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The Weekly Press.—There i* mue& and varied light literature in the current number of the Weekly Press. Ths best ol the sketches is one by Anthony Hope, entitled "Bad Matches," which is in tbii popular author's brightest vein. There are numerous short stories, and "Bull-eye" gives us a good instalment of his *' Übitral Campaigu." The illustrations include some large photo engravings ot Christchurch aa it appeared after tho fall of snow yeateiday week. Perhaps no greater budget of apo-*.-ing news has ever been published ia Uw ! Australasian colonies than appears ia the pages of the Referee, whicli faithfully memtains its position au the offi -hil aud representative piper of New The editorials deal with " Pentagraph's *•.. statistics, licensing of jockeys, aud some lapses in trotting circles. Tne handicaps . for tho leading ov.nts of the Grand National meeting aro reviewed at lrtiigtn by " Spec* tator " and " Hotspur." Five columns are taken up recounting the visits to various racing stables. Ttiess are only a few of the features of the racing A verbatim report is given of tiie pro.jedingi at the Canterbury Metropolitan L'rottiug Association's maetiug hold to consider tha action o£ the Auckland Trotting Club with regard to the disqui hhcation of Edwards and AleBride. The Kennel notes should be found of great iuterest to tho fauc}-. In all the other departments the pap-jr, as usual, is up to date. The Late Hon*. E. Gray.—The funeral of the late Hon. E. Gray, of Huon Hay, j took place yesterday afternoon at the ' Halswell C'inetory, and there-poet iv which the deceased waa held duting his lifetime was shown by the number of representative geutlemen who followed hi* remains to the grave. The Agricultural aud Pastoral Association, of whicu the deceased had been an active member, was well repre- , sented, and among those who were present** 1 were—Sir John Hall, Messrs H. P. MurrayAynsley, Geo. Gould, M. Murphy, A. 0. Wilson, J. Haydou, J. Ferguson, S. Gar. forth, and P. Duncan. The liiv. Cauon Harper coud voted the service. Musical Union.—For .to-night's concert a book of words will be on sale. This fitbeen printed for the convenience of thoao attending the concert, and tho better appre- j 'ciation of the music to be sung. It is intended the proceeds from same shall be handed over to the Treasurer of tho winter relief fuud. The usual tram arrangements have been made as notified in another, column. Intending subscribers can obtain tickets at Milner and Thompson's up to noon to-day, after that at Mr Jamos Free I man's, High streot. FaNBiRALS at Lekston. — Tho funeral of the late Mrsßarnott took place at the Wesleyan cemetery, Leeston, yesterday. There was a largo gathering present to testify their esteem of the deceased. Tho Revs. A. C. Liwry, W. Grant (Leeston) and J. Griffin (Spriugston) conducted the set vice at ins grave.—The funeral of the young man Joseph Petrie, who was killed on Mouub Torlesse run by a suow drift burying bim during the iate enow storm*, took "place at the Presbyterian cemetery, Leeston, yesterday. Great sympathy is expressed for Mr and Mrs D.niel Petrie, the parents, in their bereavement. They are very old settlers in the Ellesmere district, but have recently been residing in the Springfield distriot. Racing Statistics.—Three weeks ago, after the close of the Metrouolit.u race meetings, the Weekly Press and Referee contained "Pentagraph's" budget of racing statistics, whioh, we find, have since beeti largely quoted from iv all the leading papers throughout the colony. Iv to-day's issue of New Zealand's weekly 'journal the returns to date are given, together with a most comprehensive table showing the number of races and days' racing during the season in the colony ; also the added money and the total sum put through the totali*** tor at all meetings. The dividends of £20 and upwards are also published. When it ia added that a lis*-, of the " winning jockey." i* supplied by "Spectator," it> will be readily seen that the figures ehould provide some instructive reading. Are there Unemployed at K«a.6i?