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A meeting of fcha members of tho First Waikato Regiment; Was; held in Messrs Turnei aiid Buddies b^ices on Saturday evening tc discuss the propriety of erecting a monumeni to the officers and men of that regiment whe fell in the late Maori war. There were present— Captain Turner (lat« captain First Waikatos), Captain Tunks (late quartermaster), Captain Clarke (late of tl« 43rd Regiment), Messrs J. Bodell, P. shaughnessy sen.>iP; » y haughnessy jun., Darby (late quartermaster sergeant), Fielding, Kennedy, Bell, W. C. Stewart, P. Collins, and Lieut, E. M. Edgoumb'e (New Zealand Militia). 0n the motion of Mr Bodell, seconded bj Captain Turner, Captain 1 unks occupied the chair. , Mr K MrEdgcumbe acted as secretary tc the meeting. , ; j Atev the advertisement convening the meeting had been read, Captain Turner said said he must apologise for taking upon himself ; the liberty of palling the meeting. He had been in Auckland a few days ago, and when; at St, Paul's Church, had seen a miserable brass plate put up to the memory of those who fell atjthe fight at Mokau, one of the most gallant fights of the war. This had brought to his mind that something should be erected to tho memory of the officers and men of the First Waikatos whe fell in this district. This regiment came tc Tauranga and held it. They founded the settlement, ' and did so in the face of great hardships.. One of their comrades, Campbell, when trying to settle on the land, was murdered. He thought the Domain would bethebestplacefortheereotionofamonument. He referred to the late Captain Hunter, the commander of the regiment at one time, as a man who was an ornament to the regiment, and who always kept the men in better order order &ud discipline. He (Captain Turner) could see that day after day the number of those remaining was getting less. They were none of them so young as they used to be, anil many of their old comrades were now dead. He thought that in erecting a monument the names of the officers and tho men who fell should be inscribed on it. It would be some gratification to their children to know that they were the founders of the place. / Mr\;Bodell thought Captain Turner had no need to apologise for convening the meeting. He was entitled to a vote of thanks from the remnants of tho First Wuikafcos, for the idea of erecting a monument. He (the speaker) thought the erection of the monument should not he lle t to the men of this district only, but ivltw to those on the West Coast, under Col. Wbitmore, and those who were under Capt. Hunter. He did not think they could find better officers , than 001. Harington and Capt. Hunter. Ho considered it was the duty of those who toereiin the regiment if they knew of any members out of tho district to communicate .with them and got their assistance in this movement. Every member of tho First "Waikato Begiment in this district was in fair ciFQjpnstrinces. He did not know one poor mag. am.on.gßt them. They were nearly all freeholders The number of men still in the district was z>Qn.*£omjnj6.s}on.ed officers a»d
men 51, and officers three. The officers were Captains Turner, Tovey, and Tunks. He hoped their old comrades in Opotilri would be communicated with, and asked to give assistance. . Captain Turner amoved that a suitable monument be oreoi&d in the Domain to tho memory of the First Waikatos who fell in the recent war, and that thoir names be inscribed on such monument. Mr Bodell seconded. Mr Kennedy suggested the Gate Pa as a suitable site. Ho thought if they erected a monument thore they would get the, support of the wholo of the public. , The Chairman said their regiment was not in tho place at tho timo of tho Guh Pa fight. ! Captain Turner— Wo came down here to settle this district, und we should keep tho monument amongst ourselves. Mr Bodell did not think it would bo much ' honor to write to the regiments who wore , engaged at the Gate Pa ; besides this was tho , settlement made by the First Waikatos. , Captain Turner said they would have to ■ consult the Domain Trustees before a monu- ■ ment could be erecte(Lthere. The Chairman did not think there would i be any difficulty there. Captain Turner's resolution was then put 1 and carried. Mr Kennedy proposed that a Committee be . appointed to collect subscriptions,- the Com- , nrittee to consist of Captain Tunks, Captain Turner, Messrs Bodell, Shaughnessy, and 1 Darby, with power to add to their number. ' ' Seconded by Mr D^obbyn, and carried. Captain Turner said there were some men ' at the Thames they might write to. • Mr Bodell mentioned the names of Messrs Small, Cummings, and Baker, who were living there. It was understsod they • should be written to. On the motion of Captain Turnei*, seconded , by Mr Dobbyn, Mr Bodell was appointed , Treasurer. Captain Clarke said he had to apologise for being present. He had not the honor of belonging to the First Waikato Eegiment, but ' it had given him great pleasure to be present, 1 and he would do all in his power to. assist the i movement. ■ ; I Mr Darby said those present were the rem- ■ nant of 500 men. ' Captain Turner — We were at one time 1,400 r strong. Ido not think there ,is any reason r for Captain Clarke to apologise. We are i proud to such an old soldier as he is amongst us. Mr Edgcumbo said he also should also apologise for being present, not being one of the Regiment, "but he had associated so long [ with the officers and men that he seemed, so to speak, like one of them. i Captain Turner said the fact of Mx Edgcumbe being present only showed the interest [ ho took in the mattor. A subscription list was handed round, and a good sum promised. i This concluded the business, and the meet- ' ing separated.
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Bay of Plenty Times, Volume XI, Issue 1277, 22 May 1882, Page 2
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1,010PROPOSED MONUMENT TO THE FIRST WAIKATO REGIMENT. Bay of Plenty Times, Volume XI, Issue 1277, 22 May 1882, Page 2
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PROPOSED MONUMENT TO THE FIRST WAIKATO REGIMENT. Bay of Plenty Times, Volume XI, Issue 1277, 22 May 1882, Page 2
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