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MANY PRISONERS OVER 70 OFFICERS THIRTY MORE MISSING The latest N.Z.E.F. casualty list includes the names of 75 officers and 24 other ranks previously reported as missing or wounded and missing, now confirmed by the Red Cross at Geneva as being prisoners of war in Greece, two men who have died of sickness and 30 men missing , . Details are:— PRISONERS OF WAR Previously Reported Missing Majors MACDUFP. Archie Peter—Mrs. O. M. Dacdufl, Christchurch (wife). MACKENZIE. James Alan Stuart—Mrs. J. Mackenzie. Hiintly (wife). RATTRAY. Neni Alymcr— Mrs. E. Rattray. Waimate (wile). Captains BRYSON. Charles Douglas—Mrs. J. H. D. Bryson, Wellington (wife). CALDWELL. Edward—Mrs. A. E. Caldwell. Greymouth (wife). COWPER. Neville Boaz—Mrs. 1,. J. Cowper. Brisbane (wife). FINDLAY, John Stephen—Mrs. R. M. Findlay, Dunedin (wife). GREENSLADE. Desmond Allan—Mrs. M. Nelson, Dunedin (mother). HALL. John Herbert—Mrs. I. M. Hall. Wellington (wile). LE LIEVRE. Clemonte Augusta (Temporary Major)— Mrs. F. R. A. Lo Lievre. Whakatane (wile). MORRIS. Walter Charles—Mrs. M. P. Morris, Hamilton (wife). MULLER. Frederick Henry—Mrs. F. W. Mullcr. Auckland (wife). Lieutenants BRICKNELL. Dennis Rirkman—Mrs. M. C. Brirkncll. Dunedin (mother). CANAVAN. William Arnold O'Neill—Mrs. E. M. Canavan, Auckland (mother). CRAWFORD. John Gordon—Mrs. D. O. L. Crawford, Tauranga (wife). CURTIS. Douglas—Mrs. M. Curtis, Wellington (wife). GARDNER, Noel Nlthsdale—Mrs. N. Gardner, Auckland (wife). HARRIS. Howard Reginald—Mrs. W. Harris, Wcl- • lington (wile). JOHNSTON, *nn James—Mr. A. Johnston, Taumarunul (father). KELSALL. Douglas Vincent Campbell—Mr. W. V. Kelsall, Auckland (father).
McLEAN. Eric Stanley—Mrs. A. E. M. McLean, Dunedin (wife). MATHESON. Lan McDonald—Mrs. J. F. Malheson, Auckland (wife). O'NEILL. Mervyn Clarence—Mrs. F. E. O'Neill, Auckland (mother). PENNEY. Robert—Mrs. M. J. Fenney, Hamilton (mother). PORTER, Seton Musgrave—Mrs. I. M. Porter, Dannevirke (wife). SAUL. Walter Richard Charles—Mrs. D. E. Saul, Whangarei (wife). SIMMONDS. Kenneth —Mrs. E. C. Simmonds, Dunedin (wife). SMITH, Edward George—Mrs. J. B. Smith, Hawera (-wife). ■STRUTHERS. William Harry—Mrs. W. B. Struthers. Wellington (mother). WIREMU. Himi—Mr. Wlremu, Roforua (father). YATES. Herbert Stanley Davidson—Mrs. W. G. Yates. Invercargill (wife). Second-Lieutenants AICKIN, Herbert Leslie —Mrs. F. P. Alckin, Auckland (wife). AMOORE. Geoffrey Wright—Mr. E. F. Amoore, Wellington (father). BAILEY, Dougls Claude—Mrs. F. E. Bailey, Otahuhu (mother). BENNETT. George Ranginohoora—Mr. H. D. Bennett. Wellington (father). BUCKLETON. John Graham —Lady Buckleton, Wellington (mother). , BTJDD, Francis Maurice Symes—Mr. F. S. Budd, Hastings (father). CARNACHAN, John David—Mrs. A. M. Carnachan, Auckland (wile). CLARK, Malcolm Morrison—Mrs. C. Clark, Hobsonville (wife). COOTE. Charles Might — Mrs. H. B. Coote, Whangarei (mother). CORLETT, Frederick Charles—Mr. J. Corlett, Taumarunui (father). DANIEL. Maurice Edward—Mr. H. J. Daniel, Auckland (father). DAVIES. Roland—Mrs. O. M. Davies. Auckland (wife). FAY, James Anthony O'Leary—Miss H. O'Leary Fay, Wellington (sister). FINLAYBON. Robert Charles Blnney—Mr. C. W. Finlayson, Auckland (father). GRANVILLE. John James—Mr. M. I. Granville. Walwera (brother). HAMILTON. William Robert Thomas—Mrs. I. A. Hamilton. Auckland (wife). HEIFORD, Harold Richard—Mrs. K, R. Heiford, Napier (mother).
