ACCIDENT ON FARM. ELECTION CANDIDATE. MR. ROBERT BOYD RUSSELL. (By Telegraph—Own Correspondent.) WHANG ARE I, tliis day. Tho accidental discharge of a rifle resulted in the death of Mr. Robert Boyd Russell, the National Government candidate for tho Bay of Islands seat, at his farm at Waima Hill, about six miles from Rawene, yesterday. His body was found lying beside a fence late last night. Tho worrying of sheep on his property at Waima had been a cause of concern to Mr. Russell for some months past, and yesterday ho drove out from his homo at Rawene to tho farm, taking a rifle with him. Leaving his car at the gate lie proceeded to walk over the property. Neighbours noticing tho ciir still standing at the gate at nightfall becamo uneasy, find instituted an unsuccessful search. Tho Hokiianga Hospital Board, which was in session at Rawene, was informed of Mr. Russell's disappearance, and nembers immediately adjourned their deliberations in order to join in tho search. Lanterns and otliei lights were used to assist in a thorough combing of the property, and at 10.45 p.m. tho worst fears of the searchers wero realised. Fatal Wound in Head. Mr. Russell's body was found beside a fence, which ho had apparently been in {lie act of climbing when the gun lie was carrying discharged, inflicting a fatal head wound. Mr. Russell was one of the best known and most highly regarded men in the North. Although a comparatively young man—he was only 49 years of age—] ie had already made his mark. He possessed a dynamic personality and a flair for organisation, and was regarded as a coming lender. Born at Lawrence, Otago, he took up farming in the North 22 years ago. In 1020 he became associated with the Hokianga County Council and for five years was county chairman. For 15 years he was a member of the Hokianga Hospital Board, being chairman for part of that time.
In 1027 the Hokianga county decided to reorganise tho county administration, and Mr. Russell was appointed county manager, a position of which he made a great success, and which he occupied at the time of his death. He carried out ambitious roading, reclamation and settlement schemes. Work on Public Bodies. Mr. Russell had been a member of the No. 1 District Highways Board since its inception, and was chairman of the Hokianga Unemployment Committee. He was also a member of the Maori Land Settlement Board. His selection as National Government candidate for the Bay of Islands seat was unanimously decided upon, and his original and practical outlook upon the problems of the day caused him to be recognised as a strong political aspirant. During the past three weeks ho had been travelling in the southern portion of the constituency, making contact with tho electors.
Mr. Russell is survived by his wife and two daughters.
An inquest will be opened at Rawene to-day.
Auckland Star, Volume LXVI, Issue 238, 8 October 1935, Page 11
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