The Herald Wednesday, March 13th, 1946. ANSWER TO CORRESPONDENT
"^Motorist"—lt is admitted that the main road to Fruitlands is not in good order. We understand, however, that a P-W.D. grader is now employed doing necessary repairs In fairness to the authorities, it is due to them to state, that owing to a depleted plant, occasioned by wear and tear and the difficulty in obtaining parts, it has been impossible to keep the roads in anything like the pre-war state. St. Aidan's Church The service at St. Aidan's on Sunday next will be held at 7 p.m. Evensong. Presbyterian Church Services will be held next Sunday as follows: St. Enoch's, Alexandra, 11 a.m.; Earnscleugh (Communion) 3 p.m. The morning service at St. Enoch's will be conducted by Sister Elizabeth Campbell, who will also conduct a Children's Teaching Mission each afternoon after school next week. At the evening service Miss Ruth Fawcett, organising secretary for the Otago Bible Society, will speaks 1946. " : ;j Hospital Board' The monthly meeting of the Vincent Hospital Board is to be held at Clyde on Wednesday next, March 20th. Situations Vacant ■) The JDjunstan Hospital urgently requires the services of a first-cook, a housemaid, a laundress and a porter.
Rating on Unimproved Value The ratepayers of, Alexandra, by a substantial majprity, declared at the poll on Friday last, that they favoured rating on Unimproved :i Values. The voting was—for the proposal 150; against 93; leaving a majority of 57. In a previous poll, 34 years ago, ratepayers rejected a similar proposition by the narrow margin of four votes. Sale at Chatto Creek The Central Otago Commission Agency advertises in this issue a sale of furniture, etc., at the Chatto Creek Hotel, on Friday week, 22nd March. Family Benefit Our readers will be interested to learn that family benefits will be payable at the Post Office on the 11th of each month, as from March, Golf Club The Annual Meeting of the Alexandra Golf Club is called for Wednesday, 20th March, at 8 p.m. and will be held in the Band Room. St. Patrick's Night Dance A social and dance will be held in St. Gerard's Hall on St. Patrick's Night, March 15th. Good music and a good supper are assured. Welcome Home at Earnscleugh A Welcome Home Social is to be held in the Earnscleugh Hall on Thursday evening, March 14th, (tomorrow). McNamara's Band will supply the music. Football The Clyde Football Club has been resuscitated, with Mr Ray Reeves as president and S. Heenan as secretary. A senior team is to be entered in the local competition, and as there are 26 prospective players, the Club's prospects are bright. , Fruit Traffic Orchardists have had a busy time harvesting and despatching fruit, no less than 120 tons being forwarded from the local station last week. Raglan Seat The final figures in the Raglan Byelection, increased the majority of Mr H- Johnstone, National Candidate, from 194 to 308 votes. anmassmmmmmßm \mmmumusm .
The Herald Wednesday, March 13th, 1946. ANSWER TO CORRESPONDENT
Alexandra Herald and Central Otago Gazette, 13 March 1946, Page 4
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