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BTJGBY. ! '<unri>y w* a red letter day r" S ' t ntball his Excellency Lord lsling-f'i-S,, his patronage for the lirst '?" S W S appointment to the UoilßC Theweather was splendid and f°?• f in »oad order, but the game t £i *"»* and JWI, which *„ the honoured position on Iso. 1 n ,nd did not produce a high-class exP ' nfWby. Not that it was not Kffl interesting, but taken *' 'Ivlo d it could not be described as 'j °l'he forwards of both teams f'Uto reach a very high standard, and gee ed a lack of dash about then'J fn the open, while the serum work WZxsu ragged in the extreme. There •"."""t »«di to choose between the W ViaTas the advantage, if my, being 1 f> Sty. »nd they had slightly the i-t of it till the last quarter, when the { „„« took the upper haud, and at fSh were getting all over the stuthe°b!u eS , having a StontW margin of points in h e ,r r r were satisfied to take matters ..rU if 3 ° the y were taking a var '.fiorwith the least bit of luck Tar■l'would have snatched the game curt nil ire However, there is no doumt ; 1 better team won; in fact, their score ■ v hve been much larger had all j fnportunities that mmc their way f. taken The handling of the ball by f i,d nW tacks was at times chockC'S?t if" no uncommon sight to 'the ball thrown at a wing three- , lrter'B feet or elae over hi* head, fin in the centre, was a great oftenKd although his individual efforts % really good, he seems to have lost I »r» of TOSsini, and as a consequence - £g?Bufrerei: Parnell's backs wen, ?burdened with opportun.ties,

SU was Plainly due to the weakness fts « ie inside flve - ei " hth ' who la Whole lot of points below senior 5,W Of the time th ß maroons 7 o defend hard, and this they did i& 11,. the blot being the tackling, S l-as very ordinary Theywere Hicapped to some extent by the lo.s f Twiwrae after the first spell. Of tlie individual players Schofield at Ml buck is something of a conundTU/n. Lives tlie impression that he is going to let •Wβ side dewn badly, then the uneMfii happens, and he gets out of He difficulty with flying colours His kicking "is his Biirqng point, and there wltw, if any, better in Auckland. The threequarter lino was, as men' lioned : above, somewhat disorganised by Wilson's faulty handling. The latter at times was first-class on his pwn, but Hdly neglected his wings , 'Macky ani. GediW Both lads got in pomp fine work from tlie few chances they got, and both'are strong determined runners y-ith good scoring ability.

" Flveei"liths, Gray and Dr. Barrie were bolli nippy, aid handled the ball in good ijyic. pt'tersen at half got through an immM amount of \vqrk, his stopping being a feature, while he got the ball. pwiiv pfcMy find cleanly. ■\Vitos played his usual dashing game, end the fbpWrds wer.e a very even lot, Tlie VBtcTiin.B. ifcJDiuT was in the thick of it ftrougli'out, and held the serunj solidly. 1 ?ho«ld imagine, however, that g jjtfcje Jiiore iveight from some of the esfuiinners ivpuld be greatly to his liking. " qix'M Darnell aide Hedge at full back nos fair; Hogan was the best of the three-(umrtera, : but Cameron shows proBljse. Hβ ])as a lot, of dash, and with a Ijt more experience should make a good. tl|reeqii.arter. TwftW m S was P la y in S w el? till Us rotijeinerit.

Harflivicke at fjve.elghtli was hamr perod somewhat by Clarke, but would be much more iiseful to his sjde at centre tlireequarter. His strong kicking waa t!(0 outstanding feature of his play, and IU two goals were splendid efforts. Dioiiias at half was a tpwer of strengtii to l)is aide with his defensive >york. The City-Grafton game full of. movement, 'but it was not in any ex(jtrag. In the early stages it looked p 11 Grafton were going to malce a big fid for a will, hut after City had got in a ecore tljeir opponents played without dash, This was particularly noticeable in the play of the 'backs, whose efforts at tackling were miserably weak. Trie tivafton forwards he.ld their own TVfilJ throughout, though at times therp Tji3 4 gu3pkion of loafing. This certain(7 dpee not apply to Swains-on, O'Brien, .and Glcpn. iSwainson was very energetic from end tp end of the game, and did a great deal of spoiling work. In tlie loose P'Prien was prominent all the time, While Glenn worked hard, in the ruck.

