(PBESS ASSOCIATION TELEGRAMS.) , WELLINGTON, September 20. It is understood that the Government is favourable to proclaiming October 25th a public holiday as Demonstration Day. Wm. Thomas, a bricklayer's labourer, was committed for trial on a charge of perjury arising out evidence given by him in a recent civil case, when he swore that he was unable to write. He subsequently admitted thac he had endorsed a promissory note. Further changes are being made in the Union Steamship Company's service. Captain Abram, late of the Oreti, has taken command of the Taupo. Mr Jarman, chief officer of the Oreti, and who had charge of her during Captain Abram'a absence on the Wainui, will become captain. Captain Fraser will act as chief officer of the Oreti. The Governor visits Masterton to-morrow, to open the new Boys' Institute. Mr X. M. Welford, solicitor, contests the Hutt seat, and Mr Charles PownalL solicitor, announces his intention to conteat.the Wairarapa seat AUCKLAND, September 20. The Anderson family, who had the measles on tbeTarawera and have been sent to the Hospital, came from Melbourne. They joined the Tarawera at Sydney. An old Maori man was found dead in the bush near Whirinaki, Hokianga. Constable Hogan is investigating the affair. The Inspector of Factories is warning some proprietois who employed boys under age, or neglected to provide suitable sanitary arrangements for both eexes and suitable ventilation of premises, that he will prosecute unless measures are taken to comply with the law. A meeting of the Knights of Labour passed the following resolution :—"The New Zealand Pioneer Assembly of the Order in New Zealand congratulates the women of the colony on being admitted to the franchise, a right the Order has always advocated, it Being one of the planks of their platform.' , DUNEDIN, September 20. James H. Brown, a fellmonger, is missing from Alexandra South. He had been very despondent through being out of work, and it is feared he may have committed suicide. The Women's Franchise League held a thanksgiving meeting to-day, when a resolution congratulating the League on granting women's franchise was passed and the hope expressed that the same privilege would soon be granted in other parts of the Empire. ' The Hospital Trustees intend sending two of their members to Wellington to urge the Government to grant the £1500 required to complete the new vug of the hospital.
Press, Volume L, Issue 8593, 21 September 1893, Page 5
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