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KOYAL ASCOT. iFrom Our Special Correspondent.) LONDON, June 17. Fine weather makes tine birds ipaidon the liberty uiteu wiiu a well worn iidityi-J at "Uojii. Ascot," uud U3 the mo ruing ol vie uuy oi mis umuui Lubeuujj euvf vi a vivo .sty tut: day iouy, cue Uuies wuu one accord donued their uiniliitsc and gayest I rocks, uuu tuei.most bcwitciiliitf lun.luery. Ho tlie lloyul enclosure at Aicol ioriucd a beautiful pauoiuuta of grace , aim cuiour, a parade 01 exijuibiie aruuce, and uutoid weaUh. Tue jviujj with his giacious consort, tilt' frince ol' Walts brought bis charniiiij; lady, and tlie great aaiuis oi society, Nvii.ii lhe lords, mustered iv great strength, such uu asseuiuiy ol rank and lusniim cuu only be seen at Ascot ou a line day. but it U not lor mc to deal wuu Aseo'/o social side; lor these notes tlie racing is tlie mutton, so have ut it! Iv the opcuing event, the Trial Stakes of £G2O, run over a shore mile, tue Duke ot Westminster's smart colt Grey i'luuie. i 3yrs, 7.4, easily defeated a tie:d of u-u, I aud so Justified his position as first favourite at 11 to & aguiust. cut iv im* race, the ""Gold Vase" oi UldO, weight for I age, mil over two miles, Mi S. 15. Joel s Baehe.or's Button, uyrs, 9.8, upset a couple of better fancied candidates In Hands Down, Byrs, 7.5, and Uauiiueikop. 4yra, 9.4; and tlie Coventry ytakes ot iilbOO, lor two year olds, run over nearly six furlongs, also proved a pitfall for backers. On foim Mr Fcntou's Vedas ' should have been abe to account for tue I six animals in opposition, uud tile holders seemed to bt? erriujj ou the side of geuerosity wlieu they offered 11 to 10 against the colt. Tue reason no doubt was the favourable reports made concerning Lord Kosetiery's Cicero, the winner of the Woodcote Stakes at Epsom. This son of Cyileue ana Gas was the only other auiiual bucked. 0 to 4 being the best price on oft'ei at lias fail. Backers were nor far out Iv selecting these two, for after running a couple of furlougs Vedas assumed command, only, however, to resign to Cicero In the next hundred yards. Lord Kosebery's colt gradually drew away from the favouiite, aud won by a couple of lengths Irom Vedas, the latter being three lengths Ahead of the rest of the field. For the race of the day, the Ascot Stakes of £1940, iuu over two miles, no less than 22 runners sported silk. Naturally, with such a collection f!j pick and choose from, backers were much divided, aud after some heavy speculation, no les3 than ten animals started at odds between 100 to 12 and 100 to 7, nominal favouritism resting with Sandboy. 4yrs, 7.9, at 100 to 12. The most fancied goods, however, were right out of it, when It came to racing, for after a fast inn to the distance, Mr Miller's Merry Andrew (Xury—Merryfoot), uyvs, 7.U, which started at 20 to 1, drew out and won by ha.f a length from Hire Gold, oyre, 6.8, the rest of the field being beaten off. The winner's time was 3.22 2-5, which beat by close on 12secs. the pievlous record for the rate. The next event of importance was the Prince of Wales's Stakes, one mile Hve furlongs, of £1875, for three-year-olds, for . which a Held of ten went to the post: i Backers declared on the Duke of Westminster's Rydal Head (St. Friisquin - Uydal), 8.3, being well content to tauo 6 to 4 about the colt. Their confidem-i , was well founded, for before half th<> Journey was covered, the favourite emne to the head of affairs and though vlgoi - ously chal'enged by Admiral Breeee, 8.13 he won easily enough by a couple of lengths, the third home being the Kings horse Ohafu worth, which finished four lengths away. On the morrow the piece de-resistance of a "fat" card wag the Royal nunt Cup of £2620, decided over seven furlongs 166 yards. Aa usual there >was "citry heavy speculation over this race, but of the 25. runners, Mr L. Brassey's Wild Oats, 4yrs, 8.2, at 5 to 1. Robert le Dlable. Jtyrs. 9.0, at 9 to 1, Kilglnss. nnd Mr Keswlck's Csnrdas, a son of Ladas nnd Polkn, syrs, 7.5. carried the main weight of money. Othere well supported were Cossack and Nlphetos, but the rest were backab'e at nil prices from 20 to 100 to 1. Including the Hungarian, horse Hnznfi. syrs. 5.2, Which Hgured among the 40 to 1 chances. ConHidpi Ing the size of the Held, hackers w»re
an .!?u e aU ta front of the outsider Hazafl with the favourite beaten half a length for second honours, aud "ltobert l e liiaW a neck behind fourth, cud Cossack a«d Nipuetos close up next. A race which uy reason of Pretty Polly's appearance therein created uearly as much - ti'^sf.t 3 tne U t ? nt CUl> was r "« coronation btakes. a mile event worth £30u(i for three-yt-ar-old nines. Major Lodei- 8 superb inaie cankd the c.vtreuc penalty, and was presenting from a stone to 211b to each of her nine opponents. Vet backers were tent _to lay v to 1 on the chances of Oallinule s flyiug daughter, wiw rewarded their faith iv her by eautering Ucine three leugtha ahead of eveiything. As in all her previous 11 essuys,MaJor Loder's filly never ieemed to be exertiug herself, anu apparently had Lave so willed it she could nave won by the length of Fleet street Tlie Ascot Derby for tiiree-year-old colts WO ,« th » £1120 ' aud IUU over a mile and ahalf, fell to the Duke of Portland s Darlev Dale (St. Simon—isniay), which, starting favourite at 5 to 4, easily beat the Kings colt, Chutsworth, and four others in the Fern alii Stakes of £t»0, "five furlongs, Mr P. Gilpius Oeiuunay (foitunio— Pel), a stable companion of Pretty Polly squandered a field of 10, including the speedy Sentry and liass Rock, and the same stable supplied the winner of the 5-!i;d Triennial & Lukes of £730, for two-year-olds, iv Mr Neumann's Petit Blue (Eager—- Letterewe). Yesterday's racing provided one of those "turn-ups" for which Ascot is notxuious. ...amely, the defeat of /4infaudel and tjceptre by a handicap hoise —aud not reckoued in the first nii.'