BOROUGH OF TACTRANGA. Mayoral Election. I THE UNDERSIGNED, Re- , turning Officer for the Borough of Tauranga, hereby certify that the following is the aaine of the only Candidate nominated on Monday, November 15th, 1897, for the office of Mayor of the said Borough. Name of Candidate : Charles A. Clarke. Tbe number of Candidates not exceeding the number of vacancies to be filled I therefore declare the said Charles A. Clarke to be duly elected. JNO.H. McOAW, Returning Officer. THANKS. For renewed expression of confidence. [HEREBY THANK the electors of Tauranga for returning myseli as Mayor lor the firth period. . C. A. CLARKE. Taaranga Agricultural and Pastoral Society. SHOW, Thursday, Soy. 25ui. Entries close Saturday, Nov 20th, except for leaping match which close on Show ground. NEW CLASSES ADDED. Cattle 50a Best pen of 3 heifers suitable for breeding or beef. Produce 11a Best pint Devonshire cream. SPECIAL PRIZES will be given, in addition to niouey prizes advertised as under : No 1. Value £2 ss, for the farmer who secures the highest number of points in the Horse, Cattle and Pig classes. No 2. Value £3, for claps 50a, pen of 3 heifers. No 3. Garden gate, value 15s for exhibitor who takes the largest number of prizes in the vegetable classes. No 4. Trophy, value £1 Is for exhibitor who takes the largest number of prizos in the Flower classes. No 5. lOlbs Tea, for class 2, Produce, best 2lbs butter with salt. No 6. Tea, value 12s, for class 5, Produce, best Cheese made by a farmer. No 7. Years subscription to Bay of Plenty Times, for class 11a, Produce, best pint of Devonshire cream. For further particulars see posters or apply to C. F. HULME, Secretary. ~~HORSE SALE, Agricultural and Pastoral Society's Show Ground. November 26th, at 3 p.m. m MIXED HORSES, 00 including : 20 Horses* from the Auckland Tramway Company. 30 Useful Hacks and Har ness Horses. 2 Useful Farm Mares 1 Medium-Draught Gelding 1 Ladies Hack, easy-paced nice horse 1 Chestnut Mare, saddle and harness 1 Weight Carrying Hack Further entries are requested. LUNDON & RAYMOND. D. Ltjitdok, Auctioneer. CHIEF BRAND CLOTHING cannot be produced fast enough for the demand. CHIEF BRAND SADDLE TWEED TROUSERS for farmets & Stookmen are made to wear.
Page 5 Advertisements Column 1
Bay of Plenty Times, Volume XXIV, Issue 3624, 15 November 1897, Page 5
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