Graftpn appears to be working on 9. erstem of playing «, spare five-eighth each week at The system Vorked fairly ■Wβ!! the previous week, jrtien Ca-seley gave a very fair exhibition, but on Saturday Marshall was not at all •t hpine ip the last line of defence. rae importance of having a full-back wo knows t]ie position thoroughly is Tirely realised efficiently by the or"Hory .nm of match cpmmittees. It is just about i,he most ticklish and trying Position on the field. Wrtfgrarnm made his appearance as «re three-quarter, but was put out «! action 'by \ bruised shoulder before M got an ppportimity to show his fitness m m new position. Wojfgramm's ml place on the wing was occupied by *?K;Stephen's College hay, Tangipo, Wfifl was given very little opportunity °< demonstrating his prowess. Whatm came -hig way, however, was undervf "1 workmanlike fashion. Candy W.a turn at outside five-eighth, rfc ™ mto the very common error of betif *? m Portion of running across S ~t the H]l [mcl s0 s ettin s the line ■ " r - ee " ( l uarter ß jammed on «ie side-

itai'f ? ty team waa 110t "P to its ; 2' strength, several of iv strong i MMiV n 3iuk k " lve - -Notwithstond ■ p m ? , the pack more than held their ■ not ti! l "° |oose work < thou S h st w * s W " ear Lhe clo-io of the game that Z, S n luueh of the b - ul from the br !?' , r lKe ' T i' )er > lind had the W$ the .h,,rd work, but takon all ™y tlie forwards played a hard geand there were no S i ffn .s of shirking. Peculiar lh i ng about ' tho city backs » Mat they have n kmick of illuminat»g a spell of very dull, third-rate play "•Jr. an unexpected dazzle of brilliant \Mm A more in-and-out exhibition LrV at tl,e y P ve on Saturday could q a V' l>? found, yet they came off. ■ p e reason for their success (apart, of ~ UT SC, from the poor tackling' of the JWitjon) was tliat they have plenty k Wi confidence and are not afraid to J reverse passing. Against the ordin0f lAucliland club teams at preiMQUpIe of wellTJudged reverse _ Wee usually leave the, man fte

