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SHOT IN THE NECK. STORY OF THE TRAGEDY A WIDESPREAD PLOT. PAN-SERViAN AGITATORS. RESENTMENT AGAINST ANNEXATION. MANY ARRESTS MADE. (By Cable. —Press Association. —Copyright.) (Received 10.10 a.m.) VIENNA, June 29. Latest details of tbu assassination of the Archduke Franc w Ferdinand show that while the Archduke and his wife were motoring from the Sarajevo liarracks to the Town Hall they stopped out- i side the Girls" High fxuool. They bad! iust re.-t.irtcd when the bomb thrown by ;i compositor named (Jubrinovic >'.mi'k the back of tin- «-;ir. falling behind it, ami exploding under the se»-oml car. conuiinincr the Archduke's fiiil<;. Colonel Mprisscu, or.c of the i>ccuponts, was wounileil in the. neck. THE FIRST FAILURE. Th" An-:idukv -topnrd hi-: oar. On learning \\,•■.:<. had happened, ho pro- ? M- Tbe pair reci.ed a frr.-nl. o-a-lion. The enthu-hisiu evoked alon'j !lie road becnus* , of Ihe escape from assassination quickly -prrai! among the as--embied cr'inu. When tho nun*o:nasieT began lii- address, tin- Ar-Miikc sharply interrupted, and said in :< loud voice: "We i-tiuio to vi.-it you. and you throw bombs at 11.-. l*> is infamoii-: ii is mi umaziu.i; indignity. ' Then lie said, alter ii. pnu.-e. ".Now you may spo^L."' 'flu' Archduke, 1 ,, tho, iii-knTTwlc«l t !:inl the l"yal demonstration* nl tin- populace, .Irs. nbnrr them us. mi expvcs«i<ra <jf j'ty at the failure of 1 in , .-iiti mpt. Although Staled, the Rnyol p-.iir lost no linn , in driving n> tin- hospital, wlien Prinzip eonsirainuiicd liis crinu , . Gavrillo Priii/.ip ii a Sorb, born ni GraJiovo. lie studied for some time in Belgrade. When interrogated, ho declared that for a Jon;: tiinn ho had intended to kill foinf eminent personage from Nationalist malives. FIRED AT CLOSE RANGE. The shots were liml when tin: car w»a slackening in order to turn inui Franz •lose: Street. A< the Hui-hess was in ilie car. iir hesitated for a moment. und , '.ii.n quickly lired two .-hot-, lie denies having a.ny accomplices. He .<tood at the corn-r of street, with his hand in bis pocket. He wa_- able to lire at i-I'Ve range, iming to the narrowness of the thoroughfiire. The tirst hullet struck ihe Duchess on the rii'iii .-ide <>t the bcv.iv. The i.«ad stniel: liie Archduke in the throat. Ihe l)iiciic-s fainted, and fell acro-s her husband'- knee.-. The Ar.hdukc vm I'pndiTtiil um-on.-ciou-. Doth were innveyeil in the Konak (Royal I'al.wo). '.mi had meanwhile nuecunilietl. TJi. , two criminals were almo-t lynched. The niidicas collapsed njpiinsl her hus-1 hand, and he thought she had fainted. ) The Archduke exchanged a few words with her in :i low voice. When the Covernor of Bosnia, who was in the isir, tiirneil from givin:* in-trne-liona lf> the chauffeur, the Arehriuke was ;-till upright, but. his open mouth was full of blood. Count Harraeli stood on the footboard nf tin , ear having the Town Hall in order to prnte.-t tire Archduke from fuiI tlicr attacks. VICTIMS BLEED TO DEATH. The Archduke chaffed Count Harraeh. Wh-n tlie allots ucie tired the tir.-t went lietwevn the Royal pair. All cv aminutiou revealed that tlie Archduke's windpipe was torn, while tlie DuelwM had a large vein in the abdomen severed. lioth bled to death. Troops wen: called out to quell ontiServian deinonstratnm=. Martial law has hern proclaimed. Gahrinovii: was expelled from Sarajevo two years a?o. but returned on the intnrvontinn uf a Sorialu-t member of the Diet. A number of Servian students, when they beard the news, exc-.iaimcd: "Thank God. we do not Ti'eed t.r. do it ourselve?." All vere arrested a- neeorapliees. It if ~tated that the bombr: were manufactured in a Servian jrm faetorr. (Jabrinovic declared that lie revived i ibe bomb from anarchist* in Relsrado. and that h-e did not. km>w their names. He also denied t'l-.i-t he had any nr-eom-pliees;. After throwing the l»ml>. he jumped into the river, but. m.