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The formal opening of the Barbadoes street- bridge took place at lpan. yesterday. The Mayor of Ohristchoroh and members of the City Council, together with « number of the publio, were on the. bridge at theappointed hour. *
The Mayor having declared the bridge-duly opened, made a few remarks as (o the convenience which it would be to the eastern portion of the cily, and the desirability of the erection of meh a strnc f unv .
The_ Mayor and the members of the City Conned, together with sever—visitors, then accepted the invitation of Mr Toovey, of the Star and Garter Hotel, who had provided a very elegant luncheon to commemorate the occasion. His f Worship the Mayor occupied the chair, and justice having been done' to Mr ToOvey's excellent provision, the Mayor gave the -usual loyal. .toasts, which: were duly honored.
The Mayor then j;ave the,"Health of the Governor," and /referred in terms of high commendation to the character of. His Excellency, and his. love for all manly sports." He trusted that the Governor would be able to attend the next Canterbury races. The toast was drunk with enthusiasm. .
Mr F. Hobbs then proposed "The Mayor and City Council," paying a high compliment to the new. members of the Council for their aptitude for business and their endeavours to do their utmost for the welfare of the oitixens. He considered that their present Council was one of the best they had ever had. The Mayor responded,; and - ( expressed the satisfaction he felt at presiding over such a Council as the present one. They would, he felt sure, deal with the many;, important subjects, coming: before them in a business-like -ft y« Mr H. Sawtell proposed the next toast, "Prosperity to the Barb-does street bridge," paying a well deserved tribute of praise to. the city surveyor and the contractors for the admirable manner in which the work had been carried out. fleLWo—d couple the toast with the name of the city surveyor. "Mr Walkden, the city surveyor, responded, and in the course of his remarks called attention to the difference between the old bridges and the new ones. The former were only 12ft. wide, while the latter were 40ft. wide, with iron railings, stone abutments, and a better class of timber than in the old bridges. Though the bridges designed by him were somewhat dearer, yet really they were cheaper because they were constructed of material whioh wonld last longer, and the bridges themselves were wider than the old ones. The foundations were of solid concrete, and down 6ft. below water,, the girders were of Oregon pine, the abutments of stone and concrete, and generally he had endeavored not only to make the bridge strong but also ornamental. - He thanked them for the hearty manner in whioh .the toast had been drunk. _oheers_ Mr W. Wilson rese to propose the next toast, " Prosperity to Trade and Commerce of Christehurch." It was; Very strange that he should be called upon to propose the toast, as the trade and commerce of Christchurch had commenced within a fewyards of the spot where they now were, and the first supplies of the early settlers were landed at the Bricks wharf juafc opposite the hotel which had how been erected. It was also peculiar that he should have been selected to propose the toast as he lived for the first five years he was in ! the colony in a house only a few yards from where they now were. He trusted that the trade and commerce of the colony in general and Canterbury in particular would, under the auspices of a spring, improve -greatly. He gave them the toast, coupled with the name of Mr Frederick Hobbs. [Cheers.] Mr F. Hobbs responded, stating that he claimed for the city of Christen—-eh tho premier position. amougßt the..cities of Christchurch. ' The, railway, centred there, and it only remained for the citizens to do their part to improve the street architeotnre and to make Christchnroh, as .presentable as they could to visitors who come-to see them. They -were going in for underground drainage, and , this, with the natural advantages the city ] possessed, would "make Ohristob—'oh one of | the healthiest cities in the colony. The population of the city and suburbs was now about 30,000, and he certainly should advocate the inclusion in the city boundaries of the suburbs. [Cheers.] This was what he looked forward to, and hoped to see accomplished erelong. .".. _Gheere._- " .. ""The Mayor then proposed the toast of " Prosperity to the Star and Garter and Mr Toovey." That gentleman had shown great enterprise, building a house of the character he had. He (the Mayor) had gone over the house, and he said that it was a very handsome one indeed. Mr Toovey had alto subscribed very handsomely towards the cost of the bridge—very nearly one-tenth of the whole Cost. He now asked them, to drink., with all honor the to_t of jthe host and-hostess. [Cheers;} ; The toast was drunk with musical honora.
Mr Toovey responded, briefly thanking those present for the way in which the toast had been drunk, and hoped that he shotdd 'often see so many smiling faces round him as bn the present occasion. .
Mr Bishop proposed the toast of "The Press," coupled with the names of the representatives of the journals present, : Mr Hart briefly responded on behalf of the Pbbss.
: -Mr Brown also spoke for the "Times." ! Those present at the invitation of his Worship the Mayor-then proceeded to inspect the hotel, and expressed themselves very much pleased with it.
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Press, Volume XXXII, Issue 4422, 2 October 1879, Page 3
Word Count
930THE BARBADOES STREET BRIDGE. Press, Volume XXXII, Issue 4422, 2 October 1879, Page 3
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THE BARBADOES STREET BRIDGE. Press, Volume XXXII, Issue 4422, 2 October 1879, Page 3
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