BCmOUaH OF TAURANGA. 9 Mayoral Election. fc T THE UNDERSIGNED BeturnX, ing Officer for the Borough of Tauranga, hereby certify that Charles A. Clarke was, duly nominated this j day as a Candidate for the Office of - J^ayor of the Borough of Tauranga,; and that the said Charles A. Clarke being the only Candidate nominated I declare him to be duly elected to fill the said Office. j -; JNO. H.MpCAW, Returning Officer. Borough Council Chambers, 1 T auranga, November 1 6th 1 895. i _SCE.PITKELANDDRAINAj&E DISTRICT. T THE UNDERSIGNED, £etun£ ! JLf ing Officer for the To Puke Land 1 Duamage District hereby notify that 1 thl tatepayers Hst for the said district has been deposited for inspection at the Post!Qijß.ce, Te Puke. A sitting r of the Assessment Court to hear and determine ail objections to the said list will be held at the Stipendiary Magistrates Court, Tauranga, at 11 a:tn^ p§Friday, Jiovember 29th, 1895. ALEXANDER BIRD, Returning Officer. ; Te Puke, Nov., 12th,1895. : BAY OF PLENTY LICENSING DISTRICT. Notice of application to remove a ' License to other premises. I EDWARD WEBB, of Omaio, , Bay of; Plenty, Hotelkeeper, being the holder of an Accommodation License in respect of the house and premises situate at Omaio, and known by ffirßign"t)f the Omaio Hotel, do hereby give notice thai J desire to obtain, and will at the next Lioeneing Meeting to be -holder at the Court House, Tauranga, on the 4th day of December ilߣ>s, Apply for the removal of tha said Lioense for the aforesaid house and premises, to a House situate at Waiotapu Valley, to be known as the Omaio Hotel, and of which Walter Jones is the owner. Dated the 2 1st day of October, 1895. :^ EgWAjfcD WEBB. #p§ <H. .Mopton, ; STRAND, TAURANGA. Has ideciiied to cdntinue the Easiness and hopes for a continuance of the support accorded daring the past twelve months. Pipes, Cigars, Cigarettes. Cut and Plug Tobacco. Toilet Requisites iH great variety. All Fruit in Season. BtetoM Sgeets of all Unas. TrdP. ipUNTpIR, Wkitaiigi Nurseby, ! HAS FOR : NEW POTATOES^ ,6reen Peas, Ehubarb* Cajtlifjpfpelj Oabbage, Carrot, Parenib, Turiijpl Gooseberries, Cabbage and Cauliflower Plants, Tomato Plants, Water Melon Plants, Rock Melon Plants and all soirtokoi Garden Seeds. ALIT 4 KINDS OF^|G|TMLE SEEDS. | TERMS— CASH. ApM® WOOL BROKERS] ; OXa&SOCIATION. I"HE FnttewOOL SALE of tiie season will be held by the undersigned on Wednesday, Deoemte." 11th, at the Wool Exchange Rooms, Queen Streetr-. ..-., * ; ,, v._, , ;.vn : ' G. W.3i*ney & Sons. New Zealakd Loak & Mercantile Agekcy Co. Ltd. Alfred Bttcklaud & Sons. •- <Sb Nolan. Special and Scarce Lines, Milne i^ Choyce, Have just opened Kew Black Dress Materials in Crepone, Figures, &c. Bengaline SilkS in Evening Color at 4/11. Umbrellas in New S^le»i The'Nejv Jewl Button in vari ous sizes and colors. I^' The Butterfly Fastener, lates idea Ladies Black Cashmere Hose, embroidered fronts, at 2/6, 2/11, I 3/6 and 3/11. Ladies Plain "Linen Handker* Chiefe specially cheap, 7d to 1/-. Gloves, 4 buttou Tan and Beaver Kid Gloves, 1/11, 4 button Black Swede, 3/11, also a very special line of lOOdoz 4 dome Tan, Beaver i f and Black French Kid Gloves, | stitched backs, for 2/11; worth 4/6. i Dressmaking a speciality, Any remains of Winter Materials will be sold at nominal prices. Milne & Choyce, AUCKLAND. :
Ask for Hancock's Celebrated XXXX Ales and Stout.
Page 5 Advertisements Column 2
Bay of Plenty Times, 18 November 1895, Page 5
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