- quk'klv arrraff cd. ANARCHIST ASSASSINS. f;.ibrinovie formerly an anarchist. liPeentiy he had been employed in i lie Servian State printing works, lie returned to Sarajevo a nionlih ajro. The semi-official aix-ount reoeiv<v! in 'v'ionna stated t.!iat the AreJiduke warded off the bomb with his arm. Liter report." show thut Prinzip threw .1 liomi) which did not explode. "inieTi he lired three time.-. The tirst. shot hit the Arcidake's n«k. the =wnd hi-- leg. and thf third the Duchess' .side. The victim* on arriving at the Covernor".- residence were pa=t all hirman aid. Tliey irwivinl the .oaeramem. Th« Aroliduke ex pired a few mimit'«; aJ'ter his consort. The tragedy is de=fTil)"d a- the work of a few <eitmd.-. (-finif eirale.-s attribute tie a.-.-;i£siua-iiinn to ajritators. The I .Vrchiliike i-ii.s iorewa.rae-d of damrer t<> :be aatioipawd from Sarajevo, wbei-" politioal arrftit? have been mad? ■itirinjr the pist few day?. A WIDESPREAD CONSPIRACY. TTiongli the pri.-oners declare that they had no acsajmpliws. yet ritrceriui arrests ha.vp bf.en made, and the authorities h»!ieve that a widt.-pread coespiracr exi-ti?d. The. Emperor .To?* f worked all last, evening, and received many ofiicials oi the G-jvernmgnt.
• I AM SPARED NOTHING." , When the new.- wo.s broken to the i fcnrperor. a man of many tragic sorrows, j he became deadly pale, and murmured. "I am spared nothing.' . The Archduke diaries Francis Joseph, the deceased Areiidukc's nephev. nmv the lK'ir-Qpparent, is a promising young I prince. ' " \ The Bosnian Diet, passed a resolution nf sympathy and loyalty to Uie throne. All the deputies were dressed in black, exi-ept four of the Servian Opposition, who were wearing their ordinary clothes. Their attitude aroused their colleagues'' uidignation. A DISREGARDED WARNING. It is reported that in view of the Pan-Servian agitation in Bosnia efforts were made to persuade the An hihike to rolimpii-sii his visit. The Servian Minister in Vienna ofScially warnetl the Aiistro-Jlungarian (."overnmertt of the existence of plots against the Archduke* life. Several new.spajier- emph,ii-ise the fact that the Archduke had lat'erly inspired growing , con/idenve among the Aiisirn-Hunjrarians. ina.=.imi«h as he ap-pror.i-hed the gre-at questions of the day with an open mind, and with many "I the stronger ])oliti<a.l feelings modified. Telegrams from all parts of tho em|)ire report widespread liorror ami JSTIof, coupled everywhere -\\-itli .spontaneous dcuionstrn.tiorLj of loyalty. Both the d-efcperadOQK belong to the Ser-b orthodox faith. T?tey piay«l a j leading part in the anti-Austriau "agitatiun. The indications are tlirtt reveirf iwents in the Balkan* have rekindled in the Serb Chauvinism resenunent against the a.nnexa.iinn of Bosmia by the Austrian Ijnpire as a serious blow to the i-ause. nf (irraitr Sjrvia. The .surprise in \ienna. at the tragedy i- all the more pronouncfd inasmuch a< the Archduke WH.S regarded a- favouring tin- formation of a uranarvhy iim-on™ t!ie Soatbcru Siav.-. making a third on an wjuaJity witii Austria and Hungary, [lis <:onsr,rt. moreover, .belonged to a Slav family. Kins' George has commanded Court mourninp for a week. His Majesty has Rent to the Austrian Court expressions of hi- deepest .sympathy. A boy was arrested at Sarajevo to-day f.i- throwing a bomb in the street, injuring a .Moslem. Many Servian shops have been looted at Potion*.
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Auckland Star, Volume XLV, Issue 154, 30 June 1914, Page 5
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1,168DEAD ARCHDUKE Auckland Star, Volume XLV, Issue 154, 30 June 1914, Page 5
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DEAD ARCHDUKE Auckland Star, Volume XLV, Issue 154, 30 June 1914, Page 5
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