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Polo.—The Manawatu Polo Club defeated the Hawke's Bay team at Hastings yeß 11 goals to 0. Holy Trinity Chttroh, Avonside.— Among the suburban places of worship, this picturesque church deserves a word of special mention, both for the taste displayed in the Christmas decorations and the brightness and heartiness of the service's on Christmas Day. A particularly good selection of carols was given, including some new ones of a very melodious and taking character. These were sung in excellent style by the choir, under tho direction of Mr J. L, Scott, the choirmaster. The carols will be repeated at the evening service next Sunday. A Remarkable Christmas Card.—-The following communication, dated from Seacliff, has beeu received (says the Otago Daily Times) by a firm of insurance agents in the city, and has presumably been sent to others, as a Christmas card, very tastefully printed in gold :—" Christmas, 1893.—T0 the Fire Underwriters of Dunedin.—Fellow Idiots, —Accept my cordial greetings at this festive season. This is indeed a time for mutual congratulation I We have truly shown a spirit of self-saorifice (of our Companies' interests) that* has awakened the admiration of all premium payers great and small. Vive la guerre ! Let our motto continue to be'l'll go one better.' Hurrah I To-day the cry is "English v Colonials !*ond the audience applaud to the echo. ToI morrow let it be ' Unlimited v Limited ;' next day ' A to M v Nto Z. Keep the merry ball a-rolling I What says the whitelivered cur? 'It is easier to break down than to build up.' Down with him I Shall we let him spoil our fun, and at this joyous saason, too? Vive V Anarchiel Smaiih tariffs, smash average agreements, smash Associations, smash everything ! Our millennial is dawning. To wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year would be superfluous. ..They are inevitable. —Yours affectionately, Fire Underwriter." A Boon to Gardeners, amateur and professional, is now obtainable in Christchurch, Mr Dombrain, 141 Cashel street, has been appointed Cant erbury agent for Brenchley _ Insecticide andoFertiliser, which has been so successful in the North Island. -, It is death to slugs, worms, and insect pests of every kind. For agricultural purposes it has been found invaluable for turnip fly, &c, and some large orders have been received for this purpose. 3280 A Photoqrai-hic TaE-T.—U ndoubtedly the most, remarkable display of photos ever made in Christchurch is now to be seen In Messrs W_ugg__swort_ aud Binns* vestibule, the new proprietors of the businesses of the Eden George Company. The striking of Lord and Lady Glasgow and family, and of Cardinal Morau are attracting, a vase amount of attention. The work shown i<i all Mulshed by Wrigouesworth and Binn*.' patented matt-opal type process which ban created such a furore araouG* fashionable circle, in Wellington. The firm are now ready to receive patrons for this class of photography.—[Advt. 1 And yet you will find that any one who requires thorough artistic and legitimate photographic work that is permanent and of the highest order of execution, still patronises C. H. Manning, as his still increasing business testifies. Tbe demand for Lis own patent process, the Brornaliue Photos, is largely oa tbe increase. Another new exhibit of all classes of work just added at Studio, 150 Colombo -street. Appointments advisable to avoid detention.—£Anv_.i __•■.■' Stan dish and Preeces photos are etill unrivalled. New specimens in vestibule weekly. 218 High street. —£Advt.] Bicycles fros. £»I.—Our great stock of second hand cycles is now offered during the " Christmas boom" at bargain prices. Easy payments from 5a a week. Adams, Curties and Co., 70 Manchester street, Christchurch. [-J.VT.]
The Governor's Movements.— His Kr. oellency tho Governor will attend the hyC tolton Regatta, on Monday next {{fa. Year _ Day); and on Tuesday he will be present at the Summer Meeting of thi O.J.C. On Monday, Bth inst., his lenoy leaves Christchurch for Greymouth,' for tho purpose of paying a visit to th. Greymouth Industrial Exhibition. Ho wil spend a week on tho West Coast and the! return to Chriatchurch.
