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Thb Old English Faib.—There was a fairly good attendance yesterday at the Fair, and _he various amusements, suoh as Biohardson'e ahow, &c, were well patronised, fche Fair opens again to-day at 2 p.m.

Fobgbbt.— A man named Thomas Coffey wbs arrested yesterday by Detective John O'Neill charged with forgery and uttering. He will be brought up at the BM. Court this morning.

; Dbowhbd. —An inquest will be held this day a little lad named Bevans, who waa found drownei yesterday in the Biver Heathoote, near the new bridge leading from the Ferry road to the township of Badiey.

Bangiora Boko__h Afditobs.—Messrs O. 3. Chapman and T. Boss were re-elected auditors for this borough on Tuesday last. Baobhoeses job Attckiahl) —Billingßgate and Libeller were shipped for Auckland yesterday on board the Union Steamship 00. _ Ie Anau. ABHBC-txoH Eoboo-H CouNCii.—Messrs Curtis, Boyle, Smith and Gundry have been nominated to fill the cffioo of auditors to this Council. Two of the.c gentlemen will be elected by ballot on Thursday next. New Zbaias- Bjjqndibt.—Morris, the Hew Zealand Blond in, is announced to appear at Kaiapoi under the patronage of the Mayor and Councillors. Arrangements are

_,i ____!=Cwy A-D.tobsh__*3,--The following [gentlemen were nominated yesterday for the itwo Vacant auditorships" of tbe city, viz.—' iMessrs H. E. Alport, Neil Black, T. B.Craig, 'A. F. De Veaux, J. G. Hawkes, W. Jameson, and T. G. BOasell. The polling takes place on June Ist.' ■.. ._• . . - _~...„■., ->

, published in another column it will be seen that the dignity of knighthood has been conferred on Mr John Hall, late Premier, and on the Hon. Colonel Whitmore. They are placed in the second class of the Order to whioh they have been raised.

The Dbaihagh Boabd.—At last evening's meeting at Woolston Mr Ollivier stated, in reply to a suggestion from Mr F. Jones, that he (Mr Ollivier) would be most thankful if he oould come forward to fill the vacancy on the Board, but that, as the audienca were aware, he was trammelled in the matter.

Swans TußNipa.—The fine exhibit of this root made by Mr John the Midwinter Show yesterday led to inquiries as to the firm from whom the seed was procured, whioh proved to be the well-in.wn house, of Messr* Robert Wilkin and Co., of this city.

Babbbd Wibb F___o__r_f. —Mr O. G. Moore, of Oamaru, bad an exhibit of a seotion of a three-twist barbed wire fence, eight strands in height, erected on the grounds of the A. and F. Association yesterday for inspection by agriculturists visiting the show; tbe differential chainage to the ton was explained to many of those present, many of whom thus made their first practical acquaintance with this most repelling barrier.

Thb ,Cbphahagb.—Prior to the athletic sports that were held in Lancaster .Park on her Majesty's Birthday the hon. secretary wrote: to Mr Sopp inviting the orphan children to tbe present on that: occasion. Nob receiving any reply-—whioh was stated to be sent—the children came and no preparation was made for their entertainment ;-but the secretary made the amende honorable by subsequently sending a large case of buns to the Orphanage. L.O.L --The Grand Lodge of Ehe Middle Island, Hew Zealand, held their 1 meeting on Wednesday, in the Town Hall, Ashburton. There were about fifty members pteient at 12.30. The chair was,taken by thoB.W.G.M. Bro, Prndhoe, and, after the usual business was' got through, the. brethren retired to partake of refreshments, provided by Ashburton members, when the usual loyal and patriotic toasts were given and responded to. Most of the brethren returned by the 5.30 train.

A.O.F. Cottbt, P______.—A meeting of the above order was held at Papanui on Thursday, 25th. Tbe laws of the United Friendly Societies* Dispensary being read, it was resolved to let tbe subject stand over till next Oourt night. After a considerable amount of business the Court adjourned for harmony, when several songs were sung. One member was proposed for initiation, also one initiated into the mysteries of the order. Several:accounts being passed for payment, the Court closed in due form.

