Auckland, Tuesday. Referring to. the disqualification of Mr Allenirom sitting in the House for 12 months, the "Herald "of this morning remarks : " Considering the law and that the Judges had found that ..s:_• Allen, through his agent, nad been (guilty of illegal practices the Judges could Scarcely have advised.that.Mr .Allen should #o* be subject to any incapacity. lThel result is to be: regretted. The polling showed tha? Mr Allen was the chosen of the electors by a large majority, and We' are quite sure that he would have been a useful member of the House. ' The case' of pay v ment for services, upon which 1 the judgement Was ba_ed, occurs, under perhaps I somewhat dpereut circumstances in every election. During the whole of the searclt- ' ing examination nothing was shown of any^Mret»^l^e f |_k«;icif Mr Allen! or his agents to bribe or corrupt the constituency. _ There is likelihood of a keert contest for Te Aroha seat Sir WUter -Buller, gfc present in Auckland, and Messfs J. M. Dargavme^ Bagnall, _\Hain f orter, and S. Graham are mentioned as probable candidate^ A rumbuirVjcoines from Wetogton^iaJtßir Cfc M.l)'Rorke mi_/ be a candidate. .'..',.' .'"■'.. .—~^u d % -^ Reuben bm^th to New Semth Wales on a charge of wilful perjury at Wallesend on Deo. 4th. _r xtt « /'' Auckland, thi. day. a Allen pubKshes by adverthis ' morning's " Herald," a short address tb the electors of Te Aroha •uvwhich he deeply regrets he will nbtW able |o be a candidate for Te Aroha when tbe writs art issued,^ the penalty J fallinsr «x>nhun^ although ?***&* time ofthe fc e W ift England, andnot connected, even in the most distant way," with the act which has disqualified huh. lhe disqualification is 4 for a year, but attachesonly to the Te Aroha constituency. Mr Allen could contest, and ait/for any - other district '# Xy\
r* i -wH, > X, Th AWJ, this; day. M>l* William Fraser has definitelf decided to cqntesCta^ Te Aroha seat and announces himself as a supporter ,pjf the preewt Ctovenuaeni. ** mrfj "*°
Whangarei, thitdar During last month twelve new HcensM holdin^vjwere taken up, and other cl2___, pegwscNut. All those people who <j3 not believe in Puhipuhi are now supposed to be converted. Tlie late furort hasnafc new life into the field. Several claiing have started working again, after brine, idle for months. *
Wellington this day. At the inquest in the victims of tha Shelly Bay explosion Sergt-Major Guna stated that at Malta abad Hong Kong h* had seen gun cotton explode throughThett produced by a soldering iron. Laiut Trehern, of H.M. Ciiracoa, deposedithafc copper is more daDgerous.ihan tin » canisters, as it is a Setter conductor of heat; From what he saw at Shelly Bay he thought a partial detonation had occurred; if a complete detonation had taken place, all the men would have been blown to pieces. The acciden^ he should say, was caused by improper use of a sol. dering iron, or some act of carelessness. The inquest was further adjourned for _ week.
Bay of Plenty Times, Volume XVIII, Issue 2615, 15 April 1891, Page 2
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