Chami-ei. ov Commerce.—There will hi no meet-)* of the Committee of the Ghambt. of Commerce until the second Frid_v v January, 1894. * y ,a Personal. —On Christmas DAy Mr A W Money returned from an extended tour t. England. Ho oojoyed the trip greatly, but expresses his satisfaction at setting his foot in New Zoaland once again. His health hai bonefited wonderfully by the trip. The Christ*, inr-wii Unkmcloybd. __ Most of tho Christchurch unemployed have returned to their homos. It U the .nten. tion of several of them to urgo Mewn Collins and Smith to bring their __riavano«_ before Parliament. Lyttelton Borouoh Council At thi meoting of thia Council, held on Wednesday night, Mr J. Thompson, the nowly-eleotsd Mayor, presided for tho first time, and discharged his duties in a capable, iiunnor. ill S. R. Webb, tho newly-elected Councillor took hia seat. ' The Recent Accidents.—Upon enquiry at the Hospital yesterday afternoon, wo wen informed that the sufferers through the recent holiday accidents are all \nogrwni_a | very favorably. Young Taylor has now recovered consciousness. Collision.—A collision occurred between two hansom cabs, driven respectively bj Messrs Hunter and Stewart, yesterdaj afternoon, opposito the City Hotel. Hunter' cab waa much damaged aud the horse oat. Funeral.—The funeral of tho late Mn McClatohio, wife of Captain MoClateble, took place yesterday, and wm Urgelj attended. The Lyttelton Harbour Board, ol which Captaiu McClatchio is a member, an. the Canterbury Bow lint; Club, of which he fa President, were represented in tho funeral cortege. The Weather.—Tho squally, accompanied by intermittent showers ol rain, which has prevailed ior the past tvri days, finally broke jesterday morning, rau before the afternoon tho sun was bnutuh Bhiuiug, with a clour bluo sky overheat. Farmers and fruit-growors all 'around fch< district inform ua that tho rain has been ol immeuso benefit to tho crops go no rally. Thb Stolen Watch.—lt scorns that thi watch missed from Mr Ot chard watappft' rcutly Btolon by aoms ouo on tho ground | but the fact ot it being " planted, and nt one having seen the thief it is almost im possible to sheet tho oriino home. Althougt a person well known to tho police is uudei suspicion, thero is not sufficiont evidenoe U warrant an arrest. Tho watch is, however still in tho custody of tho police. Variety ,Comi'ant.— The Company tra veiling under tho title of Bernard's Won dere, repeated thoir performance last nigh to an audience which was appreciative i comparatively small. Tho members of thi troupe acquitted themselves as woll as 01 Erevious nights. This evening there wil o a change of progrunmo. To-mornu afternoon a matinee, and tomorrow nigh tho *• wonders" will bo eoeu for tho u»i time of tho present season. Postaoe of Accounts. —We aro request* by tho Postal Department to notify tha for the present trade accounts or invoice bearing printed remarks or instructions t customers, Btich no " torma cash," •' ten pS cent, charged on overdue accounts,'' " whei remitting return accouut to bo receipted, and " exchange must be added to cheques are to be regarded as admissible under th conditions of the commercial paper post. Dance. —A dauco inf honor of the via of the warships Ouragoa, Lizard, au Duguay Trouin to Lyttelton was given i Government House, Ham, last evening b Hia Excellency the Governor and Lad Glasgow. Thero were about one huudre and twenty present, and danolng, wit intervals, was indulged in until 12.J a.m. A large marquee, 60ft by 25ft, wi erected for the ocoasion by Mr A. J. Whit* who also supplied tho dcoorations, Hag* __
furnishings, Harbour Board.—Tho ordhiary riieetii] of the Lyttelton Harbour Board was held. 2 p.m. Present—Meters F. \V&_/mout (Chairman), J. Joyoe, Langdown, llrahan Peryman, Gibbs, Thaoker, Captain Parso*. Hon. J. T. Peacock. Tho Chairman tmi that he would ask the Board to merely p« the necessary accounts, and thwn, as a m_i of sympathy with Captain MoClatohie in h bereavement, that the Board should adjouri An apology was received from Mr 11 C Wright for absence. Accounts, arnountit to £954 16s 4d, were passed for M|n«B ( The Board then adjourned till Januflß&ti 11894. at noon. mi , Man-of-War Boat Race.—The race * i man-of-war boats, to be held in connect c with th«» Lyttelton Regatta on Mond* 'next, is exciting corndderablo inter* ■ among the crews of the war vessels now i port. The crow of the Dnguay Trouln ii tend making a bold bid for the pjw offered, aud are training hard for the om test. Their spin over tho course night M morning is-watched with considerable■ li torest by those on shore, and it is very cv dent that, bar accidents, the crew that eta the Frenchmen will win the race. Drunk 'and Resisting the Power*.At the Leeston Police Court on Baturda; John McDermott, labourer, of Doyle-to* waa charged with being drunk and Mttrtw the polioe. It appeared that the man t» caused considerable excitomentin Doylesw tho previous day, having while in a stateintoiication, driven his bf&e md «v furiously about tho township. Comm McCormick was tout for, and wp* "j two or three residents, with some tllw-«. arrested and handcuffed McDermott. wl continued so violent that the ConeU-IflW to tie his legs and arms, and even, Wu McDermott managed to throw himself m the side of the trap while Mm- otmjny* to the lock-up. Constable MoCorauok in considerably knocked about and b» «*»! torn. Dr. Gossott, who was on the om remanded tho accused to Lyttelton .pel*
eight days. , , ,« English C-Clkh. — During the Am boom of Star wheels, no are otleruf » stock of English samole machniM price-Raleighs, New Howes and Uumbe _sasy payments. Adams, CwMIWAKD" 70 Manchester street, Cfaristolwrd*. Al>VT.]
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Press, Volume L, Issue 8677, 29 December 1893, Page 4
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1,619NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume L, Issue 8677, 29 December 1893, Page 4
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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume L, Issue 8677, 29 December 1893, Page 4
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