Theatee Botax.—"La Petite Mademoi selle " was repeated last night, and went well throughout. The various characters as a whole were well filled, and the ____ie, which grows on acquaintance, was sung with much spirit. Mita Amy Horton, Mrs Thompson, Mrs Towle, and the other ladies and gentlemen of the company were successful in the rendition of their several parts, and the piece went much smoother than on the first night. It will be played again this evening. SAB-TAEr.—Councillor Hulbert will movo the. following resolution on Monday next:— "That in the opinion of this Council the resolution passed at the last meeting of the Local Board of Health to the effect that it wee desirable that the control of the sanitary regulations of the city should be taken out of the hands of this Council, is opposed to the best interests of the ratepayers of Christchnroh, and that this Council will nee every means in its power to prevent the resolution above named from being carried into effect.'

Maso-UC Bail.—An influential meeting of members of the Masonic fraternity was held last evening in the Canterbury Masonio Hall, Bro. W. Deamer in the chair. It was waolved ,to hold a ballon June„lit, to be confined exclusively tl members of the craft and their lady friends. Application will be made to tho Canterbury Lodge for the use of their ball for the occasion. She object of th-ball £» to augment the fund now being raised in aid of tbe Chriatchurch Hoipital Convalefeen. Home.

lOQ-.T. The Star of the East Lodge, No. ] Ro AJhbnrton, celebrated its eighth anni-I »7r«ary at tha Jfcmplar Hall, Ashburton, on ! *'«-ne-da>y la-*;' ■& tee and entertainment was held in th* evening, and several addresses _-_te delivered- - There was a very large -tendance, en* the gathering was a great. W Mb IvEsa* C-_romA*-___. —Mr Joseph r~e_s addressed a meeting of Wakanui Electors in the Remington sdhoolroom on Wednesday evening. -At the dote of the ,peec_ a nnmber of questions were put and _isfactori-y answered by the candidate, and in the motion of Mr T. Taylor a vote of hanks and confidence was accorded Mr Ires"- ___ __ The W-_-A_r_T E____io_r.—The nommaion for the Wakanui seat is announced to ake place on Saturday, June 10th, and a poll -ill be taken on Friday, the 16th June. The foi'owing are the polling places:—County 4 a leyards, Ashburton; Town Hall, Bakaia; ' pi -darves sohoolroom, Chertsey road; Vakanui schoolroom; Boad Board office, Longbeach ; and the station-master's bouse at i she Hinds.

Weaxhbb Exohaijgb.—May 25th, Australia —An area of low pressure over Bass' .traits is advancing towards the S.E ; cloudy ima-her and rain at Sydney. New Zsaland — Fine all over, with light S.E. wind in relation to an area of high pressure whioh is moving slowly to the eastward. Barometer— Sow Zealand : Russell, 30.0; Wellington, 301 ; Bluff, 301. Australia : Portland, 29 5 ; Hobart, 29 0 ; Sydney, 29.7. Kaiapoi Oddbbixows' Ball. —On the

even ng of the Queen's Birthday, a ball was given by the members of the Loyal Kaiapoi Lodge in the hall of the order, Hilton street. About seventy oouples assembled, and dancing was kept up till an early hour to the excellent music of Mr Hammond's band. The .upper, oatered ia first-class style by Bro. Burnip, gave every satisfaction.

MAGI-TBATB'- Coitet, _L_i_poi.—At this Court on Thursday, before J. C Porter, Esq., B M., H. Crocker was brought up, and evidence given by Mr B. W. Smith to tho effect that he found the man about 2 a.__., near a swamp at the Fire Brigade statioD, without any clothes except his ihirt. The morning wai very keen and frosty, and he had him taken to the polioe quarters. Dr Ovenden had been called to see Crooker, who was much exhausted, and whose mind seemed to be temporarily affected. It was stated his clothes bad been found near Mr Smith's malthouse. The Besident Magistrate remanded the case for a week, Crooker to receive medical treatment.