—■ The questiou of whether there are any unemployed at Kaiapoi formed tbe subject, of remark at the last meeting of the Town Council. It was stated by a gentleman who was present as Chairman of a deputation that he was constantly being asked by men if he could give them work at his grain stores. Certain of the Councillors emphatically declared that the report about metv being unemployed was exaggerated. Than it came out that the Counoil had a test tot < men who ask for work. If those who apply refused to take a turn at stone-breaking, for ' which the pay, is 3s a yard, they-are considered not to be in want of employment It apparently works like a - charm, wheu Councillors can positively declare they ha'" had only two or three applications tot stone-breaking during the lust two mouths. Dkuidism.—-The Mistletoe Lodge held in usual half-yearly meeting on Monday evening, A.D. Bro. A. Marshall presiding. The balance-sheet showed that the Lodge was ia a very pronperou. condition, as notwithstanding having a very heavy half-year* sick pay, the funds of the Lodge amounted to £1032 15i 4d, an increase of £31 for the half-year. The Auditors congratulated the Lodge upon the progress mads aud stated that the funds were invested in good seco- , rities. The balance-sheet and Auditorreport were unanimously adopted. Tbe election of officers resulted as follows :—• J.P.A., Bro. Marshall; AD, Bro. W. H. -*- Triggs; V.A., Bro. WVH. Denton; Seoretary, Bro. H. D. Rayner; Treasurer, Bro. W. Bailey; M.S., Bro. J. W. Hull; A.D.8.., Bros. K. Forney and C. S. Edward; V.A.D.B.'s. Bros. J. Brown and W. Davison; IG, Bro. W. Allan; 0 G-* Bro. R. Kiqg; D.G.JU Representative, Bro. J. W. Hull. . The officers were then duly installed by DP. Bro. Foster, assisted by P.I>.P. Bro, J. W. Hull. The usual votes>; of thanks were proposed aud duly responded to. Business Notice.— XV. Strange and Co. t wiah to notify the publio that they are making preparations on a large scale for their great Stock-taking Sale, whioh will take place about the end of the present : month, when the additions to their alre-dy extensive premises, now in progress, will be ,' completed, including new millinery ahow* room, ladies' lavatories, and fitting rooms.

A Loxo Tramp.—Or.c of the men who applied for work yesterday morning was „_ old man, nearly seventy, who had walked all I be way from to Christchurch, in the hope of fiuding employment here. riiOTOGEArnv. — Messrs Wrigglesworth and Binns have executed some very pretty enow photographs, taken the receut _torm. One of the Museum in particular is e*cceeain<_-ly artistic. Conoki'.t. —A concert iv cnnrjoclion with tlso Ot.fal Mi'-ihiou will bo given in the 0-.hH«;lr.v3' Hall to-night, fur which a very Bttr.LCtive i ro.;irsn,;nt' Hi*.- been arranged. t:U*''i".*.irCi)r*-.T. —'.lis ii->:;mir Mr .Justice Dennis'on ii.-M a isitU".' m banco yesterday inorni!'/,'. aud gave ju*'yma-'- in Use case of Joyc v Ku!<.>, dijdi's. the appeal with £lblO'-c.vjls. w,-.a 'also heard ju Hit:: ci-- 1 . of T\ it tt v iit ;hop and others. Bi-Ti'J.x S<-'.-f :ij. —Tho return social to the Ladies' .-viiri ••; I*.■■'.■■ -.tcus will be held in the Funsters' H-iii th:?; evening. CiiKit/roii-nc'ti Hi-.nt Cia-c— The hound* of the Ciii'iatciitirch Hunt Club meat at the Jveune's to-day. PitoitrDiTios iv!___rs..—A prohibition meeting, under tho auspices of the New Zealand Alliance, will he hold at the Salvation Army Barracks this evening. Addresse3 will bt* delivered by Revs. E. Walker and H. C M. Watson and Mr T. E. Taylor. LECfitRK TO Womkk.—A lecture in continuation of tho series cf addrc?se3 to •women will be deliver d at the Art Gallery to-day at _ p.m. by _Ir J. T. M. Hornsby {The subject wili bo "■ Women and Politics." Coixmbia Fitter.