ball with, a clear rim In, and once in a lot of times the City 'backs manage to secure that scoring position. The remedy (for the other team) i solid tackling, because fche essence of success in the reverse-pass system lies in quick backing up by the backs who haven't gq-t the 'ball, and where the tackling takes man for man there isn't any spare maa left to >ba,ok up, Meantime, there is a danger that City will improve and out out their periods of poor play, so thjit unless tile other teams buck up right now the reds will be the champions of tlie season qu'fc of sight next play day. Ohlson, a junior, performed well at full-back for City against Grafton. He has a good idea of when to go out to meet the attack and when to stand 'his ground and await events. The opposition could not find a crack in the sturdy lad's defence. Barclay and X- Magee were chiefly the disturbing element against Graftqn, with Stewart occasionally agitating the colours by reason of' periodic corkscrew flutters up the field. Barclay frequently beat his man and Magee could always 'be relied on to 'be on hand for the expected out-pass, ready to give Stewart'a fly. There were times, however; when -Magee and Barclay had misunderstandings, which enabled the Qrafton forwards to smother the attack. Excepting that the defeat of Ponsonby by Manst Brothers was a surprise to most people, little need be said regard, ing the actual play. With several vacancies filled by juniors, last year's champions evidently regarded their chances o. pulling oft' a victory somewhat remote and entered into the contest in that spirit. The result was that Mar-st Uros. registered a win after an encounter devoid of anything approaching good football. Both teams -were a bit leisurely and half-hearted in their movements, and there was hardly an incident of special note. Murray, seconded by O'Leary, carried the burdens of the Ponsonby team almost completely. Lyttle, j. O'Brien, and Ctrrran were prominent amongst the winners' backs, and Herring and Dennehy amongst the forwards. Mr. H. Frost has been appointed to act as referee in the North Island, v. Auckland match on Saturday next. The bulk of the North Island team arrive in Auckland by the Main Trunk expTess tomorrow morning, the Hawke's Bay con- > tingent arriving by the Monowai later in the day. Mr. Avery accompanies the team as manager. In the team published to represent Auckland, owing to an error, B. O'Brien was included in the list of emergencies instead of J. O'Brien, the Marist Bros.' full back. The team selected by Mr, Gallaher to represent Auckland against the North Island on Saturday is a fairly strong one, and they should give a good account of themselves. In all departments there are several left out, who are little, if any, inferior to those choßen, and a team probably a"s strong a.s that picked could be gathered together from those left out. A visit to the city shed last evening revealed a disgraceful state of affairs in connection with the training pE the team, which requires remedying at once. When the men stripped it was found that there Were eight of the chosen fifteen and one emergency present, those in attendance being Hall, Harper, Power, Gray, Stewart, Bruce, O'Leary, Barrett and O'Brien, while Wilson, another emergency, was present but did not strip. There was not an official of the union present, nor anyone jin chaTge of the men, and the training 1 indulged in was anything but satisfactory. As far as the backs are ooncerned 1 they could train away from the shed. In faefc, in the writer's opinion, short fast spurts on turf are preferable to running round a shed. The forwards, however, nre in a different position, and it is essential that they should go together as often as possible for serum work, but last, night, out of the chosen eight, including the wing, only three rolled up. Jf 3. player is hpnourea Ijy being selected for his province, he should do his duty as a player by attending the training" shed when requested. As far as the Rugby Unipp is concerned it should take steps tp see that someone in. authority is prespnt at the training hall, and what seems, nobody's business at present ehould Jje. made gpmebpdy's business. When tlje team is chosen a captain should also be apppinted, and if it is not convenient for the selector to be present, then the skipper could decide on the position of the tgam. . A permanent trainer should be engaged for fche season, and then probably some system of training would be adopted. At present the position is simply farejeal, and the sooner an alteration is made the better sfor Auckland football. Arrangements have now been completed by the New Zealand Rugby Union for the tour of the North and South Island country The North Island team comprises the following: — Horowhenua: N. Winiata (back), W. Winiata (forward). Manawatu: O'Connor (back), Carroll (forward), Wairarapa; N. McKenzie (back), P. Barry, A. Pesmpnd (forwards. Bush Districts; H. Mested (back), Gordon Smith (forward). South Auckland: S. Parby, N. Morgan, Lennard (backs). Poverty Bay? Miller (back), Winter find Thompson (forwards). Bay of Plenty: Montgomery (bade), Dougall (forward). Hawke's Bay: Downing, Mitchell, Maxtin (forwards). Mr. J. D. Avery will accompany the team as manager. The team will play Auckland on July 29; leave Auckland for New Plymouth by boat on Sunday, July 30; plaj Taranaki Union at New Plymouth on Thursday, August 3; Jeave for Wanganui Qn Friday morning; play Wanganui on August 5; leave for Wellington on Monday morning, August 7; play Wellington on August 9; play South Island team on Saturday, August 12; depart for home on Monday, August 14. The Sou Lh Island team is as follows: — Nelson: Trussing, F. Hunter (backs), Smith, Best (forwards). Buller: C. Green, J. Hansby (backs), J. Nolan, J Tannahill, R. Todd (forwards). West Coast: E. Irving, J. Christie, Church (bucks) A, Brown, Richards (forwards). Barlborough: J. O'Brien, C. Manning (backs), J. McDonald, R. Forbes, G Forbes, R. Sheridan (forwards). Mr. S F. Wilson goes as manager. The players will assemble at Christchureh on Tuesday, August 1; play Canterbury- Union on Thursday, August 3; leave for Dunedin on Friday morning, August 4; play the Otago Union on August 5; leave £01 Invereargill on Monday, August 7; plnj Southland Union on Wednesday, August 9; leave by first express for Christcliurcl on Thursday, August 10, catching tht steampr that night for Wejlington, an<i play the NortJ* bland team %t WelliJig ton Qn gaiujdWi Awgmt 19,

IfOKTHEmi UNION It was a great pity Newton were not able to raise a 'full "team against Eden on Saturday) becaiise there was very little satisfaction in beating' a team three men short. And then there is little doubt that the game would have been a very strenupusly-epntested. one had the team been at full strength. Aβ it was, Newton put up a very fair fight, and although they never were at all 'brilliant, yet their defence was stubborn and game to the end. Eden's play was pretty consistent, and some of this bouts of passing were distinctly good. Kinnealy was very prominent throughout the match, and he was always in thp thick of the contest.

Nest Saturday's match at North Shore, between the Auckland representative team and a team selected from the members of the League team which returned from Sydney on Sunday, is sure to t>e a fast and exciting game. The League representatives gained much useful experience in Australia, although they did not succeed in covering themselves with glory. Their combination should 'be about perfect in Saturday's match, and it is in that particular that they should secure the pull over the 'Auckland team. However, the latter team appears strong in all departments, and the men chosen have shown marked improvement since the beginning of the season. Jt will need a team stronger than the Dominion representative's were before they left New Zealand to secure a victory over the home men. Should the weather keep line a good attendance will no doubt cheer the players.