Masohio Baili.—A well attended meeting took place last night at the Canterbury Masonio Hall, when it was determined to hold a Masonio ball about the 20th June next, in aid of the Destitute Patients Belief Fund of the Hospital. The ball will be strictly confined to brethren of the craft, and will take place in the Cantetbury Hall. The number of tiokets already disposed of renders the success of the ball a certainty, and, no doubt, aB Masonic balls are always noted for being er j jyable, those present on the occasion will have a good time. The various committees were appointed, as also the stewards, and the affair started iv working orier.

Pbksbntation" AT F-u-XTOH".—On Tuesday, at the close of the afternoon school, several members of the oommittee and some of the parents, assembled to wish Mr and Mrs Goodeva "Goodbye," previous to their departure for Bangiora. Mr B. Wright, chairman of committee, in eulogistic terms referred to the success whioh the sohool had attained duiiog the seven years that Mr and Mrs Goodeve had had charge of it. He then, on behalf of the residents of the district, presented them with a very handsome marble clook, bearing the following insoripticn— " Presented to Mr and Mrs H. B. Goodeve, as a token of the esteem in which they were held ss teachers of the Flaxton sohool by the residents of the district B. Wright, ohairman. May 23rd, 1882." Mr Goodeve suitably responded, pointing ont that the ,best legaoy a parent could leave his children was a good education, and tbat the future prosperity of the colony depended upon the number of its educated citizens. Mr Good?, eve takes charge of the Bangiora sohool on Monday next.

Ihqitbst.—An inquiry was held at 3 p.m. yesterday at tbe Prince of Wales Hotel, Colombo street, before Dr. Coward, coroner, and a jury of whom Mr N. Bowden was chosen foreman, touohing the death of B, M. Jwanston, who was found dead in bed at his jpsidenoe, Bath street . After the usual preIttminarieß the wife of deceased was examined, Kid stated that on Tuesday morning, about Half-pas. two o'clool, deceased rose and Have his children some food, after whioh She returned to bed. At about a jouarter past seven o'clock she rose, 'reaving deoeased in bed, apparently asleep. _ftis returned about a quarter of an honr ■afterwards, and ascertained he waa dead. Sergeant Wilson gave evidence as to what he knew of the deceased. Dr. Guthrie deposed to having made a post-mortem examination, and stated that death must have resulted from congestion ot the brain. The jury returned a verdiot of death from "Natural causes."

-AM op Fat Sheep.—Yesterday afternoon, as the Midwinter Show was about to close, the following sales were effeoted by the auctioneers named: —Messrs H. Matson aud Co. sold a number of excellent sheep to Mr 3. Horwell at 25s a head. Messrs B. Wilkin and Co. disp.ied of ten first prize merino wethers, bred by Mr B. Chapman, to Mr W. Bountree, at £1 0s 61 a head; also, on account of the same owner, five merino wethers, at'l6j6a, and five more from an adjoining pen at 14s to the same bnyer. Also, on socount of Mr J. Addinell, five wethers, first prize takers, to Messrs Hopkins and Co., at 20j ; five on account of Mr B. Chapman, to Mr James Gregg, and five others to the same buyer, all atlSs. Also, on'account of the same breeder, fire fat ewes to Mr A. 3. Tud.all, at 16s 6d, and five merino ewes from on adjoining pen to Mr J. W. Bountree at 12i. Messrs J. T. Ford and Co. quitted a pen of five long woolled wethers on account of Messrs Henderson and Mo Beath, and the same number on account of Mr B. H. Bhodes, jun,, at 18s 6d, to Mr J. Horwell. Also, on aocount of Mr Bhodes, ten wethers at 19. to same buyer, and ten fat ewes to Mr A. J. Tudball at 20s a head.