—An exposition ot the Colombia Fitter will be given by Mr Powell, at the Oddfellows' Hal!, Lyttelton, to-day, at 3 p.m. Literary Society. — "Journal Night" was the busincs-j on Tuesday evening at the Literary .Society in connection with the Church of Sr. John's, Lyttelton. About forty-five members and friends wcro present, and Mr A. Ironside wu.3 in the chair. The reading of th*? journal wa. preceded by a paper on "Telegraphy," by Mr Johryitoiie. The lidiLor, Mrs Itonside, then read papers on the following subjects:—"Old Miids," "Cremation," " Women v Meu," *• Bathing," " Long Engagements," and several short letters fo tho Editor. Au animated discussion followed. Cai.kiion-jan ISoc-if.ty.—Ltist night one of the most enjoyable socials of the season iv connection with the Caledonian Society was held iv the Room**, Hereford street. There was a very large attendance of members and their friends, and Air P. Campbell, President, occupied the chair. Vipers McTavish and _uurock opcued the proceedings in true Scottish form with pints music. Songs were given by Miss iSpcnsiey, who was encored, Airs Morgan (ne'e Miss Fanny Martin) to whom a similar compliment was accorded, Mrs E. W. Parker, Messrs H. M. Hooves, Frater, Williamson, and 11. M. Johnston. Miss McNcish recited " Mary Queen of Scots" well, and Miss L. Preece played a mandolin aolo. • Mr Farmer gave a clarionet aolo, and Mrs Fraser's band played a couple of selections admirably. After the concert a most enjoyable dance took place, the music for -which was admirably gtven by tbo band. Asuiiukton IJoitouiiii Council. — The monthly meeting of tho Ashburtun Borough jfjuncii wns lioid on Monday. Pretcut— His Worship the Mayor, Crs. Bird, Brooke, Collins, Real, Cuthbertson, Orr and Thomas. A petition was received from a number of ratepayers, asking the Council to form - footpath on tho North-east belt. The petition was referioii back, as it should have come fir-it through the Ashburton Road Board. The Fire Brigade Committee reported having inspected tho plant, and fiuding everything in perfect order. It was deuided to write to tho Now Zealand Fire Underwriters' Association, expressing a hope that the subsidy for the Bt igade would be paid as usual. A motion to rescind a resL'lutiou teduuing the Foreman's wages was '.ost. Iv respouss to the wishes of a deputation, it was decided to open the reat'liugrooin of tho library on Sundays from 10.30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Forestry.—Tito fortnightly meeting of Conn Star of ..intei-buty w.B hold on Monday evening, C. R. Bro. j. W. Huuter in the chair. There was a fair attendance of member.. The Woodwards' report on the sick ' was a very lengthy one ; they also reported tho death of Bro. G. Wilson since the last meeting. The CR. read letters from Melbourne, West Australia, Nelson and London in reference to sick brothers. ■ In reference "* to a return social, the C. R. reported that the Committee had met and decided to hold the social on Thursday, the 18Lh inst. The members of the Committee repotted that a number of tickets had been sold, and that all the necessary arrangements had been made, and .they anticipated that this would be one of tho most successful socials ever held by the Court.. The C.R. reported having received a complimentary ticket for the social to be held in connection with Court Victoria, Kaiapoi. At the installation of officers, P.D.O.R. Crooks took the chair, aud reinstalled P.C.R. Hunter for a •econdtonn. The C.R. then installed the newly-elected subordinate officers. A vote of thanks was pissed to the retiring officers. Three new members wore duly initiated. The sick pay was passed, and tho C.R. closed the Court iv due form. Receipts of the eveniug £219 15s. Acknowledgments.