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Our English files contain tV following report of this great ran*, which formed tbe chief attraction at the late S*ndo«n Park Meeting:— Thb EcLiPsa Bt*__b of 10 000 soys nett. with 500 sovj for the second, the thri saved st»ke of ItO nova; thr-e year olds Bat, four B_t 121b, five and up wards 9.t» mires and geldings Allowed 31b} winuprs of a stake value 5< 0 eovs 41b, of 1000 pnva 7lb extra not include^); winnersof the Oe'by.Ook", Bt. L»ger, or Grand Prix de Pari* 101b extta; by subscription of 10 soys each, the only forfeit if decl»rad by the first Tuaeday in October, 188- 1 if left in after the first Tuesday in October, 1884. a further subscription of 20 soys; if Ifft in after the first Tuesday io January, 18S5 a further subscription of 39 soys; if left in after the first Tuesday, 1536. a further subscription ot 50 so vs. About one mile and a quarter. 265 sub*, 103 of whom pay 10 soys each, 66 of whom nay 30 soys each; and 43 of whcm pay 60 soys each. Mr H. 'x. Barclay's br h Bendigo, by Ben Battle—Hasty Girl, 6 yrg, 9_t 71b (T.Cannon) 1 Lord Alington. b c Candlemas, by Hermit. —_'usee, 3 yrs, Sit "lb (P. Archer) 2 Mr J. Hammond's b h St. Gatien, by Rothsrhill or Tke Bcver—St. Editha. syrs,9stlolb (C.Wood) 3 M. P. Aumont's eh h Fra Diavolo, 5 yr«,9.t4lb (P.Webb) 0 Lord Zetland's b f St. Helena, 4yra, 9at 2lb (Bruckshaw) 0 Duke of Hamilton _ b f Miss Jummy, 3 yrs,S3t7lb (J. Watt}) 0 Mr Manton's b c Gay Hermit. 3 yrs, Bst 41b ... t (P. Barrett) 0 Mr A. Benholm's eh f Bra - Lass, 3 yrs. Sit lib ... ... (J. Woodburn) 0 Lord Ellesmere's b f Cataract, 3 yrs, Bat lib (Ricaby, 0 Lord Bradford's b c Martinet. 3 vrp, Bst (<*■. Loates) 0 Duke of Westminster'a eh c Whitefriar. I 3vrs, Bat (G.Barrett) 0 Mr J. B. Haukey'sch f Pinbasket, 3 yrs. 7_tlllb (fxaahmar) 0 Betting at the Start — 6 to 4 agst Bendigo, 9 to 4 St. Gatien, 100 to 7 G*y Hermit, 100 to 6 Candlemas, 20 to 1 PraDiavolo. 20 to 1 Whitefriar, 1000 to 35 Martinet, 4 1 ) to 1 Miss Jummy, 40 to 1 Rraw Lass. UK) to 1 Cataract, ICOO to 8 St. Helena, 200 to 1 Pinbasket. Place Betting —5 to 2 on St. Gatien, . to 4 Bendigo, 9 to 4 agst Gay Hermit, 5 to 2 Fra Diarolo, 5 to 2 Candlemas, 5 to 1 Martinet, 6to 1 Miss Jummy, 6 to 1 Braw Lata, 100 to 15 Whitefriar. The appointed time of starting had been exceeded by five minutes before cataract, Pinbasket, Braw Lass, and St. Helena led the way out of the paddock. In th* parade this quartette resigned to Fra Diavolo, Mis* Jummy, Gay _ermlt, and _fendi?o, witu Candlemas and Pi-basket next, and St. Helena the la_t. Oo far Whittf .iar did not appear on the ecene, and the preliminary canter, iv which Fra Diavolo, Gay Hermit, and Miss Jummy formed the first three, was over before the Duke of Westminster's colt wa9 seen at the starting post. He iuftintly began t> show violent temper, and for quite ten minutes Mr &. l'Anson. who went to the a«tis:aace of the elder Birrett, could not induce him to join h\3 horsKS. Bat when he had done bo the flig fell at 3.31 to a capital start, in which St. G_tien ana Martinet jointly made play from Gay Hermit, Braw -.ass, and Fra i/iavolo. Immediately behind these came Cataract, Candlemas, ißendigo, and Miss Jummy, with the rear rank composed of St. Helena, Whitefriar, and Pinbasket. After travelling thus for a couple of hundred yards St. Gatien was steadied, and Martinet carried on the running from Braw Lass, Cataract, and Fra Diavolo, c»t. Gatien being now only just in advance of Gay Hermit and Bendig \ with Candlemas at their heels, and St Helena whipping in. As they approached the railway gate Cataract and Martinet were racing side by side fiom Braw Lass, who headed them slightly on the outside at the mtmbers* entrance, with Fra Diavolo going on fourth from Gay Hermit-, St. Gatien, Bendigo, and Miss Jummy, the two conspicuously astern being Whitefriar and St. Helena. Into the straight Cataract (on the rails) and Braw Las* had the beßt of Martinet, who instantly dropped back bea-n.tbe tint batch to pass httn being Fra Diavolo and Bendigo in the centre and St Gatien en the inside. A little further on Braw Lasß and Cataract struck their colors in favor of Fra Diavolo, who came on from Bendigo and St. Gatien to the commencement of the rails, where the hard-pulling Bendigo assumed the command. He wan going much better at the time than St. Gatien, as although the latter poached a bit a: the turn, Wocd soon became a little uneasy. When he changed places with Fra Diavolo a quarter of a mile from heme Bendigo waa just clear of him, and on the left were Candlemas and Gay Hermit, separated by a biggish gao from Miss Jummy, the others being wildly scattered, 'i _« efforts of St. Gatien to catch. Bendigo grew f-inter at every stride from'below the distance and when he was challenged opposite the stand by Candlemas for second money he had to knock under by half a length, in the meanwhile Cannon, who had taken careful stock of the situation as he reached the telegraphboard, allowed Bendigo to stride along lik. a piece of machinery, and amid deafening cheers he gained a brilliant viotorv by twee lengths. Gay Hermit was a moderate fourth, Fra Diavolo fifth, an interval of half a dozen lengths dividing them from Miss Jummy, St. Helena, Whitefriar. Pinbasket. and Martinet, in the order named, with Braw Lass last. Time by Benson's chronograph, 2<_in 12_-st_aec. Value of the stakes to the winner, J. 10,100 -at. ________________
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Press, Volume XLIII, Issue 6545, 14 September 1886, Page 2
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994SPORTING. Press, Volume XLIII, Issue 6545, 14 September 1886, Page 2
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SPORTING. Press, Volume XLIII, Issue 6545, 14 September 1886, Page 2
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