HEBEWINI. William—Mr. Herewtat HlrtaU. Tβ KuitJ (lather). HILL. Joseph—Mrs. D. P. Hill, Wellington (wile). HOBBS. John Russell—Mr. W. B. Hobbs. Hastings (father). HOKIANGA. Henry—Mrs. KT. Hokiansa, Porangahau (.mother). -I McLEAN, Clarke William—Mrs. C. J. McLean, TaneowahLne (wife). McRAE, George Alexander—Mrs. K. J. Mcßae, Christchurch (mother). NEILSON. David William Henry—Colonel W. Neilson, Haumoaiiiingata (father). HENARE, Kohere. PATERSON. Colin William Gowans—Mr. A. Paterson. Mosgiel (father). RANDELL, Irvinir Fred—Mrs. IT. Randell. Johnsonville (wife). RANGI. Tcnga—Mrs. Billy Ranei. Ohinemutu (wife). REID, William Hales—Mrs. M. E. Reid. Dunedin (mother). RENOUP, Francis Henry—Mr. P. C. Renour. Wellington (father). RHIND, Patrick Keith —Mr. H. Rhind. Christchurch (father). ROBJNSON. George Austin—Mrs. J. S. Robinson, Masterton (wife). RUSTON, Granville Joseph—Mr. J. T. Ruston. Auckland (father). SCOULAR. James Charles—Mrs. D. M. Scoular, Dunedin (mother). SPACKMAN. Francis Gould—Mr. A. P Spackman, Napier (father). STEVENSON. John Melville—Mrs. K. M. Stevenson, Auckland (wife). EVERS—SWINDELL. Garry Owen—Mr. Q. K»ersSwlndell, Wellington (father). TILLICK. Alan John — Mrs. A. T. TUlick. Palmerston North (mother). TYBRELL, Eric Ernest — Mrs. A. E. Tyrrell, Wellington (wife). WATT. Thomas Ncwland Stewart—Mr. T. V. Watt. Opunakc. WILLIS. Harry Floyd—Mr. F. W. Willis. Auckland (rather). WELLS. Jack Oliver—Mrs. E. P. Wells. Nsaruawahia (wife). LONG. Frederick Em'est Selwvn (or Y.M.C.A.) — Mrs. A. E. Long, Wanganul (mother). Other Ranks ADAMS. .lohn Richard (Pte.)—Miss A. Adams. Orini (daughter). BAGLEY. Augustine Leo (rtc.)—Mr. A. Bagley, ChrL<it£hurch (father). BUCHANAN, William Twaddle. Frickletoa (Pte.)— Mrs. M. E. Buchanan, Christchurch (wile). CARTER. Joseph (Ptc.)—Mrs. A. Carter, Dunedin (mother). MCDONALD, lan Hamilton (Pte.)—Mr. T. McMAY. Herbert. Kelly (Pte.)—Mrs. E. M. May, Auckland (mother). SAROENT. John Martin (Ptc.)—Mr. A. T. Saritent, Auckland (father). STUART. Donald David Braybrooke (L.-Cpl.)— Mrs. H. M. Stuart. Wellington (wife). WEST. William Henry (ti-Cpl.)—Mrs. V. West. Bluff (wife). Geneva confirms the following soldiers as prisoners of war in Greece, previously reported wounded and missing:— GREIG. James Strachan (C.S.M.).—Mrs. K. C. Greig. Wellington (wife). HADFIELD. Stanley (Cpl.)—Mrs. S. M. Hadneld.