-ht at that—from which tliey were both "in receipt of weight. This was in the Gold (-Up o[ £3280, rur. over L'j miles .it we: ht lor use. There were only four runners, and o:i lh« stren;;ta uf iiis pn-vious d-f.-at of Ziniaudii t-iyrs, Usti'staitwl favourite at ij to 4 on, Sceptre (syrs, 9.1) bt.iug second in demand at 7 to 4; whilst tens were luid iiEsinst the French horse Maximum 11. (yyrs, 9.4), which won the Gold Cup last year; audi 0 to 1 was ou offer aguiust Mr Alexander's TUrowaway (Rightaway—Theale), Oyrs, 9.4. C'auuon and Madden on Zinfaudel and Sceptre respectively were watching each other, and allowed Lane on Throwaway to steal a lead of half n dozen lengths aud hold that advantage till until nearly two miles had been covered. They had been going at a slow pace, and when Throwaway was challen"ed bu had enough left in him to stall off the challenge of both Sceptre and Zlnfandei and win by a length from the colt, the mare, faltering close home, being relegated to third place. Madden and Cannon no doubt felt very sick at the result, as did the backers of their mounts, which arc undoul.tediy from 141b to 211b better iv a true run race than Throwaway. Another piece of bad luck" for backers occurred iv the previous race, which had been reduced to a match between Cossack and Orchid. The former was a red-hot favourite, backers being quite eajrrr to lay 4 to 1 on its chance. It won easily, but an objection was laid on the score of "wrong weight, and the race awarded to Orchid! The rich New Stakes of £IP-12. for two-year-olds introduced racegoers to Mr L. Neumann's colt Llanjiibby (Wildflower— Concussion), wMeh cleared out a field of 10 In hollow fiishion, and ls evidently the best two-year-old we have seen out so far this season. In the St. James's Palace Stakes of £21",o. for three-year-olds, Mr S. Darling's Chai-It-nrer (lslnjrlass- Meddlesome) - pave a three lengths' beating to Rydal Head and Cudes. both o? whom are, like the winner, St. Leeer candidates. The meeting at Hurst Park on Saturday suffered by reason of its close proximity to Ascot, but a really sumptuous bill of fare was provided for its patrons, no less than three races worth £1000 or therenbouts figuring In the programme. The first of these was the Foul Plate of £1133 for twoyea r-olds. which brought out a field of 13 youngsters, and was won by Captain Orr Ewiujr's Thrush, an unfashionably bred colt by Missel Thrush out of Chemistry, which made every yard of the running and won by a clear length from Lord Durham's Orator, with Sir James Miller's Amitie third. For the Victoria Stakes Handicap of £li:-! 4. decided over a mile and a quarter, no less than 16 runners mustered at the post, backers were all together out of their reckoning iv this event, for the favourite. Jolly Bird, wns beaten out of a piucc. and a 100 to S chance in Sir W. Ingram's Cottager (tiyrs, 7.13), a son of Common and Marguerite 11.. ran home n clever winner a length and a-half ahead of the well-backed St. Emllion (4yrs, 8 ("•). with a 10 to 1 chance. Alderman (-lyrs, 7.7), a good third. Iv the Duchess of York Plate of £979. for throp-yenr-olrts, also decided over a •mile and a quarter, the favourite, Chanter, -likewise let down his backers through colliding with the rails, and Lord Penrhyn's well-backed Peroration (Persimmon —Pannoiiia) had no difficulty in winning by three leiif-'ths from Antonio, with the Duke of Portland's The Scribe third a couple of lengths off. Possibly Englishmen have reason to be grateful to M. Edmond P.lanc for deciding to allow his Derby chance to rest upon one horse, and for selecting Gouvernant as tho better of his pair of Plying Fox's sons. Had he shipped his so-called "second strlne," Ajax. it is fjuite likely that he would have taken our most coveted racing prize back to France with him. In the Grand Prix de Paris—a race worth £10.904—dpclded over a mile and seven fnrloni's, last Sunday. M. Mane ran both his colts, and JAjax won easily, his staMe companion being releratcd to fourth place mnny len-ths behind. The winner has now won £10,001) in two outlncp, and during his brief career lias credited M. Hlanc with £2?.<)0O. Ajax has nn enjrngement iv the St. Le;?er, whlcb Is run over the same lentrth course ns the Grand Prix, and ns he evldent!v stays well. It ls quite probable ttint he will lie sent to England to give , battle to St. Amant and the flying Pretty Polly.
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Auckland Star, Volume XXXV, Issue 178, 27 July 1904, Page 6
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1,840ENGLISH RACING. Auckland Star, Volume XXXV, Issue 178, 27 July 1904, Page 6
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ENGLISH RACING. Auckland Star, Volume XXXV, Issue 178, 27 July 1904, Page 6
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