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m A T T E.B SAL L ' S. THIS DAY.: On account, of McLean. : '. B.Q, syrs,;broken to all farm ■work; grand I shatter -• • - . BM, 9yrs, bxoken to all farm work On account of a Client. Ch G. 4yre', by.Heaeldean, broken to saddle - and harness; trial On account 'of a Client. Draught Mare, aged, staunch in all work Ori account of Mr .W. Stapleforth, Rangiori. Blk al«re, ris Byre, by Jey Gould, dam by I'oung Diomedes " On accoupt of a Client. Blk Geld., 3yrs, brokeu to chains; good worker . S->ie commences 11 a.m. Advertised Lots 12 noon. PY'NE and CO., 8226 ' . Auctioneers. LAND. , LAND. LAND. AMONG the MANY PROPERTIES we have in our hands F<)R SALE, we beg to draw attention to the following: — A Splendid Property of 1300 Acres, highly improved. £12 per acre. A Magnificent Property of 920 Acres.. £20 per acre. Farm of BO Acre?, dairying. £32 per acre. 123 Acres Good Dairy Farm, £14 ]0s per , acre. 160 Acres Splendid Farm. JEIS per acre. 8000 Acre Block of Grand Sheep Country. £4 10s per acre. 380 Acre Far.m, highly • improved. £8 10s per acre. ]87 Acre Farm; good land. £3 per acre. We shall be pleased to supply full particulars of above on application. PYNE and CO.. Auctioners and Land Agents, 7955 Christchurcn. ~ RAILWAYS. new Zealand railways, tuesday train on little river LINE. "npms train hasTnow ceased to 1 BUN. 8216 . .. - : __ _By Order._ PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. NOTICE is hereby given that the PARTNERSHIP lately subsisting between us, the undersigned ROBERT HA3IVELL WOOD and PATRICK ARTHUR LAURIE, carrying on business as Timber and Coal Meirhants, ut Christcburoh, under the style or firm 01 "WOOD and LAURIE," has this clay been DISSOLVED by mutual consent. All Debts due to os- owing by the late firm will be recev«d ; and paid by Messrs Wallace and Laurie. Dated this fifth day of July, ISOI. R. H. WOOD. P. -A. LAURIE. Witness to Signatures— H. O. D. MEARES, Solicitor, Christchurch. Referring to the above notice, we, the undersigned, hereby intimate that we have entered into PARJ.NER&HIP ns TIMBER and COAL MERCHANTS, and will in future carry on the nbovc-rnentiMiEd business under the .style or firm of "WALLACE and LAURIE." THOMAS WALLACE. PATRICK ARTHUR LAUiJE. Witness to Signatures— H. O. D. M.EARES, Solicitor, Christchurch. 8219 MEETINGS, &c. Building and Loan Society, -*■' Peimanent—Office, Cookson street, Kaiapoi—The Monthly Subscriptions end other Paymente aie due on WEDNESDAY, 10th July, when the office will bo open from 7.30 to 8.30 p.m., as well as the usual' hours during tiio day. J. LOWTHIAN WILSON, Manager. 3275 THE NEW ZEALAND FARMERS' COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION' OF CANTERBURY, LIMITED. npHE ANNUAL, GENERAL MEETING- of J- Shareholders will be held in the Association's Rooms, Cashe! street, on SATURDAY, 13th'July next, at 1 o'clock p.m. Business— 1. To receive Directors' Eeport and Statement of Accounts for the year ending 31st May, 1901. 2. To receive Scrutineers' Report of the Election of Seven. Directors from the following candidates: —Retiring Directors— Messre S. Bailey, W. Boag, D. Buddo, John Holniee, J. J. Hernck, R. Morrish John Rennie. • Other nominations —Messrs S. Coleman, L. Matson, F. W, Smith-Ansted. Voting papers to reach head office not later than noon on THURSDAY, 11th July next. 3. To elect Auditors. ROBT. HARDIE, Secretary. • 26th June, 1901. 7542
C—.J.STCHURCH ELECTORATE. am A. H. TURNBULL ■\7inLL. ADDRESS THE ELECTORS at, the following places: — MONDAY. July B—Waltham Sohoolroorn. ,TUESDAY, July 9th—Knightstown Library WEDNESDAY,- July 10th—Women's Political Association, Hobbs's Buildings, 8 p.m. i THURSDAY, July 11th—Theatie 'Royal, Gloucester street. FRIDAY, July 12th—Merivale Schoolroom MONDAY, July 15th—Foresters' Hall," Vog.?l street, 'Richmond TUESDAY, July 16th— Methodist Schoolroom, Selwyn street WEDNESDAY, July 17—Druids' Hall, Colombo road, Sydenham. Each Address will be held at 8 p.m.' . . MEETINGS OF, MR TURNBULL'S FRIENDS and SUPPORTERS Will be held at the Close of each Address. Central Committee Rooms, Inglis'a Buildings. -■ '.■■■"" " 8295 CHRISTCHURCH ELECTORATE. TITR A. H. TURNBULL draws Special attention to the following ALTERATION of his announced DATES for Addressing the Electors:— MONDAY, JULY Bth—Waltham Schoolroom. . WEDNESDAY, JULY 17tft—Dfuids' Hall, Colombo road, Sydenham. Other Meetings as notified in Morning's Papers. ' . 823 i CHRISTCHURCH ELECTORATE. TL/TR GEORGE J. SMITH will ADLIIESS the ELECTORS as under: — MONDAY—Foresters' Hall, Richmond. TUESDAY—State School, Walthp-m. WEDNESDAY—ChoraI Hall, City. THURSDAY—SeIwyrI street School, Addington. Chair to be taken at 8 p.m. each evening:. V 8296 si- : ELECTORATE. -j^|- TAYLOR- will ADDRESS at the Druids' Hall, Colombo roa&i s y denhan, > on MONDAY, July eth, at 8 B - ililp^ire ' Esc l"' Ma y° r of . Sydenham, will fr Bide ;__ '_ _____ 6 J^ Bα t t ATCT'VTifcSS- maio Bhnds of every de- ,•« .1' n %des Venetian Blinds ft -"h best workman, chip. ff
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Press, Volume LVIII, Issue 11010, 6 July 1901, Page 12
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776Page 12 Advertisements Column 6 Press, Volume LVIII, Issue 11010, 6 July 1901, Page 12
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Page 12 Advertisements Column 6 Press, Volume LVIII, Issue 11010, 6 July 1901, Page 12
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