Mr William Wilion, who has been ill foi some little time, died yesterday morning. Tin deceased gentleman arrived here in 1850 the shin Mariner, and obtaiued a lease oi the Botauical afc the Bricks wharf, near the presetit Star and Garter. Here the first trees which were planted by the earlier settlera were obtained. Following upon this, Mr Wilson went into business in the city, , and had ai large garden covering that part of Chxistchurch now known aa Bedford row, extending ,to St. Paul's Church. He, with Mr Aikman, formed the firm of Aikman and Wilson, and for many years carried jn a largo business as land and estate agents. The deceased gentleman took an active part in the founding nf the Canterbury Agricultural and Pastoral Association, of which he was Vice-President for many years. He represented the town sf Kaiapoi for three years in the Provincial Douncil, and the City of Chrislchurch for Four years. In 1867 ho was elected Chairman A the City Council, and m 1853 was the irst Mayor of Chuistchu/ah. Of late years, Mr Wilson has not taken much part in public; iffairs, but he always took a warm interest n matters affecting the welfare of the city, in interest ho maintained up to the lay of his death. Hβ leaves a widow and arge family. The funeral will leave The 'hove, Sydenham, for the Public Cemetery, it 2 p.m., to-day. It was in June, l&M (writes our Kaiapoi sorrespondent), that the late Mr W. kVilson, who owned a good deal of landed H'operby in Kaiapoi, particularly near the aihvay station, was elected to represent iaiapoi in the Provincial Council, the total lumber of names on the roll of that year >eing 320. 1 reported the nomination proceedings, which took place at the oldest Courthouse {there having beeu two new Courthouses erected since then). The late )r. W. Donald, of Lyttelton, was Returnng UfKcer. The candidates were the late )r. Samuel Boswick, proposed by Mr G-. Veston, seconded by the late Mr'Geo. H. Vearing, the late Captain John Fuller, ifopoaed by Mr I*. F. Day and econded by the late Mr Geo. C. Jlack, the now deceased Mr Wei. Wilson, proposed by the late Mr A. A. Dobbs and seconded by the late Mr G. F. Hewlings, anil tho Lite Mr Jo.«ia!i Birch, proposed by the late Dr. C. Dudley and seconded by Mr C,has. Oram. Mr Wilson, in his address before the show of hands, pointed out the fact he wjs a non-resident was in his favour, sinca Akavoa was better represented by Mr J. E. Fitzgerald and Timaru by Mr Robert Wiikin than they had ever been by residents. The then electors (of whom there are now onlj* about a score remaining) decided for the non-resident, the poll being—Wilson 28, Fuller 13, Beswiek 6, Birch retired. In September of that year tho late Mr Wilson attended a large public meeting, held in the big room of the old Kaiayoi Hotel, and after pointing out the advantages of municipal government moved the motion which brought the Municipal Council's ordinance into force and elevated Kaiapoi from being a mere Road Board district into a town. This motion, it may be added, was seconded by Mc W. C. Beawick, now of Timaru. Subsequently, after the Council was elected, Mr Wilson presented the town with the bell which his announced the hours oi labour for the past thirty-three years from the old toll-taker's house afc the bridge. In many respects Mr Wilson had his hands full of troubles about tlie encroachments of the Waimakariri "and the efforts which were made in 1865 to have a main roa.d opened called the Hidmnui route to the West Coast goldfieldaj as well as demands for the extension of the northern railway. Many of the institutions of the time were aided from his purge, and though it may be almost unknown to many of the residents^ Kaiapoi owes- a good deal to the late Mr Wilson,, who leaves a brother, Mr Robt. Wilson, still residing there.
Press, Volume LIV, Issue 9879, 9 November 1897, Page 2
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