MR. EDWARD BARTLEY. „ MR EDWARD BARTLEY. One of the most highly esteemed old residents, Mr Edward Bartley, the well known architect, died in his sleep last night in the eighty-first year of his life. He had been failing in health for the last few weeks, but was in the city yesterday, and appeared in excellent spirits on retiring last evening. About five o'clock this morning his wife found her husband had died peacefully in his sleep. A medical certificate gives the cause of death as syncope. Mr Bartley arrived with his brother in the ship Joseph Fletcher in the year 1854. The dray dropped them on the mainland, at the foot of Shortland Street, just about the entry to the Victoria Arcade. As carpenters and joiners were in request at that time the brothers were soon employed; but, there j being no timber mills, it was a new experience for them to have to plane,! tongue, and groove flooring boards by' hand. It may also be of interest for the workers of to-day- to know that in "the good old times" the hours of labour were from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mr Bartley was one of the first to move in the direction of an eight hours' day in Auckland, which was finally adopted, and j spread throughout Australasia. During the Waikato war Mr Bartley was engaged in building military training stables'", which occupied the whole of the •Symonds Street frontage from Grafton Road to St. Paul's Church. He also helped to build the stores for Fort Britomart, and was working on the construe- j' tion huts for the soldiers in Albert Park! where the barracks were situated, also the Mt. Eden Gaol-. He .was at one time orderly-sergeant in the ,No. 5 Militia, but after a few. weeks' at the front was sent back to work on the . military buildings. As far back as 1862 llr Bartley was foreman for Mr E. J. Matthews for the erection of the first church of St. Paul's at Emily Place, and later was partner with Mr S. H. Matthews in the building trade. Mr Bartley has been over 36 years a member of the Devonport School Committee, and is a strong advocate of free, secular, and compulsory education. He was also one of the ten gentlemen who in 1895 founded in Auckland the Technical School, but prior to that he had been conducting evening classes in connection with the Devonport school for architectural drawing. He was also one of the sixteen gentlemen who founded the Auckland Society of Arts in 1809, and has been a member ever since, for many years being hon. treasurer at the time of his death. As far back as 1856 he joined the Auckland Choral Society. He was also one of the gentlemen who formed the Orpheus Glee Club in the early days of Auckland. The other members were the late Mr J. Henderson, the late Mr W. R. Skinner, Mr James Howden, and Mr Henry Brett. Mr Bartley is survived by his widow, j whom he married in 1839," three sons.j Messrs Arthur, Alfred, and Albert Bart-i , ley, also three daughters, Mesdames' j Frank Mason, W. Allen, and W. Coates. I j The interment takes place to-morrow lat the Cemetery, O'Neill's Point. 1 I I
Auckland Star, Volume L, Issue 126, 28 May 1919, Page 5
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