BEIUMONT.—fiII March :i, at 'litiranpi, Annie Amelia lieaumont, formerly cd' ' :11■: ~tcillll-en ; aired i,r. years. Interred :'ii- day at ilills'boro' Cemetery. HANES.— On March r,. at Auckland i 1 • -~11:t.iI. Charles .-amuel llanes, late of Waiheke; aged year.-. K.1.1'. Funeral li"' >mi >t. Benedict's Clmrcli, s.:!tl a.m. 111 -111 >>r row Saturday; for Waikumote Cemetery. HOFFMANN. — On March i, at a private hospital, Matamata, Maty l-'.liza, widow .'f the late W. Hoffman, of .New Windsor lioad. Avondale; ape 7(> ye.-ys. i'rivaie 1 utorment at Auckland to-miinuw i Saturday;. JOBEY.—On March i, I0:1T. at a nursing' home. Auckland. F.lizabeili. beloved wile ■d' the late Thomas Juliey. Bichardson Koad, Mount Albert, in iter sixty-third year. Funeral leaves the chapel of Arthur Holmes. Abbotsl'ord Street Newmarket, to-morrow iSaturday), i! p.m. Tor llillsboro'. LANG (Honourable Sir Frederic William >. At his home. Oueenstown lioad, Onehunga, this morning-. McKENZIE.—On March ">. at Auckland, Annie Victoria, dearly loved wife of the late John McKenzie, and loving- mother oT Mavi.v Helen, Mary and lan, or W'aipu. At rest. Funeral will leave W. Morrison's Chapel, 1•> 7. I'arneii Koad, at s.j>u a.m. to-morrow (Saturday, arriving- at Waipu Cemetery at 1 p.m. McOWEN, —On March i, at his residence. Fast Tamaki. Jotin McKenzie, dearly loved husband Jane McOwen, in li is seventy-eighth year. Funeral will leave the late residence, 1 p.m. to-morrow (Saturday), for Flat Hush Methodist Cemetery. No flowers by request. ( Glasgow-Langholm and Sussex papers please copy.; PENMAN.—OiI Maroll 1. at Ravenscraig, !>:(. Murdocii lioad. Grey Lynn. Grace Kinncur, dearly beloved wire or William i'eninan. in her eighty-sixth year. Waiting for the Lord's return Service at the above address at l.:to p.m. on .-aturday, March funeral leaviiur immediately thereafter lor llillsboro' , Cemetery. TONGE.—On March 4, at Howick (suddenly), F.dward Joseph Tonuc. i beloved husband of Annie Tonge. father I of F.dward Tonge; age 66 years. At ' rest. Funeral will leave the residence j or his son, Edward Tonge, 19, Buchanan Street, Uleninore, at 11 a.m. to-morrow I t Saturday), for Waikumete Cemetery. I
Auckland Star, Volume LXVIII, Issue 54, 5 March 1937, Page 1
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