Auckland (mother). HANKINS. William Frank (Pte.)—Mr. C. E. Hankins. Onehunga (father). HYNES. William Michael Joseph (Pte.)—Mrs. I. W. Hynes. Stratford (wife). JAMES. Cecil Ernest (C.S.M.) —Mrs. M. Jamcc. Wellington (wife). KARANGA. Don (Ptc.)—Mr. n. Karanga, Hokiansra (father). McMILt.AN, Henry Georpe (Pte.)—Mr. J. McMillan. Christchurch (father). MITA. Whltiora (Ptc.)—Mr. M. Mita. Rotorua (father). MULLIGAN. Augustine John (Pte.)—Mr. J. A. Mulligan. Timaru (father). NELSON. Harry (Pte.)—Mr. P. Nelson. Port Chalmers (father). PETERSEN. Oenis Warwick (L. -Cpl.)—Mr. L. Petersen, Christchurch (father). RAMAOE. Cyril Stewart. (SBUi-'-Mrs. M. C. Ramage. Invercargill (wife). REDSHAW. Lionel Stanley (Pte.)—Mrs. O. H. Morrinsv'.He (mother). TAHA. James Joseph (Pte /—Mrs. P. Ngati. Hinucra (sister). WALLACE. Vincent Ryan George (Ptc.)—Mrs. l>. H. L. Wallace, Walhl (wife). PRISONERS AND WOUNDED Officers STEVENSON-WRIGHT. Earl fCapt.)—Mr. F. W. Wright, Wellington (father). FLAVELL. Norman Ray (Lieut.)—Mrs. K. L. Flavell, Auckland (wife). COOPER. Edward Frank (2n<J-Lieut.)—Mrs. E. F. Cooper, Auckland (wife). DIED OF SICKNESS Other Ranks FRASEB. Douglas Simon (Pte.)—Mrs. D. E. Fraser. Christchurch (wife). OCX WELL. Vincent Charles (Pte.)—Mrs. M. L. Oekwell. Port Chalmers (wife). MISSING Other Ranks AYLETT, Reginald Eric (Pte.)—Mrs. I. Aylett, Tasmania (mother). BENNETT, Horace William (Pte.)—Mr. C. A. Williams. Wellington (cousin). CHANNINGS, William Thompson (Pte.)—Mrs. S. A. Channings, Hunterville (mother). CHECK, Jack Henry (Pte.)—Mrs. M. B. Check, Palmerston North (mother). COLES. Lawrence Walter (Pte.)—Mrs. M. D. Coles, Wellington (wife). DARROW. Jack Stanley (Pte.)—Mrs. R. Darrow. St. Heller's (mother). DEVINE. Tennyson Walter (Cpl.)—Mr. W. V Devine, Tasmania (father). GRACIE, Alexander Ralph (Pte.)—Mrs. F. Gracle, Mangawhare. GRANT. Athol Raymond (Pte.)—Mrs. W. Rabbitte, Pakuranga (mother). HILL. William (Pte.)—Mrs. A. W. Hill. New Plymouth (mother). HORSFALL, Norman Douglas (Pte.)—Mr. J. Horsfall. Wellington (father). HULTQUIST, Ronald Norman (Sgt.)—Mrs. C Hultquist, Auckland (mother). JOHNSON. William (Pte.)—Mrs. M. Johnson, Stratford (mother). JONES, Roland Francis (Pte.)—Mrs. L. Jones, St. Albans (wife). KEARTON, Thomas (Pte.)—Mr. J. Kearton. Morven (father). LEDGERWOOD, John Herbert (Pte.)—Mrs. J. H. Ledgerwood. Dunedin (mother). McCLtJNO. James Oliver (Pte.)—Mrs. A. Tait, Pukemiro Junction. MACDOUGALL, Malcolm Alexander Gour (Pte.>— Mrs. C. E. Macdougall, Wellington (mother). MacLENNAN, Murdoch (Pte.)—Mr. R. MacLennan, Scotland (father). MARTIN. Ray Edward (Pte.)—Mrs. R. Martin. Dargaville (mother). MORGAN. Oswald Roderick (Pte.)—Mrs. M. D. Morgan, New Plymouth (wife). MURftELL. Robert Charles (Pte.)—Miss B Murrell. Wellington (daughter). NEWMAN, George Herbert (Pte.)—Mr. C. P. Newman, England (father). ROBINSON. Frederick John (Cpl.)—Mr. J F Robinson. Waikino (father). RODGERS, Alexander (Pte)—Mrs. M. A. Rodgers, Wellington (wife).
SLOAN. William Edward (Pte.)—Mrs. E. Sloan, Westport (mother). STEER. Arthur Noel (Pte.)—Mrs. E. Steer, National Park (mother). WALSH. Edward Patrick (Pte.)—Mr. J. J. Walsh. Fetona (brother). WHEELER. Walter Edwnrd (Pte.) —Mr. W. Wheeler. Stratford (father). WINSTANLEY, Peter Noel (Pte.)—Mrs. C. Win--staclcy, Auckland (mother). WOUNDED—REMAINS ON PRISONER OF WAR LIST BURT. Ernest Allan rpte.)—Mr. A. 11. Burt, Little River (father).
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Auckland Star, Volume LXXII, Issue 177, 29 July 1941, Page 4
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WAR CASUALTIES Auckland Star, Volume LXXII, Issue 177, 29 July 1941, Page 4
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