—Mr Hei-rick desires to acknowledge, with sincere thauks, the following during tho past three weeks, which have been received and distributed : —Clothing, Sec, Friends, 8.F.5., Mesdames Wright, Cooper, C. W. Hulme, Baxter, Hunt, Kilgour, Wyatt, Salkeld, Cowdray, Longmans, Belfast, Van Asch, Black, Cohen, Messrs J. 0. Wilson, .). Pritohard, T. C. Croft, Geo. Fletcher, Preece, Cook and Gray, McDonald, aud Armagh street Friend; Dorcas garments and new materials, members of the Dorcas Guild and friends; boots and shoes, Messrs Ske'ton, Frostick and Co., Suckling Bios., S. Manning and Friend, and Mr Priichard; new clothing, Girls' High School, Ministering Children's League, Springston Dorcas Society; infants' bonnets, Trinity Sewing Class; fish and rabbits, Mr Dennis ; vegetables, Robinson Bros., Mr Pritchard; periodicals, Mr Allard and Armagh street Friends; drippiug, Mesdames Baxter, Hall, Captain Gibaon ; sheep, Canterbury Frozen Meat Company, Christchurch Friends; meatj Messts Harris, Lane, Thomas, Payne, Armagh street Friend, and Mrs Bowen; ot, bedding, and sewing machine, Mr Bloxain; biscuits, Messrs Aulsebroob I and Co. ; oatmeal, Messrs Moir aud Son ; coals, Messrs G. McCktchie aud Co. ; cash donations, Mrs Garrard s*, E. L.R. SJ,5 J , Merivale Friend 10s, Y.E. 53, Home contribution box—Anonymous £1, Anonymous 10s and 5s 6d cash. M.E. ss, Grateful 10s, Well-wisher ss, Help 53, a Friend 2s 6d, Sympathiser 10s, F.J. ss, Anonymous per post £1. Canterbury Women's Institute.—The Institute held their ordinary monthly meeting at the rooms of the"V.M.C.A., the President in the chair. The Secretary submitted a pamphlet on " Reasons why the CD. Acts .hould be repealed," copies of which are to be forwarded to the various women's organisations for distribution. The following resolution was passed :—" (1) That Mr Bell be congratulated on his Bill :o introduce cremation ; (2) That the C.W.I, views with satisfaction the action, taken by the Philosophical Institute iv inaugurating a series of popular scientific lectures, as being distinctly in the interest of the wellbeing of tho people of Christchurch ; the resolution to be forwarded to the President °f the Institute." Mrs Blake read a short but most interesting paper on "Compulsory Work," and the following resolution was passed :—"That this Institute is of opinion » of opinion that the Hon. W. M. Bolt's Bill for a co-operative settlement should be well considered in both Houses, so that self-supporting settlements be early established iv New Zealand." The following resolution was passed, to be forwarded to the various federated women's organisations throughout New Zealand and also to the Minister of Justice .—"Tho petition of the C.W I. humbly sboweth (1) that prisoners have been treated too much as a worthless and hopeless element in tho community; (2) That the moral as well as the legal responsibility of the prison authorities has been held to cease when tho prisoneis pass out side the prison gates; (3) That tne moral condition in which (a) a large number of ''. prisoners leave the prison, (b) the serious number of re-committals, (c) the well-known lack of cl_s°ificalion existing in our prisons, (d) the evil consequences which follow the imprisonment of first offenders, (c) tho absence of training of the prison staff in regard to their duties, &-., point to tne fact that there is ample cause for a searching inquiry into the main features of prison system. Your petitioners pray that a suitable Commission maybe appointed for this pur* potse." Two new members were elected.

Edhcation--*. Lvstitcte—A social gathering ia connection with the Nor.h Canterbury Educational Institute will be held ou _ riday evening. The musical arrangements wi.l bo under the direction of Mr A. J. Morton. A general meeting of the Institute will be held at tbe Normal School oa Saturday.

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Press, Volume LII, Issue 9160, 18 July 1895, Page 4

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LII, Issue 9160, 18 July 1895, Page 4

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume LII, Issue 9160, 18 July 1895, Page 4