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~.' ' - S ALE., ' '';';;, '*" -.- aki>, eyans.\' ,'V^ '■- -'" V, "■'."' S'.q/M B . '■. *"" ,B , QMAEL .'.. :HoTi4e PBOPERTIB! l " , \:■ , FOR SALE, £ _. Ai Reasonable Prices, ■■ n- ; ; «__»> j® BAKBADOES STREET (City)— House of 7- Teome, ecollery,. with ;<opp«r, pantry, «to *t Terandah/g-aere. • '« ** HEBEFORD STREET B. (oleeo to Be\t>- ,{ e 7 rooms, bathroom,, eoullery,. pantoyl copper c- etc., }-acre,' j* .BROUGHAM STREET (Sydenham)-' ao rooms, pantry, scullery witii copper, stable er etc., 1 acre in garden aad paddock. -■' is, GLOUCESTER STREET (Linwopd) —•; ?* rooms, bathroom (h. and a), pantry, scullery j£ waahhouse, etc., J-aore - (corner section). 1 n- EAST BELT—6 Tooms, bathroom (h. aad o.] ~1 pantry, scullery, washhonae, etc., i-acre. !j( FERRY ROAD—6 rooms, scullery, larg n, workshop, etc., 1-acre, WILLOW STREET (City)—s rooms, pantrj Bcnl2ery with copper, etc., J-acre. _ JOHN STREET (off Ferry road)— 6 rooms scullery, pantry, etc., J-acre. _ KING STREET (Sydenham)— s rooms pantry, scullery, etc., J-acre. X. BROMLEY (close to tram)— 4 rooms, ecu] lery, stables, etc., with 3 acres of fair land. FISHER STREET (Papanui road)-4 roonu scullery, etc., J-acre. ' . ANGUS STREET (Sydenham)— 4 rooma scullery, etc., stable and coachhouse, abou i-acre, LAKE AND EVANS, Xiand and Estate Agents, Etc., New Offices, 189 CASHEL STREET.UF CITT COUNCIL.. " i a . ROYAL , VISIT. a " KEGULATIONsToR VEHICLES. SUSPENSION OF TRAFFIC. - ATOTICE is hereby given that the under IN mentioned will be CLOSEI to Vehicle Traffic at the times and dates statec below: — SATURDAY, JUNE 22nd. From 11 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. '" South belt, in front of Railway Station n Manchester street; from South belt to Lienfield street High street, from Lichfield street to Hereford street ' Colombo street, from Hereford street to Axmagh street Cathedrai square ,-.,,, + Worcester street, from Cathedral square tc Cambridge Terrace ' Cambridge Terrace from Worcester street tc *• Gloucester street ' d Durham street, from Gloucester street tc Armagh street ■ Gloucester street, from Durham street tc Colombo street Armagh street, from Colombo street to Manchester street From 11.30 a.m! to 2.30 p.m., Victoria street, from Armagh street to Salisbury street Salisbury 'street, from Montreal street to ! f Park Terrace, from Salisbury street to North \' belt. ; " MONDAY. JUNE 24th. . •I From 9.15 a.m. to 11.80 »•»• Park Terrace, from J?Jorth belt to Kilmore Salisbury street, from Park Terrace to Mollq , treal street Viotoria street, from Salisbury street to Armagh street ■ . Kilmoro street, from Durham Btreet to Park Terrace From 12.15 p.m. to 2.30 p.m. - Lincoln road and Oxford Terrace, from Riccarton road to Montreal street 11 Montreal stseat and Cranmer square, from Oxford Terrace to Kilmore street Kilmore street, from Montreal street to Park Terrace , __ ~ Park Terace, from Kilmore street to North belt. Tuesday, 25th june. From 8.30 a.m. to 10.30 a.m. The Route from Te Koraha to the Railway Station." * l On the evenings of the 32nd and 24th JUNE . Vehicles of all descriptions will be restricted to a WALKING PACE- in Victoria street, Colombo street, and .High,street between, Victoria bridge and the Clock Tower. On the evening of SATURDAY, the 22nd s June, the footpath on the Eaat Side of Manchester street, and also the roadway, between Worcester street and Gloucester street will, be CLOSED to the public fr»m 8 p.m. until midnight. . , Carriages bringing guests to the Mayor a Reception must approach the Canterbury Hall - from the North and depart towards the South. Engaged carriages may wait in Gloucester street on the South side, east of Manchester street. Disengaged cabs may 'wait, one deep, on the North side of Gloucester street; east of f Manchester streeti ARTHUR E. G. RHODES, Mayor. 3 Christchurch, 18th June, 1901. 7006 L ; r-BY-LAW, No. 1, 1901. • "VrOTICE is hereby given that the NEW BY- ■ -Lux.., No. 1,1801, will come into force on • the Ist JfJLY, 1901, and; contains, among c others, the following provisions:—; That children, shall not trade in the streets ot the City unless provided with a License from the Council. > That no person shall keep Poultry at or upon any premises or place within the City without a License from the Council, i That no person shall drive any "Traction Engine" through the streets of "the City unlefls the same is registered at the Town Clerk's Office, and a License obtained" from tho Council. The By-law also Telates to:— Drains, Buildings, Thickness of Walls, Chimneys, Theatres, etc., Water CTosets, and Sewer Connections, Mortuaries, Betting in Streets, Buildings fronting upon Rights-of-Way, and Miscellaneous Matters. ' ' H. R. SMITH, Town Clerk. City Council Office. 20th Jon*, 1901. 7158 NOTICE TO HOUSEHOLDERS. IN consequence'of the Stoppage of Traffic, tliere will be NO COLLECTION OF HOUSE REFUSE after 9 ».m. on SATURDAY, the 22nd. and NO COLLECTION on J4ONDAY, the 24th in-st. „ W A. DUDLEY DOBSON, Jajf City Surveyor, i< W City Council Offices, Jk fj Chrietchurch, June 20th, 1901. 7tgp ELECTION NOTICES. J^ CHRISTCHURCH ELECTORAT# £ TO THE ELECTORS OF CHRISTCHURCH. LADIES and GENTLE MB N,— I beg to OFFER MYSELF as a CANDIDATE for tho VACANT SEAT, and as a Supporter of Present Administration, WILLIAM HOBAN. June 21at, 1901. • 7254 BOROUGH COUNCILS. KAIAPOI BOROUGH COUNCIL. CLERK AND SURVEYOR. APPLICATIONS are invited for the above A position. Schedule of duties may be seen at the Borough' Council Office, Kaiapoi. Salary, £125 per annnra, with commission. Applications, accompanied with testimonials, to be in by "t, o'clock p.m. on FRIDAY. June 28th, 1901, addressed to his Worship the Mayor, and marked "Clerkship." S. R. WRIGHT, Town Clerk, Kaiapoi. Kaiapoi, June 19th, 1901. BANKRUPTCY NOTICES. , IN BANKRUPTCY. In the Supreme Court, hdlden at Christchurch. NOTICE , is hereby given that JAMES , AFFLECK, of GlcretunneJl, Labourer, was this day adjudged bankrupt; 'sad I hereby summon a meetim* of Creditors, to be holden at my office, on ihe 28th day of JUNE, 1901, at 11 o'clock* G. L. GREENWOOD, Official Assignee. 21st June, 1901. . 7293
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Press, Volume LVIII, Issue 10998, 22 June 1901, Page 12
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947Page 12 Advertisements Column 6 Press, Volume LVIII, Issue 10998, 22 June 1901, Page 12
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Page 12 Advertisements Column 6 Press, Volume LVIII, Issue 10998, 22 June 1901, Page 12
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