' Hnc of the electors of the town of ChristA f*L held in c Town Hall yesterday at lect a member of the Provincial Coun-V't'Htld-of Mr. Joseph Brittan, resigned. 4r nonald, Esq., the lleturnmg Officer, read V JFwhea Mr. Wilson said :— ike*??'^ eti electors of the town of Christ- >, I am about to propose to you Dr. *M*11« a gentleman well suited to occupy t in the provincial Council now vacant by of the retirement of Mr. Brittan ; hut to-arail myself of this Wt>?~*to .express a few words of grateful the many valuable public services Province by Mr. Brittan. po doubt, all well aware that he has neriod of-seven, years—almost without f*J*^ oa __eerved us. faithfully, ably and enPfKjiv not merely as one of the most eloquent irr: ur . Provincial Council, but for a doable period of time lie was a member of ■first Superintendent's Executive Governably discharging the duties of SSmnSal Secretary at au early and very critical Sdof the history of this Province. P*exiffess; therefore, only the well ascertained my fellow electors of the town of {^tchiirch—and indeed of the Province— m I say, that Mr. Brittan retires into private Lffljoying the enduring respect, and lasting Vmof'the electors of Canterbury (applause). The loss, however, is qualified in some degree by the election of Dr. Turnbull as Mr. Bnttan's successor; for he has already rendered important services to the town of Christchurch, as a memthe Sanitary Commission, and enters the prorincial Council.mainly for the purpose of endttyvuriJg to aid the Municipal Council of Cbnstcliurch by liberal votes—in giving effect toter&oinmendations therein contained. He is also desirous of assisting in reforming the defects of: the present Educational ordinance and otherwise furthering the interests of the province {specially''the town of Christchurch, for which he is alJoiit to be elected. On the especial merits of one so familiarly known, I need not further dwell, but would simply say that I have much pleaeurein proposing James Somerville Turnbull as a fit 'and proper person to represent tht; interests of the Town of Christchuroh in the Provincial Council of Canterbury. Mr. Clark briefly seconded the nomination, and being no other candidate, the lioturniug Officer declared Dr. Turnbull duly elected. The Doctor then briefly addressed the electors present, and after a vote of thanks to the Chairman, thp proceedings terminated.
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Press, Volume III, Issue 74, 11 October 1862, Page 3
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Press, Volume III, Issue 74, 11 October 1862, Page 3
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