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BUSINESS *"* 5 • rjIHE MOST COMPLETE AND BEST APPOINT ; GENTS' OUTFITTING ESTABLISHMENT I In the Colouy, EVERYTHING NEW AND "UP-TO-DATE" w GENTS ; HATS, GLOVES AND HOSIERY. Special Orders Executed with Care and Despatch 7 C. P. HULBERT and Co| CURISTCHURCH. JOHN R. PROCTER r OCULISTS' OPTICIAN ' t ISO HIGH STRF.KT, CHRISTCHCRCH. THIS BUSINESS has been RECONSTRunr*r» and the convenience for attending to S? KD 0 quireinente of the public extended and rafpwvrt. ** f All orders or Glasses, &c. can now he without delay, and are under the j vision of a thoroughly competent Optician. Www THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE StOOt 0 op y* 0 LENSES, FRAMES, ARTIFICIAL EYES, fc in the Colony. John r. Procter OCULISTS , OPTICIAN, " ' 180 HIGH STREET, CHRISTCHURch (Optician to the principal Oculists and ODthLt. Surgeons in New Zealand). upu * ln «J \ LOCAL INDUST'By ASK YOUR GROCER FOR CAMERON'S IMPROVED STARCH GLOSS. N.8.-This Gloss Imparts a Beautiful Perfume t* • the cloth. ■ ■ *™ *• SOLD EVERYWHERE. gj 1 OVERHEARD. ANYTHING NEW? THERE IS NOTHING NEW UNDER THE SUN. ¥7ffTELL, my son, Tern, has hart a Vthttu* Z SEOO^BO f TTLE r o e f ™* l <** *»? BA.XTE R' S. LUNG PRESERVER. ; Oh, I have heard of that before. You can ctlti ' at all the Good Chemists and Stores, and some of th. Best Grocers, both in the Nwth and South Mandt ' So that's old news. Oh, but it's new in this case. You have got mc there, old fellow. JUST ARRIVED Ex TAINUI, TARGE SHIPMENT O» TAPESTRTKS, PLUSHES, UTRECHT VELVETS. GENOA VELVKTS, ART SERGES, CRETONNES, BEDSTEADS, &c, &c, The best Display exhibited in Christchurch. See Windows. LAWRENCE~& KIRCHEB, FURNISUING WAREHOUSE, IN 8 .IB X B T,-< DHEPPIELD CUTLERY COMPANY Surgical Knives, Razors, Shears Pruning and Budding Knives Dressmakers , Shears and Scissors Tailors' Shears, and Every Description of Catlen Ground, Set, and Burnished. Safety and Star Razors a Speciality. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Address UNION BUILDINGS, OASHEL STREET Opposite Zetland Arms Hotel A Trial Solicited..ORION CYCLES. JUST LANDED, ex 75." Maori, a SHIPMENT 9 BICYCLES, with all up-to-date improvement Also, LIGHT ROADSTERS, weight 291bs ' LADIES' MACHINES, all with best JDunlop tyref CUNNINGTON and CO., GLOUCESTER STREET. f \MT ANTED KNOWN—For Sale, Cambridge Dog Cart, 1 mottled kauri Polo Cart on C springs, 1 Gig, all new; 2 Whitechapels, second hand, in good ' ' order and cheap. Repairs and country orders promptly attended to. Voice and Peat, Central Coach Factory, Lichfleld street. FUNERAL NOTICES TTUNTER and COMPANY •*••*• MONUMENTAL WORKERS, Junction of Colombo street and South Belt, OHUISTCHURCH. We Manufacture on the Premises to Any Design- . Monuments, Tombs, Crosses, Tablets, Baptismal Fonts, Water Foun tains, Garden Vases and Pedestals; also, House Carvings. Designs and Estimates on Application. NEW PATTERNS IN IRON RAILINGS OHEAP > Concrete Keibings. THE Friends of Mr George Edmonds are respect* &., fully invited to attend the Funeral of hie late <f< Son, Frederick; .which will leave the Residence of ••&,, Mr Thos. > Stevenson, Oridland street, Ka'utpoi, fia Wednesday, 3rd June, at 2 p.m., for the Churchp* -'. England Cemetery.—W. WJJSTON. 99* ' Friends of Judge Ward are informed that the - , I Funeral of his late Wife mil leave his residence, No. 89 Park Terrace, on Wednesday, June 3rd insfc, at 2 p.m., for the Burwood Cemetery. JAS. LAMB and SON, Undertakers, 35 Lichfleld street. Telepboq* 361. W THE Friends of the late Mr Allan Cameron are respectfully invited to attend bis Funeral, leaving his late residence, at Wadding'on, at 2,30 . p.m., Wednesday, 3rd, for the Waddington Cemetery. JOHN LORD, 113 Undertaker. , ' G-EORG-E BARREL!/, , UNDERTAKER, -*-'~ By request has added to his already replete pbo*,^ , OPEN FUNERAL CAR, ;*'" ■ for which no extra charge 13 mode, but hisUtlrtlw low charges will be adhered to. Telegraph or Telephone Orders, by night or. d*T>, .receive immediate attention. * "• •- -55 Durham street South. Telephone 531. j. lamb and son, undertakers: FUNERALS FURNISHED at the Shortest Nottof, • £\ in the Best Possible Style, to Suit all CUwe* Charges moderate. •. , Address 35 LICHFIELD STREET. Telephone 361. TR DUCKWORTH AND SON, ; 3Um UNDERTAKERS. No. 42 COLOMBO ROAD, SYDENHAM. MM Trade iupplied, **" VT. LANGF 0B D, UNDERTAKER, . " Furnishes Funerals at the LOWEST POSSIBLE ~ PRICES, combined with respectability. Oldest Firm in New Zealand. Address—Residence, corner of North and Eft* belts. Office: 135 Colombo street Telephone, 387. jyj S V ' X E S » UNDERTAKER, CORNER OF CASHEL aul DURHAM STREETS —————— - ' v t Printed by Obobob Jaurs Mradows, of Onslow itreiit St. Albins, and published by John Kcmkli BbuOT of Buccleuch street. Linwood, for tne Onrietcmircn Prrss Comvany, LUnite.l, «t t»teu- Offlcee 6*% ■ , Crwhel sweet. Chii-tchuioh. TatsJaj-, Jaue 2ad, 1896. '' .
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Press, Volume LIII, Issue 9432, 2 June 1896, Page 8
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748Page 8 Advertisements Column 7 Press, Volume LIII, Issue 9432, 2 June 1896, Page 8
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Page 8 Advertisements Column 7 Press, Volume LIII, Issue 9432, 2 June 1896, Page 8
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To the best of the National Library of New Zealand’s knowledge, under New Zealand law, there is no copyright in this item in New Zealand.
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This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Christchurch City Libraries.