft frontppo. OSIIEL STREET WEST, No. 20P. nest residence of H. ]!. SMITH, Esq.—Modern 1. and p. House of 0 rooms. fc-ACRE. Both Houses arc near THE GARDENS, nncl jr. Uie best residential portion of Christ- , .:hi:rrh. j L.T Title? Reuta £~t> and £70 per annum. ' AT THE SAME TIME AND PLACE. \ BAKER BROS, wil! SELL hv AUCTION, CITY BUILDING SITE. MADRAS STREET, near the Railway, between Gentle «ril Al'en street-—MA HNIFICENT BUILDING SITE. P2Jft x 77ft 3in. A Biiifable position for Workshop, Factory or Warehouse. THE SHOP AND DWELLING on tbi. land is let for £54 12.« per annnm. and will provide interest »]iould an investor wish to hold for future value. RADLEY. LOT Gu—flDJ perches on Clarendon terrace. A beautifully situated HIGH SECTION, overlooking the HEATHCOTE. The Owner having left Christ church, will sell CHEAPLY. L.T. Title. Till CITY—NEAR RAILWAY STATION. Therefore Great Prospective Value. £520 EASY TERMS. EASY TERMS. j ' FIVE-ROOMED HOUSE, newly who- } rated and in s*ood order and condition; practically EVERY CONVENIENCE, i-ACRE Land (over). This should appeal to Railway wen specially, aa tho instnlmwits would he really only a rental, ar.d theie is the certainty that (if wished) thn property could, in the near future, be turned over at a profit. LAND IS SCARCE ABOUT HERE. • BAKER BROS. s * DECEASED ESTATE- -EASY TERMsT 3 HOUSES, each i ROOMS, with various conveniences, at from I £300 to £375. . THESE IRE GENUIJNE BARGAINS. _ BAKER BROS. £425 ALSO VERY EASY TERMS. ! SAY £25 DOWN, BALANCE at 15s WEEK, j rOUR-ROOiSED COTTAGE, absolutely . cornnletc with every jjiojcrn convenience. Thu "House has only been built a few months, and when such a property uirv be purchased on the above terms, f.bei SILLINESS OP PAYING RENT i« at once apparent, BAKER BROS.. t 138 Manchester street. s C355i-ISJS C. A. LEES AND CO. r Q A. LEES AND CO. C. A. Lee.% W. G. Bms, Auctioneer. Licensed Land Broker. AUCTIONEERS, ESTATE AGENTS, AND LAND BROKERS, 158 CASHEL STREET. Money to lend on Mortgage. Transfers Prepared. ? £900 OFTEN ASKED FOX. r SELDOM IN THE MARKET. ~ ST. half minute from tr»m— Very Ornate Villa of 6 splendid looms, verandah front and tide, sunny aspect, wide hall, two oriel windows, leadlights, etc. : HOUSE -STANDS VERY HIGH, and is beautifully lined up with all the latest improvements, very handsome Gotaio fire- ' places, linen press, ecullery, penuries, bath, with ehower, h. and c. servise, lavatory basin, asphalt paths, etc., etc, nice garden. Price l £900. Fol. 663 * C. A. LEES and CO. [ £TOO ROUGH-CAST BUNGALOW, close to Papanui tram. 2d section, 5 rooms, figured Himu woodwork, tiled roof, bath, lavatory basin, h. ar.d c. service, all modern conveniences. A tip-top place. Fol. 868 C. A. LEES and CO. 1 £910 ST. ALBANS, two minutes' Papanui road trim—Very superior Villa of 6 large rooms, t verandah. 2 oriel windows, 6ft arched hall, fjajt throughout, bath, h. end c water, lavatory basin, wardrobes. Venetian bliads, p»ntrees, scullery, w.h., tubs copper, etc., good shed, over i-acre in lawn and fruit trees. Fol. BGBJ ■! C. A. LEES and CO. \ £840 ! i, JUST OVER BEALEY AVENUE. CLOSE: a TO SPRINGFIELD ROAD. MODERN VILLA 6 rooms, oriel and bay! t windows, verandah, gas, centre flower*, tiled hearths and grates, arched hall, bath, h. and i c, sculleries, pantry, w.h., copper, tube, ram - a].d tank, over i-aere, laid out in lawn and garden. Patent w.c, connected with main sewer. Foi. 868 C. A. LEES and CO. £1200 AVEST BELT—Very handsome Dwelling oi 7 fine rooms, dining 23 s 17, etc., 2 bay windows, oriel window, rooms artistically papered end tinted, gas, arched hall, bath, lavatory bksin, h. and c. service, -vr.h. copper, iubf, etc., fire rarden, i-acre. Fol. 738 C. A. LEES ana CO. d : £600 •• Delightlul 4-raomed Bungalow, between s train and beach in SUMNEK, Has all conveniences, b. end c, bath, etc., and just the tkiug for a Week End. Fol. Cl 3 C. A. LEES end CO. £85 CORNER SECTION, one street from tram —32 Perches', in suany Siimoer. Fol. CB7 I- C. A. LEES *Bd CO. I t, J TJSTKUSS Mixed Pamts for interior »na I XJk exterior weik. Anyone can us* them To be had in 1, 2, 4, 7 and 111b tins and \ iewt drums. ! Wholesale and Retail. j SMITH AND SMITH. LTD.. , i Team street (nesr Hiffh ttreet), I

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Press, Volume LXV, Issue 13433, 27 May 1909, Page 12

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Page 12 Advertisements Column 5 Press, Volume LXV, Issue 13433, 27 May 1909, Page 12

Page 12 Advertisements Column 5 Press, Volume LXV, Issue 13433, 27 May 1909, Page 12