Tlie Takapuna ground on Saturday last was in a wretched state, and it is to be hoped that the rain keeps off and gives it a chance to dry before next Saturday. Better things are in store in the near future, however.

The Ponson'by-North Shore match on Saturday was a very exciting and close contest, but as regards an exhibition of football it was disappointing. The ground naturally kept the men from showing any brilliancy, but both sides showed a desire to leave as many points unguarded as possible. Shore's game was the bfist, and it was only on account of faulty defence on occasions that they were beaten. The greater portion ojf the attack was done by them, and Ponsonby were never sure of their position. The Ponsonby team ihas been going off steadily lately, and unless they show some improvement the final match between City and themselves, granting thesse two teams keep in the lead for the competition, will be an easy win for City, Who are playing with fine combination the last few weeks.

Club matches in the senior grade are off for the next two weeks. Next Saturday Auckland meets the New Zealand representatives at North Shore, and on the following Saturday at Victoria Park the first challenge match for the Northern TJjiion Cup, presented by the English Rugby League, will bo played, when Wellington representatives meet Auckland. The most prominent forward on Shore's side on Saturday was Waters;, and Tiis inclusion in the Auckland team to play next Saturday was warranted by the exhibition he gave last week. Griffjn, in the same team, played a good game, and the Shore's quota to the forward division of the representative team will prove of invaluable assistance. With the exception of Jackson and Gladding, Shore's back division in their Inst match was not playing at all well. Throughput, the game was a forward one, ' ' ■ - Bptli teams played several Junior players, and Xiiversidge, a spcond tirade man, who filled the position of full-back for Ponsouby. showed great promise. The following table shows the positions of the teams in the Lower Waikato League competitions:^-^

qji. P. W. L.. D. rta. Ng&ruawahia 5 3 2 — 8 •Hiintlr 5 3 H — 2 ilvonrakora , : 4 2 2 £5 JL'NIOB. GRA.IDB. Huntly .5 2 1 2 S Nguruawahfa A .. 4 'A — 1 Si Isgiiimawaliin B ... 5 — 4 1 * ASSOCIATION.

The local body has decided that in future all registrations must be in b> 8 o'clock on Tuesday evening, otherwise they will not be accepted. Everton Club have been granted permission to play Henderson on Saturday next at Henderson. This should be the meana of encouraging the game in the northern districts. It has been decided that in future all teams playing an unregistered player will lose two championship points. All junior playei'3 will regret to hear the loss sustained by Mr. Winks, of the, Brotnerhood team, in the death of his father. He has the sincere sympathy of all players in his sad lose. Owing to the keen interest which will eventuate in the match betvveen Ponsonby and North Shoro at North Shore on Saturday next, the local body hap appointed Messrs, Koge and Harvey of the locp.l executive to act as line umpires. Mr. Classen been appointed referee for the fixture. All olubs holding shields and eirps are requested to hand them in by Tuesday ljext, so th|it they can be attended to in the way of having shields and winners engraved on them.

Tlie question of entertaining the Wellington Boys' Representatives has been left in the liawls of Messrs. lUuncoe, Adair, and Turley, who will report tbeir efforts to the local body.

It is pleasing to notu that refereee in last Saturday matches strictly enforced tHe law in regard to rough p}ay. On one or two occasions glimpses of rough play occurred 1 and the offenders penalised and sautioned. It behoves all those who see fit to go lin for this class of tactics to desist, otherwise they might be compelled to "toe the mark," The attendance each week, at Eden Park is very gratifying, showing conclusively that the game is having thu attention of all those who like a scientific game. Never in the history of Association football has such a number of the fair sex been seen as is witnessed cadi week at Eden Park. The Boys' Representative team will bo a strong one, and the selectors are havin<* the best material in the Fourth Division tried 30 that the best will be picked. Several changes have been made on last Saturday's selection, 'whfch will give the selectors ap opportunity to pick a strong elevqp. Owing to the complaints of pilfering! going on at Eden Park, players are ; warned not to leave valuables or money in their clothes. If players have valuables it would be much to their interest ! to see that they are given to a friend to i'hold for gafc keeping. ! The St.. John's-M*- Albert match will be played ■ on Saturday. This match decide the Third JMvi» , si on ChAinpionship. ' A Wednesday afternoon team been formed at Huntly. This "team had a match with the Htintly Saturday teap i on Wednesday last,' tie ending jn I a draw, neitiief eida aepriag. As no town oluft Sue yet eeea fit to, jwrney \o

