TEMPERANCE HALL, r ro-NIGHT ! ! rj^O-iS T IGHT ! ! ! Last appearance of MR and MBS J. W. lOLEY, In their Hefined Laughable and Eccentric Entertainmont. 818 Lodge Tauranga, 2To. 462, 1.0. r pHE Regular Monthly. Meeting of JL the above Lodge M-ill be held on Friday, the 2nd December, 1887, at 7 o'clock p.m. Visiting Brethren cordially invited. J. MUKPHY, Ls& Secretary. BOROUGH OF TAURANGA. MAYOIIAL ELECTION. Result of the Poll. I THE undersigned, Returning «j Officer for the Borough of Tauranga, hereby certify that the follow ling is the result of the Poll taken on 'Thursday, the l3t day of December, 1887, for the election of Mayor for the said Borough : — Names of Candidates and number of votes recaivad by each. David Lnndon ... 76 votes. Charles Spencer ... 46 votes. I therefore declare David Lundon, he having received the highest number of votes, to be duly elected to the office of Mayor of the Borough of Taurauga. I JNO.-H. McOAW, Returning Of&eer. Tauranga, ■ December 2nd, 1887. 520 MA YOKAL I BEG to thank all who supported me at tho lato Election, and assure you I will endeavor to merit the confidence expressed in me. Faithfully yours, 518 D. LUNDON. j , ; , v.i ; BOEOUGH OF TAURANGA,— Election NoUper^^ I THE undepngned, Returning Officer fdr the Borough of Tauranga, in accordance with " The Regulation of Local Elections Act, 1876," hereby appoint Friday, tho 16th day of December. 1887, the day for the election of a Councillor to fill the Extraordinary Vacancy in the Tauranga Borough Conncii, caused by the resignation of Arthur Washington Burrows. I also appoint Saturday, the 10th day of December, 1887. the day, and the Council Chambers, Government Buildings, Tauranga, the place for receiving nominations fcr the 6aid office. Nominations addressed to the Re turning Officer must be delievered it the said Council Chambers before noon of tho day appointed for receiving nominations. ■ . . . ■ JNO. H. McOAW, Returning Officer. Tauranga, December 2nd, 1887. 544 .
BOROUGH OP TAURANGA. Election NoticeI THE undersigned, Returning • Officer for the Borough of Taurai/^a, in accordance with " The Regulation of Local Elections Act, 1887," hereby appoint Saturday, the 17th day of December, 1887, the day for the election of a Councillor to fill the, Extraordinary Vacancy in the Tauranga Borough Council caused by the resignation of James Weir Gray-; I also appoint Monday, the 12th day of December,, 1887, th« day, and the Council Chambers, Government Build- ! ings, Ta'aranga, the place for receiving I nominations for the eaid office. Nominations addressed to the Returning Officer, must be delivered at the said Council Chambers before noon of the day appointed for receiving nominations. JNO H. McCAW, . Returning Officer. Tauranga, December 2nd, 1887. 545 GRAZING. ~~~ rpo LET FOR GRAZING— The JL Paddock known as the Stockyard Paddock, Judea. Apply 527tc NATIONAL BANK. BUY "YOUR "BOOTS WHERE YOU CAN GET THEM REPAIRED. AT THE "PINK OF_FASHION." GEORGE BONNER, THE STBANP.
Page 3 Advertisements Column 2
Bay of Plenty Times, Volume XV, Issue 2219, 2 December 1887, Page 3
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