AMUSEMENTS." rpHEATRE ROYAL. J A CHRISTCHUKCH. TO-iIORROW EVENING (TUESDAY) AND ; • WEDNESDAY. j Grand Revival of SWEET LAVENDER, SWEET LAVENDER. . SWEET LAVENDER, By THE CHRISTCHURCH AMATEUR DRAMATIC CLUB Who have kindly consented to repeat their most successful production of this play, on behalf of tho New Zealand Natives' Association. Admitted by Press and Public to be the finest Amateur Dramatic Performance yet seen in this City. DON'T MISS IT. DON'T MISS IT. "The last time, Clem, my boy, ihe last time." Box: plan at Milner and Thompson's. Prices—Circle 3s, Stalls 2s, Pit Is. Tickets from Members of New Zealand Natives' Association, or from PHILIP HOARE. 8332 I£on. Treasurer. * • ■■ ■ rp H E A T R E ROYAL. Henry Hallam . . . Manager. Commencing MONDAY, JULY 15th. THE JOSEPHINE STANTON \ COMIO qpE.RA COMPANY, Hseded by ' JOSEPHINE STANTON,, The "our.g Aniesnccn Prinui Donna, Supposed by hw Arnciirsji COMPANY OF OVER 40 ARTISTS. ■ Opening Production, MONDAY. ' JULY 15th, Auber's Rorrwntic Opera, * FRA DIAVOLO. ' TUESDAY, lGth. and WEDNESDAY, 17th, The English Musical Comedy, DORCAS, By Harry and Edward Poulton. Prices—43, 23 63, Is. Box 'Plan will Iμ opened at Milner and Thompson's on Wednesday Morning. ' W. HYLAND. 83T3 ■ - Advance Agent. MEETINGS, <Sc. CHRISTCHURCH CITY RIFLES. ' COMPANY ORDERS. BY-' CAPTAIN C. G. FOSTER, / Commanding. A GENERAL MEETING will b 2 held, after Parsde TO-NIGHT, for ihe purpose of ELECTING AN OFFICER. , By Order. HERBERT BEAN, / Colour-SergeaJit. /July ,6th. "1901. "83-18 '' CHRISTCHURCH ELECTORATE. TV/fR. CHARLES TAYLOR will ADDBESS the ELECTORS at the Druids' Hail, Colombo road, Sydenham, on MONDAY, July Bth, at 8 p.m. B; Manhire, Esq., Mayor of Sydenham, will .preside. , fiZiS CHRISTCHURCH ELECTORATE. T»,S"R GEORGE J. SMITH will ADERESS the ELECTORS as under: — MONDAY—Foresters' Hall, Richmond. . TUESDAY—State. School; WalUiam. WEDNESDAY—ChoraI Hall, City. * THURSDAY—SeIwyn stroat School, Adaington. Chair to be taken at 8 p.m. each evening. Central Committee Rooms—Bowron's Buildings.' 5345 Cj ISTCHURCH ELECTORATE. MR A. H. TUKNBULL 17571LL ADDRESS THE ELECTORS at the following places; — MONDAY. July B—Wai them Schoolroom. TUESDAY, Ju'y 9th—Knightstown Library WEDNESDAY, July 10th—"Women's Political Association; Kobbs's Buildings, 8 p.m. THURSDAY, July, lltb.— Gloucester street. FRIDAY, July 12th—Merivale Schoolroom MONDAY, July loth—Foresters' Hall, Vogel street, Richmond TUESDAY, July 16th—Methodist Schoolroom, Solwyn street WEDNESDAY, July 17—Druids' Hall, Colombo road, Sydenham. Each Address will be held at 8 p.m. MEETINGS OF MR TURJTBULL'S FRIENDS and SUPPORTERS Will be held at the Close of each Address. Central Committee Rooms, Inglis's Building. ' 8205 ELECTION NOTICES. ~ ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF CITY OF CilltißlCilUKCil. NOTICE OF POLLING DAY TN pursuance of the Electoral Act, 1593 I vi V en p'_ ifu rray, Raturnir.g Officer for the J pectoral District of tie Ciiy°of Ctristchurch do hereby give notice that- by virtue of a Writ bearmg date the 4th day of July, ISOI undo" will be hoid for the RETURN' of QUALIFIED PERSON io S en 4ac a Membef of tho House of Rcprswentativea for the said d i?, l "= ! > a "d thsl the latest day for receiving of Candidates will bo the" 11th Day of JULY, 1301. not iater than 5 o'clock in the Afternoon, ar.d that a POLL if r.ecessnrj', will fao taken at the seve-r. , ' : polling paces of the said district ou THURSi DAY, the 18th day of JULY, 1901. I Every MAX desirous of becoming a CandiI ifoie must bo Nominated by rot. less than j TWO Electors of tho District, by a nomination paper, es proscribed by Section 75 oi [ the Electoral Act. 1833. delivered to the Rei turning Officer on r,r before 5 o'clock in tho ! Afternoon of THURSDAY, the 11th day of JULY, 1901. • The following 'are the Polling Places of the i Eloctoral District of the City of Christchurch • I CHRISTCHURCH. ! Old Provincial Council Chamber, Durham street-' {principal) j Oa-tes, LoVry, aad Co., Cycle Factory, Man- ] ;■ chesiei street ' ' • ,St. John's Schoolroom, Madras street j The Foresters' Ha.!!, Osford Terrace j Tie Oddfe-Hows'-Hall. Montreal street north i The JjpreSters* Hail, Vogel etre«ft, Richmond I : The Christchurch Side School, South I 1 Belt ■■■'■■■■ The Wesleyan School Room, East Belt St. Michael's Schoolroom, Durham 3treet ..--.. SYDENHAM. Tho Mission Hali, Colombo street Th? Walt'oam. Library, TValtham road The Methodist Schoolroom, Seiwpi street ST. ALBANS. St. Albans Borough Council Office, Papanui road iltrtual Improvement Hail. High street. H. MURKAY, Returning OfHcer. Chriatchurch, 6th July, 1001. 83-29
Page 1 Advertisements Column 6
Press, Volume LVIII, Issue 11011, 8 July 1901, Page 1
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