Diocesan So-tdat Schooi Association.— A meeting of the above was held last night in the Oeliege Library, to discuss the expediency of transferring the exercise of the functions of the association to . the Church Work Society. There were twelve gentlemen and three laiieß present. The Bey. Archdeacon Harris was voted to the chair, fie informed the meeting that they had been oalled together in consequence of a resolution of the committee of the association. He wan oareful to point out that the step proposed was not an abandonment of their work, but was merely intended to be a merging of the two societies named, with the object of simplifying the machinery of both. The Bey. H. 0. M. Watson proposed that the association be dissolved, and that the Churoh Work Society be requested to assume the powers and functions of the association. Ihe Bey. T. Fl%vell seconded the proposal, and after a few remarks from some of tbe members it was carried unanimously. A vote of thanks to the late seoretary of the association, Mr Bamfield, was moved by the Bey. Mr Flavel, and seconded by the Bey. Mr Enowles, and waa carried unanimoualy. A vote of thank, to Mr Brittan was also passed, and he was also authorised to hand over any funds in his possession to the Church Work Society. A vote of thanks to the chairman terminated the meeting.

Mns Hampsoh's Me-Siow. — Yesterday the meeting of the Ohristohuroh Women 'a Prayer Union was held in the Durham street Wesleyan Church, and Mrs Hampton conducted the service. There was a large number of members of the unioa and other ladies pre__nt. Mrs Hampson read a part of the 15th chapter of St. Matthew, commencing at the 22nd verse, and delivered a very interesting address. After saying that she did not know exactly how or in what sense the demoniacs were possessed with evil spirits while Jesus in the human form dwelt upon earth, she proceeded to show bow mothers might be encouraged by the text to pray earnestly for their children. The subject was illustrated with a very telling anecdote cf a case which had come nnder Mrs Hampson's own observation. Some of Sankey'a hymns were sung by the congregation, and prayers were offered by Mrs Hampson. Before the service the members of the union presented a beautiful gold brooch, suitably engraved, as a little memento in recognition of Mrs Hampson's services in the formation of the onion. Last evening Mrs Hampton beld a meeting for young women only in Durham street schoolroom. Her mission will be continued on Saturday evening in Trinity Congregational Church, and on Sunday evening in the theatre.

Thi Stankobj. E__cnoK.—Mr W. P. Cowlishaw will aidress the electors of Stanmore at the Bingsland school this evening at half-past aevea o'clock.

Draihaos Mb-tino.—A meeting will be held in the Oddfellows' Hall this evening to consider the Drainage Bill, when Mr John Ollivier and other gentlemen will address the meeting. Fine Arts.—Mr A. Fletcher, who is here in charge of the pictures iv the Art Gallery at the Exhibition, announces that he is prepared to issue tickets in the drawing of the Bobert Dowling Art Association of Australia, in which there are 206 prizes, to be allotted amongst 1600 members at one guinea. Each ticket holder who does not obtain a principal prize will receive a steel engraving value one guinea. Football.—The following fifteen members of the Bavons Football Club are elected to play against the remainder of the club on Faturday afternoon :— Inglis C, Fdgar C. Fisher, Ben- ] netts, A., Stringer, Shackleton, Ball, Hawkes | (captain) gpr_g_e, Farr, Hart, Byman, j Haskell, Bobb, and Blancbatd; colors, blue and white. Any membera of thi Christohureh Club who are disengaged may join in tha game and play against the fifteen. The following are elected members of the Bavens Club :-Ho_g_, Hill, Jackson HaU, Haskell, Inglis. Bobb, Winter, Ca.l>nder. and Elliot. The following will play for the Canterbury Association Football Club against tbe Cnris'.'s College, at the Oolleße ground, on Saturday, at 2 30:-Brown, Martin, Longhnan, M.llish, Wynn-Williams, Hogben, Edwards, Nairn, Vallange HasEal, Beeves, Josephs, Hales, M-whall, Wilding.

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Press, Volume XXXVII, Issue 5218, 26 May 1882, Page 2

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XXXVII, Issue 5218, 26 May 1882, Page 2

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XXXVII, Issue 5218, 26 May 1882, Page 2