|gv I)R. SOLP jNTERVIEWED. $ : y£j : yt'{firteui, to/"thk pr_sß.") ||f;>v";;;>;.;*AUOKtl/AND, 'January .5. ' i/;_SJDr;Solf| Governor of German Samoa, l/^as/interviewed by a. representative of /j/the "Herald" to-diisy, on the outlook in ! f Siurioa/ .His Exceßency expressed him- / self as much gratijfied with the deve|;lopment of the Islajuds from the social //and industrial points of view. "What," asked, " has' Tieen done to solve |/the apparently insohafcle labour problem Pacific?" "That," he replied, $$#rery large question, and one that is fembst difficult to dispose of. Of course Ijybu Jmow of the inherent objection of iigthe:; native* to systematic and continual |J labour. We imported 200 Chows who, ■/an the whole, have done very well, and' Cst is proposed to make> further importag/tTona, but some difficulty may be ext.|)Serienced in this, as' the demand for iSßhinese : Coolies for South Africa has g|been/so great. Ihe planters will in ;/;rlopie'cases require to get used to Chin- /«», for masters, as well as servants,//have to gain'experience. ' We have had §^/trouble with.nat_ve_, to speak of. //Mataafa appears to bo.quite content with his position as leading Chief. As $ for the whites, we havo but little difficulty; with; them; Ido not say so be:g cause I am now enjoying the hospitality |/0f a British colony, but I cannot refrain fd rom referring to the English in Samoa /;/« being the most orderly and law-abid-jiiug.. I have found, that the missionaries are wisely distnclinea to in;%terfere in political or civil affairs, air //though, of course among thorayi selves they have their. little ; differences, but these do not |'concern' the Government. We took % »'• -.-'census in 1900, and again in 1/1902,/ and, Btrange to say, the figures k agreed. It is always difficult to get *J; precise figures from a population of this _|*Brjrt, as they fear information is reis/qiiired for taxing purposes. I canH'liat say. whether population is increasing not at present, but ( stops are being •shaken ;for another census, when we /irfjall bo in a better position to see there; has been any falling off ;': jr- any increase. I' go about tho /islands a good deal, and I must say %that I notice a la/go number of children but.then again tho males are *f\iri" excess of the females, which is the i>i,;r©verse of the position in countries whero ?fpopulation is increasing. There is a t/;«teady influx of new arrivals, princir';» pally Germans. / Extensive; and care-» |s ( ful cultivation of the cocoanut palm for S'copra is progressing all over the islands, |£*nd much attention is being turned to fJS.tJhe cocoa tree, for the cocoa of comrf/lnerce, and; I think, with every chance ft of success." . '~' ;?V.'' During Dr. SolPs absence from Samoa /: ; Dr. Schnlt*, Chief Justice, will be '■■/.,-'/ $THE- LATE MR J. T. FISHER. '?;';"■ . - . -—- ■! ■-'.;-.-■ ' ' • » ' g^/The funeral of the late Mr J.; T. ■/£ Fisher took place yesterday at the :;|>Barhadoes street cemetery. The burial oservice was read by Archdeacon Scotx ;S and the Rev. H. T. Pnrchas. Amongst 'i'M hose present were:-—Mr J. L. Scott, Air J. Barrett, Mr J. Parsons, Mr W, g™L Ollivier, Mr J. Stothers, Mr Horton friHolder, Mr Conway Matson, Mr M./ kf,Cook, Mr G. Cormack, Mrs Chas. Clark, SfMrs Cocks, -Mr R. E. M. Evans, the WSL**- R J - C >Ir J- Alarch, Mr A. Hancock, Mr M. J. Alexander, Mr Strong, and Mr J. Lawson. Wroaths sent by Mr aud Mrs Chae. Clark, l&Mrtana Miss Wilson, Mr and Mrs M. §£j#ok»-.Misses Packer, Mr and. Mrs A. KRetce, Mr and Mrs H. Allison, Dr.' and pMrsiR.M. Anderson, Mrs J. T. Matson, Miss Kiver and- family, Mrs KBuhop ;and family, /and Mr - and Mrs mW*> r fS* Fisher.
Press, Volume LXII, Issue 12085, 6 January 1905, Page 5
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