play tUe. Htthtly (gaturday) Club, it behovep spmpl clvi) to jqirrney to play that gs, they )|aye on t/yyo ■occasions journeyed to town and met the local eleven. The local body have decided not to grant permission to any town team to play any country clutf until the country team has affiliated with the local association. As Huntly Club is the only country club affiliated with the local ■body it behoves those clubs who intend to journey further ijfield to take notice of this fact. The Huntly "boys" have •proved sports to the backbone, and therefore we think they ought to be shown some appreciation 'by the town clubs. All delegates are requested to be in attendance at the Sports Club to-morrow evening, as business of some importance will be discussed. The cjuestion of sending a Fourth Division representative team to Wellington after the Wellington-Auckland njatch has been played has been decided op locally. A reply from Wellington Association is daily expected by Mr. Smithyman, the local secretary.

The following table will show at a glance the positions of the various teams in the fifth grade:—

i 1 £ I a ti '% I I 1 ?, £ A R © O S y.M.C.A. "A" .... 8 7 — 1 82 i 15 Nprtheote 7 6 1— 30 10 1U Mouut Eden 8 6 2— 25 11 12 Etlendnle 7 5 l> — 26 6 10 North Snore 7421 35 G 0 Church of Christ.. 8 3 3 2 7 16 S ■Kpmuera 7 !i 4— 4 0 G Beresforrt 7 2 4 1 10 10 fi Tabernacle 7 2 4 1 VJt 12 f> V.M.C.A. "B -, .... 7 1 4 2 6 M) 4 Hovers f> 1 4 1 4 13 3 St. Heller's <" — ". — H fi — ■St. .lames' 7 — 7 — 3 33 — •St. Luke's 7— 7— — 36 —

Matches for Saturdax. 2Mb Inst.: - FIRST DIVISION. Nortli Shore t. Poßsonby, at North Sl»ore; M.V Oliissen. Caledoulfin t. Corinthian, No. 1, Eden Park; Mr Speed. Carltou v. W.Y.M.1., No. 2 Eden Park; Mr Tngart. Evcrton v. Henderson, at .Henderson. SECOND DIVISION. North Shore v. V.M.C.A., at Victoria Park; Mr McDonald. St. John's v. Biotherliood B, at Domain; Mr Richardson. ■Hotspur v. Corinthian, No. 4 Eden Park (2 to 3 p.m.); Mr Lucas. Tabernacle T. Gordon, No. 3 Eden Park (2 to 8 p.m.); iMr Jarrett. Brotherhood A a bye. THIRD DIVISION.

St. John's v. Mount Albert, No. 3 Eden Park: Mr Duns£ord. Tabernuclo v. North Shore, at Nortb. Shore; Mr Whltfleld.

FOVRTII DIVISION. Possible v. Probable, No. 4 Eden Tart; referee Mr Cash. FIFTH DIVISION. Edendale v. Northcote, No. 1 Eflen Park (1 to 2); Mr R. Gitaore. Church of Christ v. Y.JI.C.A. "A," No. 2 Eden Pask (1 to 2); Mr E. Blincoe. Rovers v. BercelorU, No. 3 Edeu Park (1 to 2); Mr Cliai'teris. St. Lukp's v, St. James', No. 4 Eden Park (1 to 2); Mr Bennett. Tnbernacle v. Monnt Eden, No. 1 Eden Park 02 to 3): Air Cndwallader. V.M.C.A. "B" v. St. Holler's, No. 3 Eden Park (2 to 3); Mr Atkinson. .North Shore r. Ileniuera, at Shore (2 to 3)i Mr Webster.

rOt'IITH GRADE TRIAL GAME. rossiWe Team (Shore colours).—Crombie, Kent, Aloktn, Wyuyurd. Benuett, Douglas. .Stewart. (Taarteris, GUrnore, •Meriiorsoi), lTowler. Probable Team (Gordon colours).— Champtaloup Cox Newconibe, Henderson. Stewart, Bucid, •Gardiner, Palce, WUliama, Parker, Mncdoujrall.

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Auckland Star, Volume XLII, Issue 176, 26 July 1911, Page 7

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FOOTBALL. Auckland Star, Volume XLII, Issue 176, 26 July 1911, Page 7

FOOTBALL. Auckland Star, Volume XLII, Issue 176, 26 July 1911, Page 7